"Decision" magazine focuses on Zongyang: treat the enterprise as a "own child" and provide "pro-mother-like" services!

2021/10/0919:50:04 finance 1234

"Decision" magazine

is the comprehensive monthly magazine of the Anhui Provincial People's Government

is the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China

the important public opinion position of the Provincial People's Government

September 30, "Decision-making" "The magazine published a report "Take the company as a "my own child" and provide "pro-mother-like" services! Why does a county in Anhui do this? 》

Let us take a look

In the past few days, the signing ceremony of the project in Zongyang County, Anhui Province has been frequently held: July 20th, CNBM Southern Cement; August 4th, China Construction One Bureau ; August 6th, Conch New Materials; August 10th, Kung Fu Animation...

Zongyang Economic Development Zone, project construction is in full swing: The 2.1 billion Jinyu aluminum-based new material standardized plant starts construction , Guanghua Aluminum-based new materials with an investment of 1.05 billion yuan started construction, and Sagong's new home improvement high-end intelligent manufacturing with an investment of 2.5 billion yuan was smoothly promoted... New momentum for the development of Zongyang's modern industry. Standing at the new starting point of the "14th Five-Year Plan", Zongyang puts industrial development in a more prominent position, fully integrates into the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, promotes the high-quality development of the county economy, and strives to achieve a corner in the new round of county economic catch-up. Tao transcends.

Zongyang style

"aluminum" road + "green" road

In the production workshop of Zongyang Jinyu Metal Materials Co., Ltd., a heavy aluminum ingot was precision machined Processing can be transformed into aluminum foil with a thickness of only 0.01 mm. "Thin as a cicada's wings" aluminum foil is the first-class production technology and technological content of Jinyu Metal in the industry.

Currently,Jinyu Metal has reached an annual production capacity of 300,000 tons of air-conditioning aluminum foil and power battery aluminum foil. Among them, the air-conditioning aluminum foil is supplied by Midea , Gree and other companies, and its market share ranks among the top in the country.

In 2020, Jinyu Metal will seize the opportunity of the booming development of new energy vehicles, extend the industrial chain, build Jinyu aluminum-based new material industrial park, enter the field of aluminum foil for electric vehicle power batteries, and further enhance product competitiveness and market share. It is estimated that after reaching production capacity, the new capacity will increase by 190,000 tons per year, and the output value will be 5 billion.

Relying on the leading position of Jinyu Metals, Zongyang took five years to go out of the new "aluminum" path of industrial development, and gathered 22 upstream and downstream aluminum products enterprises to form a complete aluminum product industrial chain, which can produce various aluminum-based new products annually. 600,000 tons of material processing products, and 10,000 tons of aluminum paste series products. In 2020, aluminum-based new materials will achieve an output value of more than 3 billion yuan.

With the completion and commissioning of the aluminum-based new material industrial parks in Jinyu, Guanghua, and the Economic Development Zone, which will fully undertake the aluminum-based upstream and downstream enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta, Zongyang will build a national aluminum-based new material highland during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

Because of the good development foundation, fast speed, and high quality of the aluminum-based new material industry, Zongyang was selected as a county-level characteristic industrial cluster (base) in Anhui Province and was approved as a major emerging industry project for high-performance aluminum-based new materials. Behind the industrial clusters comes from Zongyang's layout of county development.

County revitalization, first of all look at the industry, especially the transformation of Zongyang from a large agricultural county to a strong industrial county, which requires strong industrial support. When the Zongyang County Party Committee and Government captured the potential and driving ability of the development of aluminum-based new materials, they acted quickly and successively inspected advanced areas and cities for the development of aluminum-based new materials, issued industrial development plans and supporting policies, and formulated industrial development construction schedules and route maps. , Activating the driving force for the development of the aluminum-based new material industry and shaping the landmark of local industrial development.

at the same time that is pioneering the "aluminum" path,Zongyang also based on its resource advantages, by attracting the leading enterprise Tongling Wanhua Hexiang Sheet Industry Co., Ltd., walked out another "green" road, and created the second cornerstone of the dual-primary industry.

In 2017, the construction of the Zongyang Wanhua Straw Comprehensive Utilization Ecological Industrial Park with an investment of 1 billion yuan was started in Hengbu Industrial Park, which opened the curtain for the development of Zongyang's green home intelligent manufacturing industry. Following in the footsteps of Wanhua Company, Oudini Custom Home Furnishing and Litai Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. settled in Zongyang in 2019, living next to Wanhua Company. The scale of the green home intelligent manufacturing industry is beginning to appear, and the output value will be 404 million in 2020. Yuan.

While expanding the dual-primary industries, the two traditional industries of auto parts and textiles and garments have been upgraded through hardware and software upgrades, and together with the dual-primary industries, they will jointly impact the "four tens of billions" development goal.

At the same time, focusing on the country's new infrastructure and local resource endowments, high-end equipment manufacturing, electronic information, health and cultural tourism and other strategic emerging industries with high technological content and great growth potential have also "rooted". Under the joint action of government planning and the efforts of enterprises, the modern industrial system supported by multiple points is accumulating the surging momentum of Zongyang's high-quality development.

Aluminum-based new materials industry

"combined punch"

The project is the foundation of industrial development. In 2020, Zongyang County will receive 8.13 billion yuan of funds in place outside the province of more than 100 million yuan, an increase of 21.7%, and the introduction of new billion yuan 81 projects above RMB yuan. Since 2021, 20 new projects with a value of more than 100 million yuan have been signed, with a total investment of nearly 4 billion yuan, and a number of promising projects such as new green building materials and lithium battery PACK bases have landed. The landing of these good and big projects lies in Zongyang's "combination punch" for investment promotion.

First of all, find the correct positioning of the project. revolves around the “2+4+X” industrial layout,Zongyang established 7 key industrial chain investment promotion groups to implement the "chain length system" of the industrial chain. Each industrial chain has 1-2 county leaders as the chain length , formulate an investment map, find out according to the map, and make every effort to build, supplement, strengthen, and stabilize the chain.

Secondly, focus on the strategic direction and make precise efforts. Relying on its location advantages, Zongyang formulated the development strategy of "Dongrong North Union" , deeply participated in the development of Tongling Riverside, actively Unicom Hefei metropolitan area, fully integrated into the Yangtze River Delta, actively joined the Yangtze River Delta industrial division of labor cooperation system, Vigorously undertake the transfer of emerging industries in the Yangtze River Delta.

On the one hand, actively go out. The investment promotion team went deep into Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and conducted door-to-door investment and point-to-point investment. It is worth mentioning that Zongyang has made full use of its network resources and established the Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Investment Promotion Office in the Wuxi Research Institute of Huazhong University of Science and Technology through the “matchmaking” of Zongyang academician Dinghan, which is more deeply integrated into the company. Triangle. One month after the establishment of the office, Hefei Mingzun Precision Technology Co., Ltd. signed a contract to land, and then through the business invitation, it docked with its downstream enterprise, Suzhou Chuanfu Precision Machinery Co., Ltd., and signed an agreement of intent.

On the other hand, through "please come in" to achieve a win-win situation. In July 2021, the Zongyang County Government and Jiangyin Municipal Government, Zongyang Economic Development Zone and Jiangyin Lingang Economic Development Zone signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement respectively to plan a series of in-depth cooperation around the industrial layout of both parties.

Once again, do a good job in platform construction and build a nest to attract the phoenix. Economic Development Zone is the main front of industrial development. Adhering to the principle of gathering resources, policies, and industries in the park, Zongyang decentralizes and authorizes as much as possible to realize the "business park office in the park" ,Effectively stimulate the development vitality of the park. Through the introduction of strategic partners, the overall development, construction and operation of the park, continuous improvement of infrastructure construction, optimization of production and living service facilities, and enhancement of the park's functions and appearance.

Finally, innovate investment promotion methods to improve quality and efficiency. Zongyang Give full play to the logic of the market and the power of capital. , in cooperation with Beijing Haibei Group in 2019, established the first market-oriented industrial fund in Anhui Province that is directly invested by the county. The fund has invested a total of 6.2 billion yuan in direct investment funds in the initial, mid- and long-term fields to make equity investments in science and technology companies in the field of intelligent manufacturing. , Beijing Zhuoshi Zhitong Technology Co., Ltd., three enterprises are all set up in Zongyang Economic Development Zone.

The green smart home industry in Zongyang County is growing. The picture shows the off-line ceremony of and .

"Cong Satisfaction"

"Nowadays,'nanny-style' services are being implemented everywhere, but Zongyang County treats enterprises as "own children" and provides services called'mother-style' , for Enterprise development solves the worries of the future." Said Dai Qinghong, deputy general manager of Wanhua Company.

Since 2017, in order to ensure the completion of the Wanhua project, Zongyang has made a lot of effort to set up a special class for Wanhua project construction services to participate in the whole process to ensure the rapid progress of the project. After Wanhua was put into production, the concern has not diminished. Recently, the company is applying for central budget funds, and the economic development zone is responsible for the whole process, so that the company can produce with peace of mind.

The service case of Wanhua is a microcosm of Zongyang County's creation of a "Cong Satisfied" business environment brand. For Zongyang, the advantages of policies, resources, and location are not obvious, and it is more necessary to rely on the soft power of the business environment to retain the company.

regards the business environment as an important factor in escorting economic development,Zongyang first creates a sense of service of "respecting businessmen". In 2021, the first countywide meeting held in Zongyang was the mobilization meeting for optimizing the business environment. 13 entrepreneur representatives were invited to the podium and stood in the "C" position to express their determination to respect entrepreneurs and attach importance to economic development. .

In addition to "respecting businessmen", "Cong Satisfaction" is also committed to improving the service quality of "businessmen" and "business-friendly" service attitudes. In order to solve the difficulties and pain points of investment projects, preferential policies, approval time limits, etc., Zongyang County proposed the “ten major moves” of the business environment and posted them next to the elevators on each floor of the county government building.

Going to the wall is not the goal, the heart is the key. Whether it’s the in-depth reform of “four get one service” and “run once at most”, or the iteratively upgraded “one-stop full-cycle” service, which is completed within a limited time, and promises to start operations, Zongyang continues to optimize the business environment and serve the development of the company. Practice.

In addition to "routine operations", Zongyang has fully benchmarked the "Yangtze River Delta" and self-improved. is the first to implement a "no" upgrade management system in the province, and is responsive to enterprises. In the Zongyang County Government Affairs Service Hall, each window is placed with a striking "Say Yes, not No" reminder.

Dare to innovate and take responsibility is also an important part of "satisfaction". In order to lower the entry barriers for enterprises, Zongyang formulated a tolerant and prudent law enforcement list, listing 74 tolerance acceptance items, clarifying the tolerable materials, tolerance time limit and subsequent supplementary methods. At the same time, for minor violations of the law, a list of 222 non-penalties has been issued, which integrates management into services and allows companies to feel warm services.

With the continuous deepening of "embedded" services, "Cong Satisfaction" has made enterprises "really satisfied", and Zongyang County has been rated as the top ten counties in the province's investment environment for two consecutive years. More importantly, in the process of serving the development of enterprises and shaping the new pattern of the industry, the ideological concepts and work styles of cadres in Zongyang have been fundamentally changed, and the clear guidance of "struggle" has been firmly established.The concept of not waiting for time and seeking development is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Quick, immediate, and joint efforts have become normal work. This change is the inexhaustible driving force that promotes the transformation and acceleration of Zongyang's industry.

This article comes from Decision Magazine.

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Editor in chief: Wang Changxue

Visual director: Wang Zhangzhi

Editor in charge: Wu Fucheng

Executive editor: Zhang Chao (internship)

Organizer: Zongyang Rong Media Center

Responsible unit: Propaganda Department of Zongyang County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China

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