Dragon Escort: The escort, the dragon flanks the bodyguards, arches, surrounds, calls in front and supports behind, wraps around to protect and greet the person. It's like walking alone without any guards, only visiting temples, Buddhist and Taoist palaces. The guard should go to

Dragon Escort:

Escort, Dragon's folder, escort, escort, arching, surrounding, calling in front and supporting behind, wrapping around to escort and greet.

It’s like walking alone without any guards, only visiting temples, Buddhist and Taoist palaces.

The guard should go to the acupuncture point and wrap it around him heavily, or close the water inlet, or look at each other across the water, or follow the shadow of thousands of soldiers, all of which should be hugged multiple times.

The big dragon escort is also far away, and the small dragon escort is also close to the small one.

If a hole is cut at the place where the dragon is protected, it should also be wrapped and protected until there is a court call.

The dragon's escort is like the entourage we have when we travel, such as friends, subordinates, drivers, secretaries, bodyguards and the like.

From the escort situation of the dragon, we can see the quality and severity of the dragon.

If there is no escort dragon, it is only suitable for temples and Taoist temples.

The big dragon has a big escort, and the little dragon has a small escort.

Dragon escorts the mountains and can also form holes. But the escort mountain itself also needs other escort mountains and the Chaoying Mountain on the opposite side.

The back of the dragon:

The back of the dragon, there are feelings and ruthlessness. There is the back side of a great obstacle, the back side of a node, and the back side of a star.

The dragon's back is steep and the water is long. The wind blows the cliffs and the cliffs are cold, and the area is narrow and water cuts it.

The dragon face is wide and flat, the water is winding into the arms, the mountains are surrounded by water, the sand is wide and the water is slow.

The back and the standing position are naturally ruthless and not beautiful, and the and the front are naturally affectionate and beautiful.

" micro-discussions " said: "Secondly, there is no better way to look at your back. Those who face your back are indicative of their emotions. Geography is not far from things, and people's emotions and nature are different, and the way of facing away can be seen. Those who face towards me, There must be a desire to deal with each other. Those who turn their backs on me must appear to be disgusted and indifferent. Although it may be a pretense for a while, the true nature will naturally not be concealed."

The "back" mentioned here means "back".

The back of the dragon is like the face and back of a human being.

Clearly distinguishing the back and face of a dragon is the key to distinguishing the emotions of mountains and rivers.

In fact, not only dragons, but water also has a back and a face.

Generally speaking, the face of a dragon is relatively wide and flat, with wide sand and slow water. The dragon's back is steep and cut by wind and water.

There are generally no holes on the dragon's back, and the holes must be found on the dragon's face.

Examples of the difference between the dragon's back

The dragon's guest is the host:

The mountain of the cave is the main one, and the mountain of greeting is the guest. The host and guest should be in commensurate shape and affection. The main thing is to bully the guest, and the guest should welcome the host.

Be careful not to deceive the host when you are on the mountain. Love will go against you, the host and guest sympathize, and fight for the dragon and the master. If the subject and guest are the same, then watch the water to determine the subject and guest.

The distinction between dragon, guest and host has been discussed in the previous article.

generally requires that the subject and guest of the dragon should be clear, and the affection should be compatible.

If it seems that both sides are right, then it depends on which side the water is wrapped around, and the main dragon is on that side. The place that is flooded or washed away by water is Binlong.

Dragon Ghost Tribulation:

Dragon's Guoxia bundle of Qi is separated from the thin veins and the pulse Qi comes or goes, or is scattered or chaotic. If this is the case, the Dragon Qi is weak.

At the location where the Dragon Crosses the Gorge, if a long mountain range separates and drags it out, this situation is called the Dragon's Ghost Tribulation. This kind of dragon's energy is scattered and weak, so it should not be used.