#WHAT TO WEAR TODAY # # attire red and black list # # I’ll wear it this way # Casual outfits are the most suitable choice for girls who like comfortable outfits, but how can you still highlight your age in comfortable outfits? The effect is that you need to master some learning s

2024/07/0112:13:33 fashion 1177

#WHAT TO WEAR TODAY # # attire red and black list # # I’ll wear it this way # Casual outfits are the most suitable choice for girls who like comfortable outfits, but how can you still highlight your age in comfortable outfits? The effect is that you need to master some learning s - DayDayNews

Shen Yue’s figure is a plus. The T-shirt and overalls look girly, and her student spirit has not diminished at all. Shen Yue's face and figure both add to her aura. The T-shirt is designed into a loose version that is completely unmodified, and is decorated with light pink and black letters to make the T-shirt look fashionable and casual.

The overalls under the T-shirt are all in light blue, and paired with neat short hair styles, the whole body highlights the fashionable and casual look of a little girl.

Shen Yue’s casual wear

#WHAT TO WEAR TODAY # # attire red and black list # # I’ll wear it this way # Casual outfits are the most suitable choice for girls who like comfortable outfits, but how can you still highlight your age in comfortable outfits? The effect is that you need to master some learning s - DayDayNews

  • age-reducing color loose T-shirt

First of all, the color of the top has an obvious age-reducing design . Designing it in light pink will make a girl stand out, and the degree of light pink is lighter, and at the same time, it will not give off the vulgar temperament of .

and boldly designed the pattern of his T-shirt into a loose pattern that is completely invisible to the figure. However, the width of the T-shirt should be chosen according to one's ability, not as wide as possible.

also designed the black letters with cute patterns on the T-shirt for decoration, and the black letters will not overwhelm the focus.

#WHAT TO WEAR TODAY # # attire red and black list # # I’ll wear it this way # Casual outfits are the most suitable choice for girls who like comfortable outfits, but how can you still highlight your age in comfortable outfits? The effect is that you need to master some learning s - DayDayNews

  • Wear light-colored overalls with

. Under the light pink loose T-shirt, you can also match overalls with a full age-reducing effect.. The version of the overalls is also made slightly wider on the basis of highlighting one's own figure. When highlighting the figure, it can also have a loose feeling of .

And the more you want to express a refreshing effect, then design the color to be light blue . Otherwise, if it is dark blue, the liveliness of the whole body will be instantly reduced.

and can be decorated with a light orange square icon under the light-toned overalls .

#WHAT TO WEAR TODAY # # attire red and black list # # I’ll wear it this way # Casual outfits are the most suitable choice for girls who like comfortable outfits, but how can you still highlight your age in comfortable outfits? The effect is that you need to master some learning s - DayDayNews

  • Other manifestations of casual style

At the same time, there are still other designs that highlight casual style under the light pink T-shirt and light blue overalls. The shape is a shoulder-length shape that just crosses the shoulders. On top of it is a dark blue octagonal hat. The design without the brim gives a simple casual feel.

At the same time, you can choose white-based sneakers as shoes to wear under overalls, but you can use blue mesh with small white patterns to give the white shoes a different sense of fashion. .

#WHAT TO WEAR TODAY # # attire red and black list # # I’ll wear it this way # Casual outfits are the most suitable choice for girls who like comfortable outfits, but how can you still highlight your age in comfortable outfits? The effect is that you need to master some learning s - DayDayNews

Shen Yue wears casual clothes with a student look, a T-shirt and overalls that are loose and casual, and she looks so pure. The casual outfit Shen Yue chose was indeed suitable for her own style and had a pure student temperament.

uses simple exaggerated black letters with a light pink loose-fitting T-shirt and light blue slightly loose denim overalls . It not only looks casual and sexy, but also highlights itself. The advantage of having a good figure, especially on the basis of pseudo-no makeup, will show the pure temperament of the whole body.

Shen Yue’s other fashionable and casual outfits

#WHAT TO WEAR TODAY # # attire red and black list # # I’ll wear it this way # Casual outfits are the most suitable choice for girls who like comfortable outfits, but how can you still highlight your age in comfortable outfits? The effect is that you need to master some learning s - DayDayNews

Simple shirt + black shorts

Or they show a sexy style in a casual temperament. Design his outfit into a wide shirt pattern paired with a short loose shirt . The shorts can highlight the graceful curves of the legs.

also beautifully embellishes the shirt’s patterns, combining funny anime patterns and irregular geometric patterns with asymmetrical black and white color schemes.

will add a bit of 's funny temperament to the casual temperament, and pairing Martin boots with a shiny effect under the shorts that highlight its own advantages will enhance the overall temperament.

#WHAT TO WEAR TODAY # # attire red and black list # # I’ll wear it this way # Casual outfits are the most suitable choice for girls who like comfortable outfits, but how can you still highlight your age in comfortable outfits? The effect is that you need to master some learning s - DayDayNews

Gradient color short top + light color trousers

Or on the loose denim trousers with light colors, change the top matching of ordinary jeans to give the overall outfit a different temperament casual feel.

designed his top into a short top that highlights the waistline. The neckline is large enough to highlight the beautiful curves at the neck. In addition, the top is designed with a loose feel.

At the same time, the color is designed to be white mixed with light blue , so that it looks like a charming blue sky and white clouds with a unique color design.

#WHAT TO WEAR TODAY # # attire red and black list # # I’ll wear it this way # Casual outfits are the most suitable choice for girls who like comfortable outfits, but how can you still highlight your age in comfortable outfits? The effect is that you need to master some learning s - DayDayNews

A black skirt with a Polo collar

or a casual style with a touch of playfulness. The skirt is designed into a short style with a fishtail effect, with mid-length bubble-shaped sleeves and a huge square Polo neckline.

The white neckline design is enough to give the overall black skirt a playful feel. Paired with a armpit bag decorated with dark brown tones, is serious enough even for casual wear.

#WHAT TO WEAR TODAY # # attire red and black list # # I’ll wear it this way # Casual outfits are the most suitable choice for girls who like comfortable outfits, but how can you still highlight your age in comfortable outfits? The effect is that you need to master some learning s - DayDayNews

So hurry up and learn chic casual outfits.

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