As the saying goes, hands are a woman’s second face. Having a pair of beautiful and moving hands can greatly improve a person’s temperament. When you go out to get a manicure and someone asks, "Your hands are so beautiful, how do you take care of them?" You can pretend to be very

2024/05/2719:34:32 fashion 1813

As the saying goes, hands are a woman’s second face. Having a pair of beautiful and moving hands can greatly improve a person’s temperament. When you go out to get a manicure and someone asks you, "Your hands are so beautiful, how do you take care of them?" You can pretend to be very casual and say, "What's the maintenance? I just do it casually."

As the saying goes, hands are a woman’s second face. Having a pair of beautiful and moving hands can greatly improve a person’s temperament. When you go out to get a manicure and someone asks,

Especially when it comes to In summer, if you are a little neglectful, your little hands will become black and rough, but I have a little idea to make your two little hands white and tender. There are many skin care products on the market, the key is to find the one that suits you.

As the saying goes, hands are a woman’s second face. Having a pair of beautiful and moving hands can greatly improve a person’s temperament. When you go out to get a manicure and someone asks,

If you want your hands to become white and tender, it is actually very simple, as long as you keep these points in mind.

The first step is to exfoliate , which means removing dead skin. The accumulation of dead skin cells will cause the skin on your hands to become dull and dull. More importantly, it will cause the skin on your hands to be unable to absorb nutrients.

Soak your hands in warm water first, and then apply scrub evenly. You can apply more on the finger joints, and then rub your hands gently for about ten minutes, and then rinse them with water.

Then apply whitening hand mask . This is very useful, but you need to insist on using it every day. If you can't apply a hand mask every day, you should apply a hand mask at least every three days.

As the saying goes, hands are a woman’s second face. Having a pair of beautiful and moving hands can greatly improve a person’s temperament. When you go out to get a manicure and someone asks,

I don’t know how to use a hand mask. Can you give me a try? The Chuyuanyang whitening and moisturizing hand mask I use is a hand mask with a national makeup certificate. You can rest assured about its safety. Is it effective? I just used it. When used, the hydrating effect is visible, and the whitening effect takes one week, and the whitening is visible to the naked eye.

As the saying goes, hands are a woman’s second face. Having a pair of beautiful and moving hands can greatly improve a person’s temperament. When you go out to get a manicure and someone asks,

Finally, you need to protect yourself from the sun . Apply sunscreen before going out, and always carry this sunscreen in your bag. Don't think that you don't need to wear sunscreen on cloudy days. This is wrong. If you want white skin, you must use sunscreen.

As the saying goes, hands are a woman’s second face. Having a pair of beautiful and moving hands can greatly improve a person’s temperament. When you go out to get a manicure and someone asks,

When you get home at night, you must also remove your makeup carefully. Some dirt hidden in the pores of the skin cannot be seen with the naked eye.

There are health care products on the market that claim to be whitening. Those are IQ tax, so don’t buy them. However, you must fight against sugar. Eat less sugar and sugary drinks. These things will prevent your skin from whitening. Eat more fruits containing vitamin C, such as tomatoes, kiwis, oranges, etc., as well as a lot of fresh vegetables.

As the saying goes, hands are a woman’s second face. Having a pair of beautiful and moving hands can greatly improve a person’s temperament. When you go out to get a manicure and someone asks,

In summary: it is divided into external application and internal conditioning. After exfoliating, you must apply a hand mask with whitening effect. You must check whether it has a national makeup certificate or a national makeup special mark, because it is very safe to use on yourself. important. Before going to bed, be sure to remove makeup carefully to clean out the dirt hidden in the pores. Internal adjustment is to keep your mouth shut, drink less drinks and desserts with high sugar content, be anti-sugar, and eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.

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