Many people place some objects at home to satisfy their own preferences and to reflect their own personality and taste. Some people hang illustrations on the wall, or put vases on the table filled with beautiful flowers. Some people will install a ladder bookshelf on the wall and

2024/05/2817:02:32 fengshui 1389

Many people place some objects at home, not only to satisfy their own preferences, but also to reflect their own personality and taste.

Some people hang illustrations on the wall, or put vases on the table filled with beautiful flowers.

Some people will install a ladder bookshelf on the wall and pick up a book to read in their spare time. It is both beautiful and practical.

Some people believe more in Feng Shui and will ask masters to come to their homes to check their fortune, and place things in appropriate places that can enhance their fortune and dispel bad luck.

The editor below will introduce to you some common Feng Shui ornaments. If you happen to feel that you have not been lucky recently, you can see which one is more suitable for you.


Gourd is the oldest crop in the world and the most original mascot.

A 7,000-year-old gourd was discovered at the Hemudu site in Yuyao, Zhejiang.

The image of gourds appears frequently in artistic works spanning thousands of years.

Many people place some objects at home to satisfy their own preferences and to reflect their own personality and taste. Some people hang illustrations on the wall, or put vases on the table filled with beautiful flowers. Some people will install a ladder bookshelf on the wall and - DayDayNews

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The Lahu people also have an important festival related to gourds - the Gourd Festival.

The Gourd Festival is held every year on the 15th day of the tenth lunar month. The Lahu people will place a pair of gourds in the center of the singing and dancing venue to symbolize their ancestors, expressing that they will always respect their ancestors and never forget them.

The meaning of the gourd

The gourd symbolizes perfection, many children and good fortune. It can make people healthy and live longer, attract wealth and ward off evil spirits.

1. People are prosperous

There are many seeds inside the gourd; it is also called Pu Lu, which is homophonic with "Fu Lu".

Its branches and stems are called vines, which are homophones for "all generations" and have the auspicious meaning of prosperity and descendants for generations.

Many people place some objects at home to satisfy their own preferences and to reflect their own personality and taste. Some people hang illustrations on the wall, or put vases on the table filled with beautiful flowers. Some people will install a ladder bookshelf on the wall and - DayDayNews

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2. Lucky and blessed

The calabash mouth has a small belly and a big belly. It has the function of receiving blessings and can bring peace and happiness to its owner.

The sound of gourd is similar to "Fulu" and "Hulu". It has a small entrance and a large belly, which seems to be able to absorb gold, silver and jewelry.

Hanging the gourd on the financial position can play a role in keeping wealth and bringing good fortune.

There is a folk saying: "When a big gourd presses on the window sill, gold and silver will come rolling in."

The gourd can be placed on the table, or hung on the door or wall of the zodiac's financial position.

Many people place some objects at home to satisfy their own preferences and to reflect their own personality and taste. Some people hang illustrations on the wall, or put vases on the table filled with beautiful flowers. Some people will install a ladder bookshelf on the wall and - DayDayNews

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3. Bring evil spirits to the house

Because the gourd mouth has a big belly, it can absorb the evil spirits of all things, and it can absorb bad luck whether placed or worn.

Placing the gourd on the bedside table or in front of the door can dispel evil spirits and attract good luck.

4. Prolong life

In ancient times, people used gourds as containers, such as to hold pills and wine.

Gourds have auspicious meanings of dispelling disasters, bringing blessings and ensuring peace. Placing some gourd ornaments at home can promote physical and mental health.

Many people place some objects at home to satisfy their own preferences and to reflect their own personality and taste. Some people hang illustrations on the wall, or put vases on the table filled with beautiful flowers. Some people will install a ladder bookshelf on the wall and - DayDayNews

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Dragon Turtle

Some friends asked: The dragon is a dragon, the turtle is a turtle, why is there a dragon turtle?

Dragon turtle is actually a Feng Shui ornament with a dragon head and turtle body.

The dragon turtle is a kind of auspicious animal, with the shape of a dragon head and a turtle body.

There are four auspicious spirits in Feng Shui: dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and turtle. The dragon turtle is a combination of dragon and turtle, which is more auspicious.

Increase happiness and longevity

In Feng Shui, turtles are mainly used to increase happiness and longevity, resolve bad luck for villains, and increase wealth.

The dragon turtle protects people from disasters, reduces disasters, increases longevity and brings good fortune, suppresses evil and welcomes good fortune.

In addition to subduing Tai Sui and getting rid of bad luck, it can also attract fortune.

Placing a dragon turtle ornament in your home can bring good luck and calm down evil spirits.

The turtle absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It has been regarded as a symbol of longevity since ancient times and can bring auspiciousness.

Folks often use the words "tortoise and crane to prolong life" and "tortoise and crane to prolong life" to describe longevity. It is especially suitable for those with elderly people to place dragon turtles at home to protect their family's health and longevity.

The Dragon Turtle can also ward off evil spirits and keep the home safe and auspicious.

Many people place some objects at home to satisfy their own preferences and to reflect their own personality and taste. Some people hang illustrations on the wall, or put vases on the table filled with beautiful flowers. Some people will install a ladder bookshelf on the wall and - DayDayNews

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If you feel weak recently, you might as well buy a gourd to absorb and purify evil spirits, and then breathe in blessings. The gourd itself is also a beautiful object, not only beautiful, but also auspicious. Meaning.

Or put a dragon turtle on it. The auspicious beast can dissolve evil spirits, reduce disasters, and bring you peace and auspiciousness.

In the next issue, the editor will continue to talk about ornaments that are beneficial to Feng Shui. Remember to like and follow, don’t miss it~

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