This "Random Thoughts on Words" expresses my inner feelings, so I reply to Mr. Xiang Xiang. Therefore, it is a great fate and a great surprise for us to meet perfume in Toutiao.

The words of

perfume always penetrate deep into my heart and arouse strong resonance. This "Random Thoughts on Words" expresses my inner feelings, so I reply to Mr. Xiang Xiang.

Yes, our admiration and obsession with words are the same. Therefore, it is a great fate and a great surprise for us to meet perfume in Toutiao. I admire Perfume's admiration and obsession with words, and appreciate Perfume's frank and beautiful temperament and writing style.

In our understanding, only words can truly understand ourselves, only words can release our souls, and only in words can we feel the fullness of our hearts. Only in words can we understand ourselves. We who are obsessed with words are destined to be accompanied by words in this life, and we are bound to you and me because of words.

I am also very strict about text requirements. Just like what perfume says, you must impress yourself before you can impress others. Every article is written with my own hard work. Read it word by word and appreciate every sentence until you are satisfied. Don’t pursue quantity, try to meet your own requirements. Every article is like my own child, and his birth brings me great joy and love.

I like the pure nature of words. The world is like this, and the most authentic may be what I crave most.

Primitive emotions are like trickling clear springs, flowing through the prosperity and indifference in the world of mortals. Gorgeous words may only be superficial and cannot describe our true emotions. What often touches people's hearts the most is the unimpaired innocence and romance deep in their hearts, and they still have to use the simplest language. The text of

perfume is like this. There is always a sense of upward life between the lines, which I like. It always inspires people, is clean, connotative, warm, yet agile. People will fall in love with it as soon as they read it.

I also respect profound literature and often linger in the articles of famous teachers, savoring their fragrance and absorbing their nutrients. Use it to nourish your heart with words.

uses his sincerity to record his true state of mind, and uses his own emotions to experience Baiwei's life.

Perhaps after many years, we have to taste it all over again. Only words are our most beautiful attachment to the past, and they are also our endless memories and sadness of the vicissitudes of life. As gorgeous and beautiful as fireworks, as mellow and sweet as fine wine.

As long as I have time, I have been thinking about words. In fact, the biggest comfort in my heart is that I can communicate with words. When inspiration comes, your thoughts will flow like a fountain, and you will want to talk endlessly.

therefore doesn’t care about the display volume or the so-called revenue. Toutiao is a big stage for entertainment. Not many people follow purely cultural things, but we still entertain ourselves, encourage each other, and never tire of it. As always, let’s move forward together.

is not for anything else, just for love, just for liking. What

admires most about perfume is that although my writing still has many shortcomings and cannot be called perfect or a masterpiece, in my heart, it is very expensive and cannot be measured in terms of money.

Yes, words are like our lives, engraved in our souls and flowing in our blood. For a person who is obsessed with words, how can he compare it with interests?

answered Perfume once asked me about my interpretation of ancient poetry.

Chinese ancient poetry is a huge cultural wealth left to us by our predecessors. A few simple sentences and dozens of words can have many meanings, allowing us to imagine endlessly.

I have loved ancient poetry since I was a child, and I have often been immersed in it. I am delighted by it, moved by it, saddened by it, and melancholy by it.

I like the beautiful and romantic scenery, the desolate desert scenery, I am heartbroken by the beauty of emotion, I am moved by the patriotic enthusiasm, I am proud of the magnificence of mountains and rivers, and I am confused by the hardship of life...

So I am often intoxicated. ,Inextricable. Therefore, I also try to write, but I still need to continue to accumulate, read, study, and work hard.

Thank you to Perfume for writing "Thoughts on Words". Thank you to Perfume for presenting us with such a beautiful article! I am filled with emotions in this passionate July!

The last poem is dedicated to the friends who are destined to meet each other.

We know each other together, and we live together in this world.

Cherishing fate is all about words, let’s go together poetically!

Thanks for meeting!