Removal of facial blemishes such as acne and hemorrhoids. Acne mainly occurs in teenagers and has a great psychological and social impact on teenagers. However, it can often be relieved or cured naturally after puberty. Especially for children who are in the developmental period,

2024/06/3002:53:32 fashion 1264

Acne Removal of facial blemishes such as acne and hemorrhoids

Acne mainly occurs in teenagers and has a great impact on teenagers' psychology and social life. However, it can often be relieved or cured naturally after puberty, especially for children in the developmental period. Do not squeeze [wit], it is easy to leave scars

Removal of facial blemishes such as acne and hemorrhoids. Acne mainly occurs in teenagers and has a great psychological and social impact on teenagers. However, it can often be relieved or cured naturally after puberty. Especially for children who are in the developmental period, - DayDayNews


Removal of facial blemishes such as acne and hemorrhoids. Acne mainly occurs in teenagers and has a great psychological and social impact on teenagers. However, it can often be relieved or cured naturally after puberty. Especially for children who are in the developmental period, - DayDayNews

effect picture

material The acne in the material is very slight, and I personally think it can be completely ignored. In order to demonstrate the effect, we use the black circle area to remove the acne. The principle of the method Basically, they are all the same, that is, replaces . There are many tools.

1, Spot Healing Brush Tool [The operation is so simple that it has no friends, just click];

2, Healing Brush Tool/Clone Stamp Tool [The operations are the same, let’s put them together, and hold down Alt to sample and cover]; 3. Repair Tool [Select the acne area and drag it to the area with good skin];

4, Camera filter - stain removal;

5, create a selection around the acne, and then copy and move it to cover;

Some students may have such questions , we can choose the above tools and methods to deal with individual acne. So if we encounter freckles, how to deal with ? I don’t know if everyone has such divergent thinking. If you can think so, congratulations, this is diffusion from point to surface.

Regarding freckles, I personally feel that they only appear on the faces of beautiful women. They are small flaws left on faces that are too perfect. You don’t have to worry about them.

Removal of facial blemishes such as acne and hemorrhoids. Acne mainly occurs in teenagers and has a great psychological and social impact on teenagers. However, it can often be relieved or cured naturally after puberty. Especially for children who are in the developmental period, - DayDayNews


Removal of facial blemishes such as acne and hemorrhoids. Acne mainly occurs in teenagers and has a great psychological and social impact on teenagers. However, it can often be relieved or cured naturally after puberty. Especially for children who are in the developmental period, - DayDayNews


Materials are all covered with freckles. There is basically no particularly clean part for us to use. Ordinary tools have to deal with it, and the workload is large, and the results are not necessarily good. is laborious and thankless, but here we share a very good method, high contrast preservation method .

will share this method with you. This method will be used in microdermabrasion. Please take out your little notebook [呲呲].

Key core steps

1. Select the channel with clear light and dark details to copy. Here we observe that the blue channel has rich details, so we select the blue channel for copying;

2. Then filter - other - high contrast retention, and select radius according to the freckles. , here we use about 10, the judgment standard is that the outline of the character is clear;

3, Image-Apply Image-Blending Mode, select to overlay to synthesize the image. If it is not clear enough, repeat 2 to 3 times;

4, load the selection area [press and hold Ctrl + mouse click on the blue channel], invert the selection, return to the RGB composite channel, and return to the layer panel;

----------The goal of the first 4 steps is to select the freckle area, which is the dark area of ​​the face;

5 , create a curve adjustment layer, brighten (the upper curve) to achieve the effect of removing freckles;

6. After the overall adjustment, it is found that the eyes, mouth, and outline of the character are a bit blurry. We choose the brush tool to restore; (Of course, we can also restore the first Five steps to apply clipping mask to avoid this situation)

7, stamp layer (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E), and then select the stain tool to process the small flaws left after the overall processing;

8, overall processing Afterwards, I felt that the character's face was a bit flat (here refers to the flatness of light and dark), so we selected the highlight area Ctrl+Alt+2, loaded the highlight area of ​​the image, and then created a curve adjustment layer to brighten, enhance contrast, and create a more layered look;

9. Select the lips and add some color, select the lip area, and then create a color balance adjustment layer.


Everyone has a good understanding of this section. Once you understand it, skin polishing will be out of the question

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