Lion Fen Xun, the strongest siege skill in "Taige Lizhiden 5DX". After using it, there is a certain chance that it can directly break through the city defense. Although the success rate is related to the user's ability, and it cannot be used in rainy and snowy weather, it is stil

Lion Fen Xun, the strongest siege skill in "Taiko Dezhiden 5DX". After

is used, there is a certain chance that it can break through the city defense directly. Although the success rate is related to the user's ability, and it cannot be used in rainy and snowy weather, it is still very powerful in the hands of strong men like Hojo Ujiyasu and Hojo Tsunari.

But when this skill was first announced, I couldn’t figure out why it appeared on the Hojo clan.

Starting from Hojo Ujiyasu, the Hojo family has never had the reputation of "siege expert". Instead, it gave birth to Warring States Period The First Civil Affairs Bureau Hojo Ujiyasu, and "long-delayed meetings" such as the "Odawara Assessment" synonym for.

Hojo Ujiyasu in "Taiko Ritsushiden 5" has the highest political ability in the game

However, if you expand your thinking, you can find that this skill is suitable for the Hojo clan.

But this can be traced back to the ancestor of the Hojo clan - Ise Shengshi .

When Ise was in its heyday, people now prefer to call it "Hojo Soun". In another of Koei's masterpieces, "Nobunaga's Ambition ", he attracted the attention of many players with his super abilities and became the representative figure of "Old Demon".

"Nobunaga's Ambition 14 - Creation" Hojo Soun

Many old players must remember that in the 12th and 13th games of "Nobunaga's Ambition", there was a very powerful stunt, namely the "Fire Bull Strategy". This is exactly the historical allusion from its capture of Odawara Castle .

Legend has it that when Soun Hojo was conquering Odawara Castle, he ordered people to tie torches to the horns of a thousand cows, sprinkle fuel on their tails, and lead five hundred people to follow them and quietly approach the castle.

When the cattle approached Odawara Castle, they were immediately set on fire. The cattle burned by the fire rushed towards Odawara Castle madly. At the same time, the ninja of the Fuma clan set fire around Odawara Castle and nearby villages, and the surrounding area was plunged into a sea of ​​flames.

Hojo Soun immediately led his army into the city and successfully captured the city.

Hojo Soun, known as the "pioneer of the Warring States Period daimyo"

This legendary story coincides with China's Warring States Period Tian Danhuo Niu's deeds of defeating the enemy, and it is also very consistent with the setting of the "Lion Fenxun" stunt. Compatibility - Ignore the city defense and score a goal with one strike, but cannot be implemented in rainy or snowy weather.

Therefore, we can think of "Lion Fenxun" as Hojo Soun's secret skill, which is passed down from generation to generation.

In addition, because the ninjas of the Fuma clan helped in the "Fire Bull Strategy", Kotaro Fuma, a descendant of the Fuma clan in the game, also possesses this skill outside the Hojo clan.

"Taiko Risekiden 5" Feng Mo Kotaro

The name "Lion Fenxun" also has its origin. It originates from "Master Fenxun is the Tathagata of Ten Thousand Actions" in " Ksitigarbha Sutra ".

"Master" is a lion, and the lion means to move forward bravely and never regret.

Hojo Ujiyasu is known as the "Lion of Sagami". He fights bravely. It is said that he has never shown the enemy from his back since the first battle. He has seven scars on his body and two are vaguely visible on his face.

"Nobunaga's Ambition 16 - Rebirth" Hojo Ujiyasu

Therefore, it still makes some sense to set the unique skill of the Hojo family represented by Hojo Ujiyasu as "Lion Fenxun".

This article was first published by "Japanese Animation", please do not reprint it.