The original meaning of escape is to escape, to escape, and its extended meaning is to hide and avoid. Looking at the vastness of the sky, the thickness of the earth, and the abundance of things, everything is inescapable. Therefore, a gentleman should not be careless in his cond

The original meaning of escape is to escape and escape, and its extended meaning is to hide and avoid. Escape is a verb. Connected with walking. You can walk, you can escape, you can go deep. Looking at the vastness of the sky, the thickness of the earth, and the abundance of things, everything is inescapable. If you escape into the empty door, your life will be empty. If you flee to the Sacraments, your actions will be brilliant. Therefore, a gentleman should not be careless in his conduct, so he should stay away from villains, avoid evil but be strict, and conduct himself well in the world.

Qian is the sky and Gen is the mountain. There are mountains in the world, and the mountains are high and the sky is retreating. The yin grows and the yang disappears, the villain gains power, the gentleman retreats, protects himself wisely, and waits for an opportunity to save the world. Yin energy represents the villain, and yang represents the gentleman. As the villain's power is increasing, the gentleman should retreat to protect himself. Where to retire to? You should take refuge in the mountains and forests. Most of the virtuous hermits in ancient times lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests. Now that he has retired, he will naturally not do much.

When we observe the crawling of small insects such as inchworms, we will find that when it moves forward, it always shrinks its body first, and then straightens its body. The way of civil and military affairs is relaxed and relaxed. People should also be like this. They need to retreat to a quiet place to accumulate strength, and then use it when their abilities reach a certain level. Retreating to seclusion is not an unprincipled passive escape from the world, but a kind of wisdom that uses retreat to advance.

1. Interpretation of the hexagrams of Tianshan Dun Gua:

Dun Gua is a superposition of different hexagrams, with the lower hexagram being Gen and the upper hexagram being Qian. Judging from the hexagrams, Qian is the sky and Gen is the mountain. There are mountains in the world, and the mountains are high and the sky is retreating. The yin grows and the yang disappears, the villain gains power, the gentleman retreats, protects himself wisely, and waits for the opportunity to save the sky. If you look at it from another angle, Gen is the lower hexagram, which means stillness, not retreat. Rather, it means that the situation is unfavorable and you should pay attention to restrain your words and deeds and get along well with others. Gen wanted to move forward after Qian Gua, but was blocked by the powerful Qian Gua. If he forced his way through at this time, he would definitely have to go through a fight, but Gen was no match for Qian and would obviously lose. Therefore, in order to preserve his strength, Gen temporarily stopped and adopted an evasive method.

The hexagram image of Dun Gua is Gen (mountain) below Gan (heaven), which represents the appearance of mountains in the world, symbolizing retreat. Because the sky is as high as the mountains are. It seems that the mountains are pressing against the sky and the sky is retreating step by step. However, no matter how the sky recedes, it always remains high above the mountains. A gentleman should keep a certain distance from villains and clearly define the boundaries between them with an attitude of arrogance and inviolability. In this way, a kind of majesty will naturally arise that can overwhelm villains.

" Shuowen " said: "Escape, move, also known as escape." "Guangya" said: "Escape, avoid." It can be seen that the original meaning of escape is to escape, escape, and its extended meaning is It means to hide and avoid. " Preface to Gua Zhuan" says: "Things cannot stay in their place for a long time, so they are accepted and escaped. Those who escape are retreated." This means that nothing will always stay in the same position without changing and developing. . This is like hitting someone with a fist. We always have to retract the fist first and then strike.

There are two types of retreat, one is physical retreat and the other is mental retreat. In some situations, you have to retreat to prosper. For example, on the battlefield, the enemy is powerful and we are at a disadvantage. Only by retreating can we protect ourselves and try to make a comeback. This is called strategic shift or tactical retreat. Sometimes it is inconvenient or impossible to retreat physically, so you have to retreat mentally. If evil spirits are rising in the office and villains are in power, but you cannot remove the villains, you can retreat at this time and avoid confrontation with them or collaborating with them. You can not only retain your place of survival but also maintain your independent personality. Wait for the changes to come and devise good strategies. .

2. The five elements and numerology rules of Tianshan Dun Gua:

The upper hexagram of Tianshan Dun Gua is Qian Gua, the five elements belong to gold; the lower hexagram Gen Gua, the five elements belong to earth. The two show a state in which the lower hexagram earth generates the upper hexagram metal, which is a state of consumption for the people of the lower hexagram.

Combined with the hexagrams, it is difficult to escape because it has reached a certain height. Whether it is hiding or making adjustments, it means temporarily losing something, but this is the destination of the great road, and it will have long-term consequences. interests, so we must learn how to escape at the right time.

The number of the upper hexagram Qian in the Tianshan Dun hexagram is 1, the number of the lower hexagram Gen is 7, and the upper hexagram sequence is 17.

3. Interpretation of the Tianshan Dun Gua:

Dun Gua: "Prosperity, small profit." The meaning of the

hexagram is: Prosperity, small things can be successful.

Dun Gua advocates a proactive way of survival for a gentleman in an environment where villains are growing in power. It emphasizes being kind and making advances and retreats at the right time. Temporary suspension or compromise is for future success. This state is beneficial to villains. Villains should seize the opportunity to return to the right path. If they do not repent, the consequences will be dangerous.

Dun Gua symbolizes retreat, emphasizing the need to retreat when it is time to retreat. This is in accordance with the timing of heaven, the path is prosperous, of great significance, and the principles are connected. In fact, the retreat symbolized by the "Dun" hexagram is a special stage in the development of things. Generally, people regard things that develop upward and forward as good luck, and things that move downward and backward are considered bad luck. This is not a comprehensive understanding of and easy to understand . If you move forward when you should, it is certainly a good sign. However, if you continue to advance blindly when you should retreat, you will be turning from good to bad, and you will bring yourself to blame. On the contrary, if you can follow the current and retreat bravely at this time, and follow the path of escape, you will turn bad luck into good fortune. Therefore, the hexagram is called "Heng", that is, retreat is paving the way for greater development in the future, thus opening the way to prosperity. 's door.

4. Interpretation of the lines of the Tianshan Dun Gua:

The lines of the Tianshan Dun Gua are as follows:

The sixth day of the sixth day: escape the tail, be sharp, do not use it to have a future,

Sixty-two: Use the leather of the scalper to hold on, Mo Zhisheng said.

Ninety-three: It is escape, there is speed and severity, the animal ministers and concubines are auspicious.

Ninety-four: Escape is good, a gentleman is good, a villain is not.

Ninth Five Years: Jia Dun, Zhen Ji.

Previous nine: is better than , with no disadvantages.

The vernacular explanation of the lines of the Tianshan Dun Gua is as follows:

"The sixth day of the sixth day: escape tail, sharp, don't use it, there is a future."

Translation: "The sixth line of the sixth day, the end of the escape, is dangerous, don't expect to be reused. , play an important role and should take action towards a certain goal." Li, dangerous. There is a way to go, and there is a way to go. Judging from the situation of the whole hexagram, the gentlemen representing the Yang Yao are retreating upward one by one, so the last remaining line (the first line) is the end of the retreat team. After the gentleman retreats, the remaining space is the territory of the villain. The position of the sixth yao refers to both the end of the hermit gentleman and the successful villain after being excluded. The line of speech is not for villains. The Book of Changes will not help the villain to do evil and guide the way for villains, but it reminds the gentleman to be decisive in his retreat. If he escapes too late, there will be danger.

An ancient saying goes: "If the end of a tree is too big, it will be broken, but if the tail is too big, it will not fall off." This means that if the end of a tree is too big, it will be broken by the wind, and if the tail of an animal is too big, it will not be able to swing freely. In this context, a gentleman cannot expect villains to have good intentions, cannot expect traitors and others to reuse you, and should not have any fantasies and actions to achieve grandiose goals, and must understand that he cannot hang himself from a tree, and cannot do nothing and do nothing. It is necessary to take action in a certain direction. The Yin Yao in the sixth day of the lunar month is in the Yang position. If it is not in the correct position, the strength will be weak. But corresponding to the Nine-Four Yao, you can get the care and support of the Nine-Four Yao.

"Sixty-two: Use oxhide to hold on to it, Mo Zhisheng said."

Translation: "Sixty-two, use a rope made of oxhide to tie it up. No one can untie it." Sheng, competent, were able. It means "taking off". Yellow is the most harmonious color and can be matched with any color, so it became the favorite color of ancient Chinese people. Ox hide is also the strongest, and cowhide ropes are the strongest for binding things. So what exactly is it used to bind? The explanation in this line is not clear, only the word "Zhi" is used instead. Because the Dun Gua talks about hiding, we can logically understand it as what it binds is the heart of hiding, which means that the heart of hiding must be firm, just like cowhide rope tied up. Don't move.Binding with cowhide rope is just an image to express the degree of determination, which shows that the ancients had a sense of humor. Sixty-two lines are in the middle position, is the Yin line, and is in the Yin position, so this line has the virtue of Zhongzheng. Sixty-two Yao corresponds to Ninety-five Yao, and the two can coordinate together.

"Jiu San: If you are tied to escape, there will be severe illness; animals, ministers and concubines are auspicious."

Translation: "Nine San Yao, if your heart is tied to the ground and you are living in seclusion, there is a risk of illness; it is better to support your servants, wives and concubines at home to gain good luck. "Tie, pull the hexagram, maintain the relationship. Illness, disease, is said to be fatigue. The 93rd line is the last line of the Gen hexagram. He is somewhat hesitant and reluctant to retire. Objectively, he cannot retreat and must do it. However, subjectively, he is unwilling and hesitant. He is exhausted both physically and mentally. Nowadays, the risk of contracting diseases continues to increase, or in other words, this ambivalence of wanting to go or stay is as hard to get rid of as the disease lingers on the body. The second half of the sentence is considered to be a humorous expression. Since this position is not guaranteed, let's stop wishful thinking. It is better to pack your luggage and go home to serve your wife!

Gen hexagram represents the younger son in the I Ching family. Jiu Sanyao is this younger son. He is young and inexperienced in worldly affairs. His mind is not mature enough. It is difficult to let go of his original fame, wealth and status, and his attitude and behavior of retiring are not decisive enough. Ninety-three Yao Yang Yao is in the Yang position and is in charge. It does not correspond to the upper nine Yao, and the two cannot be coordinated.

"Ninety-four: A good escape is good for a gentleman, but not for a villain."

Translation: "Good escape is auspicious for a gentleman, but it is obstructive for a villain." Good escape is relative to the relationship. As far as escape is concerned, there are too many factors that keep the relationship together, but Hao Dun handles it more properly. If you should give up, you will give up, if you need to leave, you will leave, and you will embark on the path of seclusion without worries and resolutely. . It is auspicious for a gentleman, because only a gentleman can do it; for a villain, this is a dead end, because a villain simply can't do it. Ninety-four Yao, the Yang Yao is in the Yin position, which is inappropriate and too strong. The ninety-fourth Yao corresponds to the Sixth Yao, and the two coordinate with each other.

"Nine Five Yao: Jia Dun, Zhenji."

Translation: "Nine Five Yao, Jiamei's seclusion, adhering to the right path, the result is auspicious." On the basis of good escape, Jia Dun is one step ahead. This kind of retreat does If it is done neatly and appropriately, the result will certainly be auspicious. The ninety-fifth line is the position of the king and the core line of the whole hexagram. The escape of this position can be understood as both the identity of the recluse and the degree of recluse. The former means that if a king who has been on the throne for a long time feels that the situation is over, it is better to give up the throne as soon as possible, and the result will be a happy ending. The latter means that the means of hiding in the world are extremely clever, skillful, full of wisdom, and able to escape unscathed and spend the rest of your life in peace. The key issue is to make correct judgments on the situation, make correct decisions quickly, and take correct actions in a timely manner. The 95th Yao Yang Yao is in the Yang Yao position and corresponds to the 62nd Yao. The two can cooperate and coordinate.

"Shangjiu: Fat escape, no disadvantages."

Translation: "Shangjiu Yao, escape calmly, nothing will bring disadvantages." Feitun, some people interpret it as flying escape, and Feitong is faked as "flying", There is some truth, but there is no basis for to pass as in the ancient Chinese dictionary. Fat, the closest meaning to this line is fatness and abundance, which can be extended to mean affluence and abundance. Therefore, it is more appropriate to translate it as "calm and escape", which can not only refer to the security of material life and wealth, but also show the celestial spirit and leisurely gentlemanly demeanor of the recluse.

According to the rules of the Book of Changes, the upper nine lines should be the lines where extreme things must turn against each other, and the dragon must regret. The result is usually bad, but this line is a good ending with "no disadvantages". This is because the escape hexagram talks about the way to escape from the world and avoid disaster. It is the way for the protagonist to protect himself in an emergency period when the surrounding environment is extremely dangerous. Being forced to hide is not a good thing. In other words, a bad thing will inevitably turn into the opposite. Naturally, it is Good things come after all the hardships, and good things come in time. The Yang Yao in the upper nine Yao is in the Yin position, which is inappropriate and full of strength. This is not harmful to people in adverse circumstances.The upper nine Yao and the Nine Third Yao do not correspond, and the two cannot coordinate with each other.

5. The management inspiration of Tianshan Dun Gua:

Dun Gua explains the principles of hiding and retreat. Extremely long-lasting conditions will inevitably cause turbulence, and the villain's power will take advantage of the turmoil to form and expand. Times of turmoil are often times of political corruption and legal chaos, which are detrimental to upright and pure gentlemen. As a gentleman, you should regard forbearance and retreat as a legitimate means of protecting yourself wisely, and wait for the most favorable opportunity before taking action. Here, as a gentleman, you should be aware and understand that when the time comes when the villain is the leader and the gentleman's Tao disappears, it is futile and useless to choose to fight and fight, and it can only cause harm to yourself. Therefore, in addition to firm belief in victory, adhering to strong and upright thoughts, and not collaborating with villains, when retreating, retreat, and when tolerating, endure, abandon everything, retreat bravely, without hesitation, without scruples, without hesitation, without nostalgia. , not attached to anything, or hiding in the secular world, or detached from the secular world, waiting for the opportunity to take active action.

Because those who know the current affairs are heroes. Only those who know how to advance and retreat, advance when they advance and retreat when they retreat, can they remain invincible forever. Because, in life, it is inevitable to encounter obstacles. When it is impossible to move forward, and in a difficult situation where only retreat can lead to success, one should decisively and plannedly organize a retreat from the battlefield of life in order to preserve and accumulate strength, and wait for the opportunity before turning to attack.

Life is like going on a battlefield, with advances and retreats. A gentleman should look at life strategically and not be discouraged by temporary failed retreats. It should be clearly understood that retreat and advancement are both indispensable components of life.

Retreating can save limited energy, give you the opportunity to appreciate the other side of life, and allow the power of life to be accumulated so that you can achieve greater development in the future. But we must also be good at summarizing the experience and lessons of failure and be determined to reform, so that we can make a comeback. The final victory is completely expected.

The ancients said: "A small hermit is a seclusion in the wild, a big hermit is a seclusion in the city." The former is a formal seclusion, and the latter is a spiritual seclusion. Therefore, seclusion is not a matter of the geographical location of the residence, but mainly a matter of psychological attitude towards life. Escaping from the world does not mean not eating the fireworks of the world, but it is also different from being weary of the world. Out of helplessness and self-protection considerations for the real society, they retreated from the rapids and escaped unscathed, living an otherworldly, peaceful and leisurely life.

In some eras, seclusion has become a way of life for celebrities. These hermits are not burdened by the world, not disturbed by fame and fortune, and not influenced by the powerful. Therefore, they focus their whole life on a certain cause, and thus work hard and make outstanding achievements in philosophy, religion, culture, art, science, etc. . The situation of Dun Gua shows that in ancient my country, some people with lofty ideals were very dissatisfied with the social life and social ecology at that time. They were not willing to join in the trend and follow the trend, nor were they willing to be ignorant and inactive. Therefore, they took seclusion as a unique way to stay away from the chaotic society and maintain a clean life. Methods, such as the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest" in the Three Kingdoms Cao Wei period Ji Kang, Ruan Ji, Shan Tao, Xiang Xiu, Liu Ling, Wang Rong and Ruan Xian, of Eastern Jin Dynasty , Tao Yuanming , etc.

"Southern History" records an example related to the "Tianshan Dun" hexagram. In the Liang Dynasty of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was a famous hermit named Ruan Xiaoxu. One day Zhang Youdao, who was proficient in Yi, saw Ruan Xiaoxu and said: "Your appearance is indeed the noble appearance of a hermit, but I don't know what you are like on the inside. , let me tell you a divination." So he made a divination and got the escape divination, the moving lines of which were the upper nine lines. So Zhang Youdao said to Ruan Xiaoxu: "You are indeed a real hermit."

The ancients often said that taking a step back will lead to a brighter future. Although you have the heart to save the world, if there is a villain stretching above or below you, you must retreat.Yuan Xiaoren is not running away, but keeping yourself pure and using your own virtue to keep a distance from him so that he cannot approach you. People are divided into groups and things are flocked together. Since he is not your kind, over time, he will "make other plans".

If you are surrounded by villains and cannot transcend the secular world and hide in the jungle like those hermits, and let the clouds pass by, you must persist in being correct, resolute, upright, and hide in the secular world.

It should be pointed out that this kind of retreat is not passive. Retreating is a kind of wisdom. When you should retreat, you should retreat. Don't compete with villains for the length of a day. Sticking to your own ideas and not collaborating with villains is fighting. Waiting patiently for the opportunity is also a struggle. It is pointless to actively fight and cause harm in vain.

But there is no need to break the rules. When you meet a villain, although you are wise, you are also helpless.

The yin grows and the yang disappears, the villain gains power, and the gentleman has to retreat.

The smoke is thick, the situation is over, and the heroes have to retreat.

Get rid of what you like and leave decisively. A wise man takes the initiative to retreat.

Retreat is a virtue and a kind of wisdom.

Dun Gua enlightens people that compromise is also a kind of wisdom. When your energy is weak, you must learn to retreat before advancing and wait for the opportunity. Don't expect too much in everything. Use adversity to rest and recharge, and wait until the time is right before taking action. Only then will you have a chance of success.

Life is long and it cannot always be smooth sailing. When you have bad luck and face difficulties, you might as well put aside the troubles of complicated things, take a good rest and recuperate. Retirement is not a permanent retreat, it is just a temporary rest and relaxation of the mood. It is not too late to face the challenge when the mind is clear, the strength is ready, and the time comes.

During the low period of life, you must learn to avoid and take things as they come. This is not avoidance and cowardice, but a kind of wisdom for survival. There is a poem describing a farmer's rice planting: "You are planting green rice in the field with your hands, and you can see the sky in the water when you lower your head. Only when the mind and body are pure is the Tao, and retreat is the way forward." However, many people always move forward desperately for fame and wealth. You strive for it, but you don’t know that there may be a cliff ahead, and you will be shattered if you fall; or it may be a wall, and you will be bruised and swollen if you hit it. If you know how to retreat in order to advance, turn around, and take a detour, you may have a wider space.

Ancient sayings such as "taking a step back will open up the world" and "putting a long line to catch the big fish" all reflect the great wisdom of taking retreat to make progress. So, how can you use this wisdom? First of all, we must firmly grasp the dialectical relationship between "retreat" and "advance", "loss" and "gain". "Retreat" does not mean to tolerate defeat without principle; "advance" does not mean to advance impetuously without thinking. We must keep in mind that there should be a bottom line when "retreating", and there should be restraint when "advancing". As for "bottom line" and "moderation", we need to flexibly judge and handle them according to different things. In the process of retreat, seize the opportunity and act decisively, and never be sloppy or indecisive. Therefore, the strategy of retreating to advance changes with the times and changes with the trend.

Of course, if you want to successfully adopt the strategy of "retreating to advance", you must be well prepared and have a good sense of proportion. Don't use it lightly if you are not very sure, otherwise it will be self-defeating and counterproductive. When you retreat, only if the other party takes actions that satisfy you according to your intentions, can your "retreat to advance" achieve the ultimate goal.

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