In less than a year, he let the offline "dying" brand top the Tmall Hot List | 粤海风云㉖

2021/08/1623:45:05 finance 2087

CBO reporter Xu Xiuqi

After being confined to the offline consumer market, it has suffered a devastating blow due to the epidemic, and finally stumbling on the road to online transformation. Usher in the dawn of hope, occupy a place in the washing and care market.

Under the trend of consumption upgrade, consumer demand is transforming from basic care to meticulous care. Tmall Taobao consumption big data shows that in 2020, the growth rate of online scalp care consumption is about 1.7 times the growth rate of ordinary washing and care consumption, and "skin care" hair care may become a new vane in the future.

As early as 2016, Fan Daojing, the founder of Qianjia, had infinite reveries about this unknown field. After a lot of market research and went to the United States to learn mature scalp care product research and development technology, in 2018, Fan Daojing founded CINGA Qianjia, a brand that focuses on salon-level scalp care.

In less than a year, he let the offline

In less than a year, he let the offline

Xihu class Red Sea market ripped a crack. "


targeting scalp care segment new track

But offline channels are "not tepid"It's not "coming from the ground", but "coming prepared." Thanks to Fan Daojing's more than 20 years of work experience in the care industry, he has forward-looking insights into the future development trend of the care industry.

"At that time, the two hottest washing and care concepts on the market were silicone-free and fragrance, and they have formed a monopoly by industry giants. It is difficult to cut into the market from this perspective. It’s very big.” Fan Daojiing said, “But at that time I discovered an emerging field that has yet to be explored-scalp care. Due to the gap in the domestic market, consumers can only choose to buy scalp care products through overseas shopping agents. After some market research, I found that in foreign countries, both the growth rate and the penetration rate of scalp care products are much higher than that in China, and the research and development technology is also ahead of the domestic level."

, He went to New York, USA to investigate for a year, and cooperated with L'Onvie, a company with considerable experience in the field of scalp and hair research. Under the guidance of Geoffrey Hawkins, the former Estee Lauder vice president of scalp care research, Geoffrey Hawkins with 34 years of work experience A series of products that care for the healthy scalp of Asians. In 2018, the high-end scalp care brand-CINGA Qianjia was officially established.

In less than a year, he let the offline

However, the concept of adhering to the scalp care in the country is to continue the long process of scalp care and promote the impact in the country. Offline dealer channels are even more difficult.

Fan Daojing said: “If you want to educate consumers,You have to pass the first hurdle-educating dealers, let them recognize the product quality and philosophy, and then convey it to consumers. "However, many distributors at the time did not accept this concept, thinking that it was unnecessary to "make a big fuss" on the scalp. Such products have no market prospects.

2018 to 2019, consumer demand Qian Jia has been tepid and struggling to survive in such a situation. Gradually, Fan Daojiing realized that for a long time, he was stuck in the bottleneck period in the scalp care field, his brand performance was not good enough, and he could not find a suitable one. The breakthrough method.


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An epidemic in 2020 has worsened the already declining offline channels. After struggling offline for more than half a year, Qianjia finally decided to suspend offline market development and transform online.

To adapt to online channels, the product selling point must first meet the needs of young consumers.

"For start-ups like us, in strengthening consumer education, our influence is very limited, so we can only wait for some big brands to pay attention to scalp care. This market is for scalp care. After the demand for scalp becomes more widespread and universal, we will return to our business.” Fan Daojiing said that the road to scalp care is not easy. After switching to online channels, the brand decided to cut into the anti-off track first.

In less than a year, he let the offline

Span 1span is a very long process. "During the introduction of the new regulations for cosmetics filing, we have not been able to obtain special certificates for anti-dropping. After the introduction of the new regulations, the threshold for obtaining special certificates has become higher. It takes 250,000 to do three months of human testing." Fan Daojing believes, This has greatly increased costs and disrupted the original plan.

In less than a year, he let the offline

is finally on the shelves in the first half of 2021, and the products have been approved.

After less than a year of unremitting efforts, Qianjia has produced two explosive products-anti-dropping shampoo and scalp intensive care kit. At present, these two products have brought 90% of the brand's revenue. The monthly sales volume of anti-dropping shampoo has stabilized at 1.8w+ bottles, and the monthly sales are nearly 2 million yuan.In July of this year, it was also named TOP1 and TOP2 of anti-dropping shampoo on Tmall's weekly repair shampoo hot-selling list.

At present, Qianjia also plans to continue to improve and upgrade the original product formula, and successively launch hair care products such as hair conditioner, hair mask , hair care essential oil, etc., will "exquisite care" The concept of “Fa” is implemented to the end.



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Generally speaking, it is not easy for a brand that starts offline to successfully transform online channels. What has Qianjia done to achieve the breakthrough of e-commerce "from 0 to 1"?

In less than a year, he let the offline

This brand is very important to transform online e-commerce.

As a marketing "xiaobai", Fan Daojing just started to try to cooperate with KOL on Xiaohongshu, Weibo and other platforms to place a large number of advertisements. But the money went down, and it didn't arouse much splash.

Then, Fan Daojing turned to a more professional Zhihu platform, found expert experts to cooperate, and posted some anti-distraction science articles, which contained links to Qianjia’s Tmall store. Soon, Fan Daojiing found that many people clicked on the link, but very few people bought it, and the conversion rate was very low.

"I analyzed it carefully and concluded that, in fact, our site infrastructure was done too badly." Fan Daojing said, "So I started to concentrate on building a Tmall store, burning money, and increasing sales. Going up, and slowly discovering that the same article is still the same, the customer’s conversion rate has increased a lot.”

In less than a year, he let the offline

span p1p1, in addition to the recent releases on the platform OL Also emerging in the field of live broadcast. At present, Qianjia mainly operates official live broadcast rooms, Shigekura Tmall and Douyin two major platforms, the daily sales of Tmall live broadcast rooms can be stabilized at 100w+, and the Douyin live broadcast room has just started, and it can also achieve daily sales of 10w+.

"In fact, we have taken a lot of detours. By constantly summing up failed experiences and trying again,Now it's finally getting better. "Fan Daojiing said. In the future, Qianjia will continue to explore a set of sales models, focusing on Tmall, Douyin, and Zhihu, and choose to cooperate with some top anchors at the right time to continue to expand the brand's voice.

In less than a year, he let the offline

, of course, he has no chance to give up on the line but he has no chance to give up the future. You can feed back offline channels. He confidently said: “We have experience in doing offline, including dealer contacts, channel layout, price control, etc., and we can definitely do a good job. ”

I believe that at that time, Qianjia will not fight an unprepared battle.

Wang Yiyu


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