As descendants of the Yellow Emperor, yellow skin, black hair, and black eyes are our standard features. In a period when our minds were not yet open, anyone with hair of a color other than black could be considered an outlier. In modern times, Chinese people began to do this on

2024/05/2520:35:33 fashion 1548

As descendants of Yan and Huang, yellow skin, black hair, and black eyes are our standard features. In a period when our minds were not yet open, anyone with a hair color other than black could be regarded as an alien. In modern times, Chinese people began to pay attention to their hair. To be particular about it, the most you can do is perm it, slow down your hairstyle, and change your mood. In modern times, hair dyeing is very popular, and everyone, regardless of age or gender, can get involved in it openly. But while loving beauty, sometimes you also have to pay a "price".

As descendants of the Yellow Emperor, yellow skin, black hair, and black eyes are our standard features. In a period when our minds were not yet open, anyone with hair of a color other than black could be considered an outlier. In modern times, Chinese people began to do this on  - DayDayNews

Ms. Li from Guiyang, her white hair was dyed black, and within half a day, her head was covered with blisters

Ms. Li, who lives in Guiyang, is 54 years old and has always been a very healthy person. She also heard that hair dye can cause cancer. So even if my hair is half gray, I will never dye my hair. But two weeks later my son was getting married . A friend said, "My son finally got married. There will be so many guests. As the happy mother-in-law, you must go on stage and say a few words. The bride's family will also be watching. , if you don’t dye your hair, it’s shameless. I often dye my hair, and it’s fine now. It won’t cause cancer at all.”

After a friend’s advice, Ms. Li was afraid that the hair dye in the barber shop was not good. Well, I bought more than 200 of the good ones online. The merchant said it contains pure natural plant ingredients. It has no smell and will not irritate the scalp. In fact, Ms. Li didn’t like her head full of white hair, so she asked a friend who often dyes her hair to dye it for her. The effect was really good after dyeing it, and Ms. Li also liked it very much.

But within half a day, Ms. Li saw allergic symptoms on her face, a slight tingling on her scalp, and blisters. Ms. Li’s first thought was that it was because of dyeing her hair. Did she get cancer after dyeing her hair once? Ms. Li was anxious and ran to the hospital. As soon as she sat down, she reported her symptoms and the symptoms of hair dyeing. Tell everything. The doctor told Ms. Li not to worry, and carefully examined Ms. Li's scalp and found that Ms. Li was suffering from contact dermatitis .

As descendants of the Yellow Emperor, yellow skin, black hair, and black eyes are our standard features. In a period when our minds were not yet open, anyone with hair of a color other than black could be considered an outlier. In modern times, Chinese people began to do this on  - DayDayNews

Why does a bottle of hair dye cause dermatitis? Does hair dyeing really cause cancer?

That’s because the "pure plant-based ingredient" hair dye used by Ms. Li contains a chemical ingredient called phenylenediamine. This This is the main culprit that causes dermatitis.

When the skin comes into contact with phenylenediamine, it will cause skin red rash. Direct contact with the scalp like Ms. Li, and long-term contact will lead to the formation of small blisters or even on the scalp. Erosion, exudation, suppuration, nausea, headache, body fever, etc.

Although phenylenediamine can cause allergies, it is also an inherent ingredient in hair dyes. However, if you dye your hair frequently, your scalp will be in constant contact with this substance, leading to an increased risk of allergies.

If you find something strange in your skin (tingling sensation, itching) while dyeing your hair, it is recommended to stop dyeing your hair and rinse it with clean water. If the symptoms are not relieved, it is best to go to the hospital and go to the dermatology department for professional treatment. If you don't know that hair dye is harmful to your health, you can dip a little hair dye behind your ears two days before dyeing your hair to see if there is any discomfort.

Does hair dye cause cancer?

" British Medical Journal " published a study by Harvard University . This study conducted a 36-year survey and research on 120,000 women in the United States and found that using Permanent hair dye does not cause cancer in the body, and has little to do with cancer.However, frequent use of permanent hair dyes will increase the risk of breast cancer, , and ovarian cancer. In other words, the risk of cancer caused by frequent use of hair dyes is very small. And this study is just a simple investigation and does not conduct research on the ingredients of specific hair dye creams. This research was conducted decades ago. Nowadays, the hair dyes purchased in regular shopping malls have passed national safety monitoring standards and can be used with confidence.

Frequently dyeing your hair can allow you to experience different hair colors and make you look younger, but frequent hair dyeing can also damage the hair quality, causing dry hair split ends, making the hair brittle, and may also cause hair loss. .

I want to change my hair color and my mood. How can I reduce the harm caused by hair dyeing to the body?

The first thing to do is to pay attention to the time of hair dyeing. Do not dye your hair more than twice a year. Even if you buy hair dye in a regular mall, there will be some harmful substances in it. There are hair dyes that are harmful to human health, but the amount is small and meets national standards. Excessive amounts can increase the risk of allergies.

Two days before dyeing your hair, conduct a behind-the-ear test. If you have sensitive skin, you can apply a layer of Vaseline on your scalp and on the skin that may be contaminated with hair dye. If you have damage to your scalp or facial skin, it is best to wait until the wound heals before dyeing it.

One hair dye means using one kind of hair dye. If you dye your hair by yourself, don't mix hair dyes and adjust the color yourself. The color control is not good. If the hair dyes are mixed, the ingredients inside will react, which will also increase the risk. When washing your hair, don't scratch your scalp with your hands to prevent hair dye from entering the scalp and causing infection. Pregnant women, lactating women, and people who are sick and weak Avoid hair dyeing.

As descendants of the Yellow Emperor, yellow skin, black hair, and black eyes are our standard features. In a period when our minds were not yet open, anyone with hair of a color other than black could be considered an outlier. In modern times, Chinese people began to do this on  - DayDayNews

To sum up, hair dyeing is a thing to increase your charm. It will not cause cancer, but frequent hair dyeing will also have risks. Twice a year is enough. Too much hair dyeing will damage the hair quality, and the loss will be even greater if the hair is gone.


1. Health Science Hall︱Allergic reactions caused by hair dyeing 2020-12-10 09:32·Healthy Shenyang

2. Frequent hair dyeing may cause cancer. How many times a year is the healthiest time to dye your hair? It is recommended not to exceed one number. Original 2020- 12-25 17:45·Healthplus

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