In recent years, every winter, summer, and graduation season, students have gathered together for plastic surgery. The post-00s generation has even become the main force in medical aesthetics consumption. Is plastic surgery really "beautiful if done early"? Minimally invasive pla

2024/06/2705:07:33 fashion 1693

In recent years, students have gathered for plastic surgery every winter, summer, and graduation season. The post-00s generation has even become the main force in medical aesthetics consumption. Is plastic surgery really "beautiful if done early"? Minimally invasive plastic surgery is less invasive, is it safe to try? Let’s take a look at the experts’ answers. mission

Recently, the number of plastic surgery appointments in some hospitals has doubled. The largest number of consultations is for eye plastic surgery, followed by nose plastic surgery. Experts said that due to the safety of the surgery and the degree of physical harm, it is not recommended for teenagers under the age of 18 to undergo cosmetic surgeries such as incisional double eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty.

Director of the Medical Department of the Plastic Surgery Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Chief Physician of the Cleft Lip and Palate Center Wang Yongqian: From a physical and psychological point of view, they are not in a particularly mature state, so it is recommended to postpone the surgery. At least 18 years old, preferably around 22 years old.

As for minimally invasive plastic surgery projects such as face-lift injections and fat filling , experts say that adolescent bone development has not yet reached a stable state, and it is recommended to wait until adulthood and physical growth stops before considering whether to do such projects.

Thermage , water light needle

The sooner you do anti-aging beauty, the more effective it will be?

In recent years, in order to expand profits, some medical and aesthetic business institutions have targeted teenagers and promoted the so-called "anti-aging as early as possible". As a result, many teenagers have been exposed to beauty treatments such as Thermage and Hydraulic Acupuncture at a young age.

In this regard, experts said that there is no benefit in doing these projects before the age of 30, and it is easy to operate improperly when doing them, and may also cause some complications.

"Innocent eyes" and "gorilla ears"

Is plastic surgery advisable for such a personality?

During the interview, the reporter found that some teenagers are very susceptible to the influence of non-mainstream aesthetics, and some even ask doctors to perform plastic surgery on them according to the appearance of characters in comic books. "Innocent eyes" and "gorilla ears", is plastic surgery with such personality really advisable?

In recent years, every winter, summer, and graduation season, students have gathered together for plastic surgery. The post-00s generation has even become the main force in medical aesthetics consumption. Is plastic surgery really

Wang Yongqian: This is a kind of abnormal beauty. It often does not last long. It may be a temporary fashion and pass easily. What is beauty? In fact, all young people are beautiful. What is natural is beautiful, and what is healthy is beautiful. Do not do some surgeries that are harmful to your health. This is the basic understanding of beauty.

Which plastic surgery projects will have better results the sooner they are done?

In the interview, doctors repeatedly emphasized that teenagers are best not to undergo plastic surgery before their physical development is completed and their aesthetics are not mature and stable. But for some plastic surgeries, the earlier the surgery is done, the better the results will be. ↓↓↓

  • Cleft lip and palate requires early treatment. Unilateral cleft lip and palate should be repaired when the baby is 3 months old; bilateral cleft lip and palate should be repaired when the baby is 6 months old.
  • If the external ear is missing , ear reconstruction is usually performed at the age of five or six, when the skull or ear shape has developed to about 90% of the adult size.
  • Eyes Ptosis , there is a situation where one eye cannot be opened or it is difficult to open the eye. Some of them will affect the vision and should be treated as soon as possible.
  • Traumatic deformities, such as compound injuries, burns, cutting injuries, etc., which easily leave scars on the face, can be repaired 6 to 8 months after the occurrence, when the original trauma is relatively stable.
  • birth defects and deformities , the original deformities can often be better repaired at this stage from 12 to 16 years old.
  • In addition, some teenagers have severe acne or large-area birthmarks on their faces. Doctors also recommend going to a specialist hospital for consultation and treatment as early as possible, without waiting until adulthood.

Source of this article: CCTV News WeChat public account (ID: cctvnewscenter)

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