Life is impermanent, the big intestine wraps around the small intestine, some things should not be guessed at will, otherwise the analysis will be as fierce as a tiger, and when you look at the new chapter... Among Zhang Ruochen's three direct lineage forces, everyone already kno

Life is unpredictable, the large intestine wraps up the small intestine , some things should not be guessed casually, otherwise the analysis will be as fierce as a tiger, and when you read the new chapter... the romantic sword god is so terrifying!

I’m tired, so I’ll just lie down and talk to you about the Temple of Death today.

Among Zhang Ruochen's current three major direct lineage forces, everyone is familiar with the Twelve Goddess and Wujiang Pavilion, but the Death Temple is not so familiar.

Please note that this temple of the dead is a killer organization, not a temple of the dead in hell.

But we have to start from the beginning. The three strongest killer organizations in the heavenly world are the Heavenly Killing Organization, the Earthly Killing Organization and the Temple of Death.

The Heavenly Killing Organization is the oldest, has a long history, and is the most powerful.

The Earthly Killing Organization is closely related to the Heavenly Killing Organization. Tens of thousands of years ago, one of the top ten killers of the Heavenly Killing Organization and a direct disciple of the leader of the Heavenly Killing Organization, Qianheng Yishu, betrayed the organization.

Just like the defecting peach blossom, the Heavenly Death Organization sent killers many times to clean up this traitor. Not only did they fail to kill Qianheng Yishu, but they became Qianheng Yishu's stepping stone, making him stronger.

Later, Qian Hengyiju relied on someone to protect him, and created his own Earth Killing Organization, and began to compete with the Heavenly Killing Organization for business in an open and honest manner.

He did this not without cost. During the Wuliang Northern Expedition, Qianheng Yishu was found and killed by Xuan Yi. Now, even if the Earth Killing Organization has not been destroyed, it is probably dead in name only.

As one of the three major killer organizations, the Death Temple is not like the Heavenly Killing Organization. Once they leave the organization, they will be hunted to the ends of the earth.

The Temple of Death is relatively loose. Those who are in the semi-saint realm can join and become edge killers. Complete tasks and get a portion of the rewards from the Temple of Death, and the killer can leave the Temple of Death at any time.

Similarly, the Temple of Death will not care if these fringe killers are caught or killed.

The real power of the Death Temple is the core killers, and these core killers only account for one-tenth of the total.

Compared to the strict killer organization like the Heavenly Death Organization, the Temple of Death is more like a trading platform.

Most killers join because they can take on tasks in the Temple of Death and can leave the Temple of Death at any time.

basically gives people the impression that it is an organization that focuses on making money. It does not ask about the origin, origin or purpose. There are no bells and whistles. It just wants to make money.

It is precisely because of this loose structure that the original A Le and Han Qiu were able to join it smoothly.

Although the Temple of Death does not belong to any world and is a completely independent force, some core disciples have power behind it because some killers from other worlds and forces have joined.

Back when Zhang Ruochen offered rewards to monks from the Heavenly Realm faction, he encountered a conspiracy from core disciples of the Temple of Death who were from the Heavenly Realm faction.

Our understanding of the Temple of Death is also based on the few descriptions given by A Le and Han Qiu in the Temple of Death.

A long time ago, the master of the Temple of Death was very optimistic about A Le and always wanted to accept A Le as his disciple and make him his core disciple, but A Le never agreed.

The master of the Temple of Death did not force Ah Le, but instead opened up a lot of authority to a fringe killer like Ah Le, which directly resulted in Ah Le being able to access more secrets and use more rights than a real core killer or even an elder.

Unfortunately, there is no record of the master of the Temple of Death in the following article. I don’t know whether he fell or abdicated. Book friends who remember can leave a message to add ~

Compared with the master of the Temple of Death, he tried to win over him several times but failed. Le, Han Qiu is different. Zhang Ruochen had intended to let her cultivate a dark force a long time ago.

After all, Ah Le had a romantic relationship and gave birth to a son. Zhang Ruochen did not want the deadly swordsman who had successfully lived in seclusion to come out to fight again.

Therefore, after peace was restored in the Kunlun world, Han Qiu returned to the Temple of Death and became known as the "Sun and Moon Dark Concubine" in the world of killers.

Unfortunately, the cause and effect of the Heavenly Killing Organization finally fell on Taohua, and the frustrated A Le also picked up the sword again.

now serves as the two envoys of heaven and earth in the Death Temple together with Han Qiu. They are in charge of the heaven universe and the hell world respectively, making the killer organization that was originally just a heaven world become a powerful killer organization that spans the heaven and hell. The scale of power exceeds that of more than ten people before. times.

The Temple of Death, with Afya as its master, will probably become a legendary organization in the killer world in the future, providing Zhang Ruochen with intelligence and some more secretive assistance.