General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the opening ceremony of the 11th National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Writers Association pointed out: “The majority of literary and art workers must

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General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the opening ceremony of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and China Writers Association 10th Congress pointed out: “The majority of literary and art workers must keep up with the pace of the times and feel the pulse of art from the pulse of the times. Open artistic creation to the great struggle of hundreds of millions of people and to the rich and colorful social life, refine themes and themes from the changes of the times, China's progress, and the call of the people, and show the beauty of Chinese history, mountains and rivers, and culture, It expresses the Chinese people’s ambition, creativity, and development results, and displays the spiritual atmosphere of the new era in an all-round and panoramic manner. “The spiritual creations and literary creations of outstanding writers are all excavated from the rich social reality and the true content of life. Materials, capturing inspiration, containing spirit, and recording the times.

The famous writer and winner of the Lu Xun Literature AwardRen Linju was selected by the General Office of the Chinese Writers Association to conduct interviews and research in counties, cities, towns, and rural and pastoral villages in Gannan Prefecture for many times. He used serious rational thinking to maturely use a large number of realistic materials, and masterfully His artistic strokes truly record the social development of Gannan, show warm human care with deep and sincere emotions, reveal the surging trend of the times with strong historical rationality, and complete the long reportage "Bend Yourself - The "Environmental Revolution Originating in Gannan" and Humanistic Legend", the book will be published by People's Daily Publishing House in September 2021.

's work touches the individual temperature in the grand historical changes through a large number of vivid details, and connects countless true stories to a magnificent picture of Gannan's revolutionary practice. It panoramically shows Gannan Prefecture's in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thoughts, seizing the commanding heights of ecological civilization, The remarkable achievements in creating an upgraded version of green development and innovatively implementing the "100,000,000" project have artistically reproduced the glorious history of the people of all ethnic groups in Gannan uniting and working hard to change their destiny and create miracles.

The stories described in "Bowing the Body" are flowing in the endless rivers of Gannan at every moment. The people of Gannan are the well-deserved protagonists of the story; "Bowing the Body" comes from the original intention and will only become stronger over time. The real people written in the work - whether they are "dedicated" decision-makers, leaders, practitioners, or witnesses, are all living around us, persisting in the struggle of yesterday and today, and continuing to carry out the noble and harmonious work. Beautiful ideals, on the journey of the new era, "bow down" together in the mountains and rivers of 45,000 square kilometers, "bow down" to the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, remain determined and refined over time, creating new moving legends . "Bowing" is the contemporary image of the 750,000 people of all ethnic groups in Gannan, and "Bowing" is an objective and true historical biography of Gannan. From now on, " Gannan Daily All Media Online" will join hands with "Gannan Literature and Art" and other platforms to serialize and launch the long reportage "Bend Yourself - The "Environmental Revolution" and Humanistic Legend Originating in Gannan", so stay tuned. I firmly believe that this is a legend.

An extremely simple action or posture was advocated and emphasized repeatedly by one person, and many people followed closely, ten, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand... In the end, 750,000 people repeated the same action. , bowed. Day after day, month after month, year after year, five years later, a simple action has magical meaning. Bowing has gone far beyond its own concreteness and has become a symbol or metaphor. Now, when people lean down again, the original goal is blurred, but they unexpectedly find that there is more awe and reconciliation between humans and nature, and there is more understanding and harmony between humans. .

In 2015, when the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture State Committee and State Government decided to launch a "garbage-free" campaign in Gannan, not everyone saw the significance of this work. Some people are silent, some are questioning, and some are even coping passively; in the process of half-reluctance, half-belief, and half-doubt, people gradually go on.At the beginning, people regarded "picking up garbage" as a temporary job. Just do it, it is harmless and harmless after all, and a better environment is better than a mess!

On the surface, this is just a simple and easy-to-effective thing, just like drilling into a cave and just touching it with your eyes closed. But soon, people unexpectedly saw some "glimmers" and felt that this matter was not that simple. It seemed that besides "cleaning", there were more things to do. In order to remove a piece or a pile of garbage, people need to bend not only to the garbage, but also to some of the people involved, but also to the wider environment and even nature. When more light appears, greater difficulty gradually appears; at the same time, when greater difficulty appears, more light appears ahead.

There should not be garbage in this world. Everything created by the Creator is necessary and useful, and has its proper use and purpose. They are where they are, doing what they do, and each peacefully accepts his or her destiny. It's just that they were later artificially changed from their original state, either by force or by force, placing them in inappropriate positions or losing their due endowments. For example, plastic bags are not used to contain things, but are allowed to fly up trees; feces are not placed in latrines or sewers, but scattered on streets and alleys; bricks and tiles are not placed on walls and houses, but are broken and piled up. square; a person does not stay in his own bed at night and sneaks into other people's cattle pens or warehouses... all of these are human faults or faults. When a person bends down to "garbage", it is reflection, repentance and correction of some faults and inappropriate behaviors of oneself or human beings.

In this way, under the leadership of the state party committee and the state government, the cadres and masses across the state "lowered their stature" and followed the light all the way. Five years later, when an insignificant "garbage picking" evolved into a vigorous "environmental revolution"; when Gannan's natural environment underwent an unexpected "butterfly change" due to the improvement of environmental awareness of all employees; when the majority of farmers and herdsmen because of Yearning for a better life, they abandoned their old lifestyles and concepts and opened their arms to embrace advanced civilization and harmonious modern life; when people all over the country turned their eyes with surprise and admiration to this remote area that was once known for being backward and dirty. At that time, people discovered that after bowing down hundreds of times, they picked up not only the grace of nature and inner joy, but also the self-confidence and human dignity that are enough to support life. Looking back in shock, people finally discovered that the original "No Garbage" campaign was just a small incision, a simple way and a small fuse for things to enter deep and large-scale fission.

With the action of bowing, and with the consistent and uncompromising persistence over the years, Gannan people have an additional complex in their hearts, and an additional consciousness and habit in their lives. It becomes a habit and forms a unique regional culture. Therefore, the leaders of Gannan quietly opened the door to the emotions and ideas of the masses; the 750,000 people in Gannan also jointly opened the door to the green ecology of the plateau. They not only started and led a far-reaching "environmental revolution" on the snow-covered plateau through the "No Garbage in the World" campaign, but also creatively implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's " Green" policy by changing people's thoughts, concepts and culture. The concept of "water and green mountains are gold and silver" is at the forefront of the country in the construction of spiritual civilization and a well-off society.

When the mountains, rivers, grasslands and wetlands, cities and villages, streets and alleys, indoors and outdoors are all clean, and when the people of all ethnic groups here are stable and united, live and work in peace and contentment, and work together towards green development and a well-off road, this place will not only become An eye-catching ecological highland, it has also become a cultural highland that cannot be ignored.This area, known as the source area of ​​two rivers and the " Chinese Water Tower ", has already achieved a magnificent turn, changing its old appearance. With a pious attitude, a pure endowment, and a holy image, it has served the land of China and the Modern civilization has given a deep blessing.

Chapter 1

Hometown of the River

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the opening ceremony of the 11th National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Writers Association pointed out: “The majority of literary and art workers must  - DayDayNews

"Go, go, go up, go towards the high sky..."

An ancient Tibetan song Rumors echoed on the plateau. The vigorous white-shouldered eagle stretches its broad wings and glides in the sky, like a huge kite held up by singing.

Under the wings of the giant eagle, the rolling hills and endless grasslands undulate into smooth and graceful curves under the white clouds. The shiny black yaks, the snow-white Tibetan sheep, and the red or flowered Hequ horses all bowed their heads deeply towards the earth or grass with the utmost piety and endurance in their lives.

The sun moves so slowly that it is difficult to detect. The cattle and sheep still have no time to play and run, and just move forward slowly with the shadow of the sun.

Looking at them from a distance, they look like large and small boats moving slowly between the green waves or in the depths of the years. They don't care about the speed or slowness of the waves, but only move forward firmly in a destined direction. There is wind, and we climb over the mountains, wading across the plateau in a mighty, colorless and invisible way, as if we are going to convey a message or perform a secret mission in a distant place. Without paying attention, his whereabouts and whereabouts were revealed by the flying horse hair and bent grass, and he was identified relentlessly.

In this dynamic picture, suddenly a clear and transparent river like the wind suddenly floated down, as if it came from the distant, white snow peaks, or from the sky shrouded in white clouds. Passing through the valleys between hills, passing through the gaps between cattle and sheep, twisting and turning, meandering towards the east, with the help of the sunshine, like a shining golden Hada, from Muxi to the Dougai in the distance is towards the sun, and it is laid out in the direction of and Awancang downstream. Perhaps only an eagle standing in the clouds can see clearly the course of this great river and guess its true thoughts and intentions.

The river did not float away lightly with the wind. When it reached Jica Rock in Awancang, it seemed to suddenly remember something, and immediately turned around and headed north. After passing Niangma Temple , it seemed as if it had fulfilled a wish, and continued with hesitant steps. east. Tens of miles later, we arrived at the Cerima Wetland and lingered for a long time in the low-lying and vast bushes. After that, the steps became more and more sluggish and sticky. I turned around and went to the edge of Weidang Pond at the eastern end, which is also the famous Ruoergai Wetland. I turned around and headed towards Nima Town, followed by Ou. La, and then came Ola Xiuma... It turned out that it turned in such a large circle on this plateau wetland, not to drive it eastward into the sea, but to fulfill a secret wish.

Before leaving his hometown, He was a newlywed. When you are about to leave your natal family and marry far away, it is necessary not only to fully release the inner emotions, but also to fully stimulate and reserve the energy deep in life, and to give sufficient support to the attachment that lives and dies with the soul. nourish. Water is the life, blood and wealth of a lifetime! As it goes, it will carry billions of square meters of clear, pure, sweet water into the distance, to a broader fertile land, giving alms along the way, nourishing living beings, and benefiting all things. The basin area reaches 750,000 square kilometers, until the final The destination is just east of Dongming and Bohai . When the river turned back and left, passing through Qinghai and heading east without hesitation, people woke up from a dream and found out that this river actually had such a sacred and important mission! Out of gratitude, he named this piece of land surrounded by the river Maqu.

Maqu means 黄河 in Tibetan. It can be said that although this mother river of the Chinese nation was born in Qinghai, it grew up in Gannan.After entering Mentang Township, Jiuzhi County, Goluo Prefecture, Qinghai Province and entering Muxihe Township, Maqu County, it winds and turns in Maqu for 433 kilometers, accounting for 8% of the total 5,464 kilometers of the Yellow River, which is equivalent to a person's youth from 18 to 30 years old. . The river flows from the west, south and east of Maqu County to the north, then turns west and enters the Henan Mongolian Autonomous County in Nanzhou, Qinghai Province, forming the famous "First Bend of the Yellow River in the World", referred to as the First Bend of the Yellow River. , and to simplify it is just a meander. Hequ is the ancient place name of this area. Standing on a hill in Tangke Town, Ruoergai County, Sichuan Province, looking north, you can have a panoramic view of the graceful shape of the Yellow River as it turns around in Maqu. People who look at the scenery often can only see the beautiful scenery of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province, but they cannot see that the Yellow River takes away more than 10.8 billion cubic meters of runoff water from this land every year.

When the Yellow River returns to Gansu from Qinghai, it joins the Tao River , another large river in Gannan, at the Liujiaxia Reservoir in Yongjing County, adding an average annual runoff of 5.3 billion cubic meters. One of the reasons why people call Gannan the "Chinese Water Tower" is that the Yellow River receives a huge amount of water in Gannan. Not to mention the numerous tributaries of the Tao River, there are hundreds of tributaries of the Yellow River in Maqu County, including 28 larger and famous ones. They are all very rich in water, so they are known as the "reservoirs" of the plateau. reputation. Another reason is that this autonomous prefecture, which is located at the junction of the Tibetan Plateau and the Loess Plateau, has a very high altitude. Not to mention the source of the Yellow River at the farthest altitude of 4,800 meters, only its river bed in Maqu has an altitude of 4,500 meters at its highest point. It is the long road of more than 5,000 kilometers that has eliminated the gap between the starting point and the end of this river, so that people in low-altitude areas cannot feel the wonder and precipitousness of "the water of the Yellow River coming from the sky".

If Maqu and " the first bend of the Yellow River " are directly translated to the sky above the Bohai Sea. People who are at the mouth of a river or at a low altitude will find that the huge water tower hangs more than 4,000 meters above the sky. Yes, the Yellow River is an open pipe, from which much of the water flows. Whether its original source is clear or turbid, dirty or clean, harmful or harmless, how can it not affect the nerves of hundreds of millions of people?

Dolma Jabu, who was born and grew up by the Yellow River, seems to have kept this ancient river in his heart since he was very young. Looking back on my 55 years of life, from an inner perspective, there was almost no day when I truly left or "let go" of crossing this great river.

When an outsider mentions the words "Mother River" in front of him, he just smiles indifferently, and there will always be a little bit of disdain that is insurmountable in his bones: "A person who only knows the Yellow River from books or TV , at best, we can only perceive it through ideas and imagination in our hearts. Watching or praising it from a distance is always insignificant. How can we, like me, Zhuoma Jiabu, be entangled with it even with my soul and blood?" Mother, who has treated the Yellow River the same way as Dolma Gyabu in terms of emotions and actions? Who has ever had his or her soul moved by the changes in the Yellow River like Dolma Jabu? Who is as proud, happy, affectionate, grateful, concerned, longing, anxious, distressed, waiting and defending the Yellow River as he is? The Yellow River is not only a mother in Dolma Gyabu's heart, it has even become a god that he loves and fears!

html In December, the grass in Awancang Wetland is golden, and the hills in the distance are covered with a layer of white snow. At this time, the main channel and some tributaries of the Yellow River have not yet frozen, and the water veins are like sky-blue ribbons, undulating and shining on this vast grassy beach. Dolma Gabu stood on his pasture not far from the river, waving his long sleeves in the direction of the river, as if this eternal river had an undoubted destiny connection with him in an instant.

To this day, Dolma Gyabu cannot tell when and where his fathers or ancestors came here. I didn’t know that the world was so vast and our predecessors chose such a plateau with abundant water and beautiful grass but thin air.Every time he stands on a high place and looks out into the distance between his work, Dolma Gyalpo's heart will surge with waves of happiness and joy. Although people from low-altitude areas find it difficult to breathe when they come here, people who have grown up on the plateau do not feel that way.

If you have feelings, you can only feel the tranquility and tranquility of your hometown. It's obviously a kind of paradise, so why do you feel difficulty breathing? Everything here is clean, sunshine, air, rivers, grasslands, cattle, sheep, horses, deer, swans, black-necked crane, gazelle, snow leopard, snow chicken, flying goshawks and clever Fox, what can make people feel breathless?

Dolma Gyalbu has always felt that his mind is clear and awake. To this day, he can still remember the things he did when he was a child and the words his parents and grandfather told him. You can't pee or pour dirty water into the river, let alone dump animal feces and blood into the river, you can't spit on the snow and in the valley, and you can't hammer pegs into the grass ... He was young and ignorant at that time. Resist these inexplicable rules from your heart. So, he pursed his lips and asked his grandfather: "Why?" Looking at his reluctant look, his grandfather would patiently say to him: "Because there is a river god in every river, and there is a river god on every mountain. A mountain god. The water gods and mountain gods guard their territory every day. If it is an old man, they will punish him. For adults, it will cause them to have sudden stomachaches or fall off their horses; as for children, they will grow short and ugly, and some brains are like a pool of muddy water, unable to function and unable to understand things... "I heard that the herdsmen on the banks of the Qiong River in Ola will be condemned by others if they have their teeth stuffed after eating meat, even if they break a sprig of Sulu flower to pick their teeth, because the shrubs and grass on the mountains belong to cattle, sheep and horses." People cannot infringe on the things that livestock enjoy. People have their own territory and rights, and animals have their own. This is the arrangement of God, or the arrangement of the water gods and mountain gods. Anyone who crosses the boundary breaks the rules. , whoever will be punished will be punished."

These words made Dolma Gabu and his friends feel frightened and dubious. But seeing how serious the elders were when they spoke, and how strictly they abide by what they said, the children believed it.

When winter comes, the family has to move from the summer pasture to the winter pasture. The family members were reluctant to dig trenches and build fixed earth houses on the pasture, so they set up tents on the winter pasture. At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, although the pastures were all dry and the scenery was desolate, the cold wind from the northwest had not yet blown on a large scale, the temperature was not too low, and people were still comfortable living in tents. But after entering the middle of winter, strong winds began to blow on the grassland, and most people's tents needed to be thickened and fixed. This requires a choice. Dolma Gyab and his friends stared at the adults with their little eyes to see if they only spoke those harsh words to the children but followed other rules when doing things themselves. The later results left these elves speechless. The elders they saw were people who did not lie. Even if they fixed the tents where they lived, they would not drive wooden stakes into the grass. Instead, they would use the cold The weather uses water and cow dung to freeze wooden sticks and fix them on the grass, and then tie ropes to the wooden sticks to secure the tent.

After a hard winter, spring finally arrives in the warm breeze, under the wings of the black-necked crane, in the chirping of the whooper swan, in the gaze of the river horse and in the smile of the fragrant cuckoo. . The children are like little swallows that have been dormant all winter, jumping towards the grass and the river with joy. My sister, who is two years younger than Dolma Gabu, has a natural love for beauty. She picks flowers from the grass and wears them on her head. Yellow, red, blue, purple, pink... she runs around in a state of forgetfulness. , busy, picking one flower after another. Suddenly, a voice came from behind: "Children, don't pick those flowers!" It was grandpa's voice.The children's mood immediately changed from elation to surprise and confusion. Grandpa waved them over and told them that the flowers on the grass were for viewing and for producing seeds and reproducing. If you pick one flower this year, five less flowers may bloom on the grass next year. "The mountain god in charge of flowers and plants is watching you in the dark. If you don't obey, he will punish you quietly. For the boys who pick flowers, he will punish them not to grow taller. When they are 16 years old, they will still be like a tree without flowers. Sulu, standing there squatly; for the girl picking flowers, he will punish her for not being beautiful. If you leave no beautiful flowers on the grass, he will make you look like a grass and bloom forever. There are no beautiful and bright flowers..." After speaking, grandpa smiled mysteriously, and the children quickly stuck out their tongues, turned and ran away.

Speaking of which, Dolma Gyabu can be regarded as an obedient child in the village. He will remember all the instructions and admonitions from adults and obey them consciously. He is also deeply loved by his parents. Unfortunately, he doesn't like reading. The reason why he doesn't study is not because he offended some river god or mountain god for not caring for the environment when he was a child, and was punished for not being smart. To study, don’t you have to leave this grassland and this beautiful river? Why spend a lot of time and a lot of money doing something that you don't like and doesn't mean much? When a man grows up, he must first consider taking over the whip and the burden from his parents as soon as possible, and repay their kindness in raising him. This was what Dolma Gyabu was thinking at the time. When Dolma Gyabu was a child, there were very few schools in pastoral areas. To go to school, he had to go to Nima Town, a hundred miles away. As traditional herdsmen, parents thought about the long distance and the unpredictable depth of the classroom. Feeling frightened, he finally put aside his schooling matters amid hesitation.

In those early years, apart from working as a "substitute" for his busy parents and doing odd jobs, Dolma Gabu would hang out with his friends on the edge of the Yellow River, digging some cordyceps or collecting some medicinal materials. At that time, the ecology of the wetland was still in good condition. The water was vast and clear, the grass was lush and beautiful, and the vibrant grassland seemed not to show signs of decline and exhaustion even after 10,000 years. Once the cattle and sheep are driven to the designated location, people can move around freely. As long as you return to the original place in the evening, the cattle and sheep will definitely be grazing not far from the original place. The nearby grass is enough for them to enjoy, and they do not need to walk a long way. At that time, Dolmagjabu would not be far away from his cattle and sheep. Most of the time, he would sit on the hill and watch the wind pass over the top of the grass; or sit on the bank and watch the river flow without beginning or end. Flow; or just lie on the grass and watch the white clouds rolling and changing in the sky. If you paint such a scene into a painting, you can call it fantasy or dream. Anyway, Dolma Gabu, who was in the middle of it, had no intention of coming out of it for the moment.

Beginning in 1982, the pastoral areas of Gannan also implemented household contracting, dividing pastures, cattle and sheep. The family unit suddenly became a production unit, and the original production method was broken. It seems that people's lifestyle and original way of thinking It was also broken all of a sudden. More importantly, Dolma Gabu's dream was also broken. When the livestock were separated from the animal husbandry brigade, he discovered that the assets owned by his family were not very large. The 30 cows and 100 sheep after subcontracting seemed empty in the pasture of more than 2,000 acres. At this time, his heart began to become empty. Only today does he feel that his past many years have been a pure waste and waste. With such a small number of cattle and sheep, one person in the family can take care of them, and there is no need for a strong man like him. Although he was only 17 years old at the time, in his own imagination, he was already an upright man.

This year, he began to look for his own path in life with his back to the pastures that were divided into grids.

Vendors come to pastoral areas one after another to resell cattle and sheep, driving around in small trailers looking for trading partners. Since I was not familiar with the conditions in the pastoral areas, I could only run around in the wilderness, like a headless fly, trying my luck everywhere.The clever Dolma Gyabu saw their predicament and offered to be their guide. In the early stages of the transition from the planned economy to the market economy, Dolma Gyabu served as a private trading medium for several years, improving the efficiency of transactions and local product circulation inside and outside the pastoral area due to his blending. Set up the stage for yourself and let others sing. Although this was a low-end supporting role in the business sector, the monthly income of about 200 yuan was already an income worth showing off in that era. Just running around like this, slowly I also saw the "doorway". Within two years, Dolma Gyabu officially "sung on the stage" and started trading cattle and sheep. After earning capital, he began to expand his business areas, not only doing cattle and sheep trading, but also adding some skins, cheese, ghee and other businesses with larger profit margins.

html At the turn of the 1st century, pasture contracts in pastoral areas were further subdivided. In order to avoid disputes between neighbors and effectively rotate grazing, every household needed to fence their pastures with wires. For a time, wire became the most sought-after commodity in the pastoral area. Dolma Gyab saw the business opportunity and promptly transformed into a barbed wire business. In the beginning, I worked as a middleman, transporting barbed wire from Xining manufacturers over long distances from Qinghai Province. Generally speaking, these barbed wire fences from other provinces are expensive to purchase and cost a lot. Firstly, the profit margin is very small. Secondly, the herders also have to pay more fees. The gain outweighs the loss. In order to solve this problem, he simply decided to build a factory to produce barbed wire. In this way, it will not only solve the problem of high costs and prices, but also stimulate local employment, killing three birds with one stone. Why not!

In 2003, the barbed wire factory in Zhuomajiabu was officially established and put into operation. The factory's business is booming. As soon as it goes into production, it operates at full capacity and rushes orders around the clock. Due to its high quality and low price, within a year, the nearby pastures were all equipped with the wire fences he produced. Of course, the first demonstration was on his own ranch.

One day, Zhuomajiabu suddenly had an idea and wanted to drive around the grassland to inspect how each ranch would look like after installing the barbed wire he produced. It is said that it is also his own masterpiece! He wanted to feel it properly. But what he didn't expect was that this "wandering" trip actually left a deep mark in his heart, allowing him to completely change his life and living conditions.

People born on the plateau have big hearts and broad visions. As soon as they raise their heads, they reach the edge of the wetland. He walked and watched. The car was racing and his eyes were rapidly scanning the wetland, and he saw the most unforgettable scene in his life. On the barbed wire fence he made himself, hanging objects of various colors trembled in the wind, red, white, blue, black... Those were not prayer flags for blessings, but discarded plastic bags from the city, The countryside and all directions rode the wind and hung high. On the grass inside and outside the barbed wire fence, there are also spots of red, yellow or more confusing colors scattered everywhere, but those are not flowers, but various plastic packaging that people throw away casually. Dolma Gyabu felt frightened all the way. He has only been immersed in business these years and has not paid attention to the changes around him at all. On which day of the year did the wetland that I was so familiar with begin to change, and finally turned into this? Then, as if he remembered something more important, he quickly turned around and rushed to the bank of the Yellow River. The Yellow River, the mother river that he cherishes so much, seems to have been forgotten by him, a wanderer whose heart has flown far away, over the years. Today he wants to relive it.

Just like he remembered his mother's face when she was young, Dolma Jabu knew the width of the Yellow River in this area, the height of the river bank, how many turns it took, and what kind of plants grew on the bank. But the river that comes into view now has become paradoxical. It looks familiar. Its bends and banks are still the same as yesterday, but its appearance is no longer what it used to be.The shores that were once covered with lush green grass have turned into sand dunes; the once neat river banks have been cut into "wolf teeth" by sand diggers using excavators; some of the once clear and clear tributaries have disappeared, leaving only A winding sand ditch stretches across the grass; various plastic products and waste items are piled up on the once smooth and flat water bank...

html A few years ago, Dolma Gabu rode a horse to Ola. Xiuma, there were no bridges or wide roads in the wetland at that time. He had to cross many rivers on horseback. People who walked that road told him that there was no danger if he just kept going. He just let the horse wander forward, and walked slowly for two days on the 100-kilometer road. As he walked, he counted the rivers he crossed. The result was that there were 108 large and small rivers in total. If we were to count again now, I am afraid that one-third of the rivers have dried up. Zhuoma Jiabu stood by the Yellow River for a long time that day, looking at the mottled eyes and vicissitudes of life, as if his beloved mother had been seriously injured, and her face was covered with scars and mud. The scene in front of him was unbearable to witness, and he felt waves of pain coming from his heart.

The distraught Dolma Jiabu walked back while arguing in his mind. He thought over and over again, people like to say that the Yellow River is the mother river, but why don't people have a filial and soft heart? Why don't you do good to others when you receive favors from them? Everyone is willing to say that they are kind, but how can a kind person have the heart to smear his mother's face? If you are a kind person, you should at least know how to honor your parents and be kind to those who are kind to you! Could it be said that the Yellow River does not nourish our grasslands, raise our cattle and sheep, and ourselves?

During those days, Dolma Gyalpo's heart became very fragile, and he felt like he was always wandering between crying and not crying. When talking about the pollution of wetlands and the Yellow River, he wanted to tell others the truth in his heart, hoping that everyone would take action to treat our mother river better. However, people were all busy with their own affairs, almost no one was interested, and no one responded positively. what to do? How can we awaken the numbness and indifference in people's hearts? He suddenly wanted to do something about it by himself. Yes, didn’t I do nothing, or nothing useful, like everyone else before? If you haven’t even done it yourself, what qualifications do you have to persuade and mobilize others?

Once he decided to take it upon himself to wipe away the tears and mud on "mother's" face, he made a serious quantitative assessment of the matter. Facing the vast and boundless garbage distribution area like the sea, his heart suddenly sank. If you want to completely remove these things from the wetland, you may not be able to do it all by yourself in eight lifetimes, and after cleaning up this one, there may be another one. But looking back, everything must have a beginning. As long as you work hard for something, there will be hope. If you can't do it by yourself, you can still mobilize your family to do it. If your family can't do it, you can also lead the workers in your factory to do it. As long as you keep doing it day by day, year by year, there will be less and less garbage, and the area will be pollution-free. It will get bigger and bigger, and he firmly believes that more and more people will do the same as them. In short, there is hope as long as you take action.

He decided to launch an action to eliminate garbage, starting from his own ranch and factory. At first, he worked alone in front of and behind his house, and then expanded his domain to factories and ranches. Bag after bag of garbage was transported out, but he felt that the efficiency was too low and did not solve the problem, so he drove the "half-sized" truck to the pasture and transported the whole truck out. Later, he began to mobilize his family to join him. After the children got out of school, he led them to the pasture, and one person became a small team. A week later, he cleaned up the plastic bags, various wrapping papers, packaging boxes, scattered stove ashes, old clothes, cattle and sheep bones and other garbage on his family's more than 2,000 acres of pasture.

At first, the people nearby were very puzzled by Dolma Gyalpo’s family picking up rubbish. They thought they had other motives for picking up the things. “Do these things have any special value?” They explained, but most of them shook their heads in doubt. They thought that Dolma Gyabu, who would make money, would not do anything without economic benefits. So, I still wanted to secretly observe the secret behind it. Later, Dolma Gyabu mobilized the workers in his factory and made the environment around the factory orderly and clean. The factory workers would not lie to their families. Only when they came back and told their families what happened in the factory did they believe that Dolma Gyabu was really doing good deeds. At this time, seeing how good the environment of the pastures and factories in Dolmagab was, and then seeing how dirty my own pasture was, I felt a little embarrassed. Then he started doing it like Dolma Gyabu. After cleaning up the pasture, they finally discovered a secret: the mood after cleaning up their surroundings is the same as washing their faces clean. Although it is not a great thing, it can make you feel confident when walking on the road. He raised his head.

Seeing that his actions triggered a chain reaction, Dolma Jabu was greatly encouraged emotionally and confidently, and began to organize family members, workers and voluntary herdsmen to enter public areas to clean up the "ownerless" garbage. Since then, the villagers of Darqing, Oula Township, where Dolma Gyabu is located, have spontaneously organized more and more large-scale environmental sanitation activities, becoming more and more frequent, and the scope has become larger and larger. They have been to places as far as 100 kilometers away. Wherever they can think of places where garbage may exist, such as roadsides, rivers, racecourses, etc., they rush to clean it up. There are no trash cans on the grassland, making it inconvenient for the herdsmen to transport and dispose of the garbage. Dolma Gyabu made an agreement with the villagers that no matter who saw the garbage, they did not have to go far, they just had to take it to the agreed place and pile it neatly there. Dolma Gyab's car will be collected regularly and transported to designated landfill sites.

In 2008, Maqu County held the first Gesar Horse Racing Conference, and it has been held annually since then. During the competition, 60,000 to 70,000 horses and riders from Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai, Shaanxi and Tibet, as well as horse racing enthusiasts and tourists from all over the country, gathered in Maqu. In the few days when the competition is in full swing, people are excited, dancing, and intoxicated. They forget everything when they forget their emotions. They may not even know where they are, let alone restrain their behavior. Even if something is left or thrown away at this time, it must be completely unknown. Therefore, after a wonderful game every day, there will be a piece of white garbage left in the stands. At every horse racing meeting every year, Dolma Gyabu would lead his relatives and hired workers to the viewing stand silently, and wait for the spectators to disperse to clean up the garbage left on the viewing stand. Every year. The Gesar Horse Racing Conference in Maqu County has been held for 13 consecutive years, and they cleaned up the garbage 13 times. The amount of garbage in the first few sessions was huge, and the garbage collected in each session could fill an 8-meter-long truck compartment. Later, Gannan Prefecture comprehensively launched the "No Garbage in the Area" campaign. More and more people picked up garbage, and government officials and cleaning staff picked up garbage together with them. Zhuomajiabu's workload dropped sharply, and he drove one car at a time. A 3-meter-long pickup truck solves the problem. The accountant at the Zhuomajiabu factory made preliminary statistics. In recent years, Zhuomajiabu has spent more than 200,000 yuan just on transporting garbage.

Dolma Gyalbu’s small environmental protection volunteer team is like an environmental protection torch, moving east and west on the Awancang Wetland. Although it has been burning tenaciously, it has not realized Dolma Gyalping’s original ideal, forming A prairie fire. This state made Dolma Gabu feel somewhat lonely and weak. Whenever he takes his "small group" of teams to clean up the garbage that has been cleared several times but appears again, he can't help but feel a little desolate and helpless in his heart. At this time, he wished that there were thousands of people following him, and that wherever they went, everything would be clean.Even if there are not that many people who are determined to remove garbage, even if there are more people who do not create garbage or do not throw away garbage, it would be great!

One day in 2012, Dolma Gyabu met several herdsmen picking up garbage at Langmusi Temple. He felt very friendly, as if he had found a long-lost brother. At least, they should be colleagues who are committed to environmental protection! He quickly stepped forward to ask for details. It turned out that the other party was a group of spontaneously organized private volunteers who would come to Langmusi every June to pick up garbage and protect the source of the Bailong River. Dolma Gyabu immediately proposed to establish a small environmental protection volunteer association. In order to express his enthusiasm and desire, Dolma Gyalbu funded 10,000 yuan for the newly formed association on the spot. From then on, Dolma Gyabu not only participated in the association's activities on time every year, but also provided financial aid according to fixed standards every year. Just after returning home from Langmusi, he heard that there was also a non-governmental environmental protection association in Awancang Township. He simply struck while the iron was hot and directly sent a 10,000 yuan activity subsidy to that association. He wants to keep these sparks of environmental protection burning strong. As long as their fire of enthusiasm burns brighter and stronger, he will feel warmer and warmer in his heart. In this way, the rivers and grasslands he loves will become more and more beautiful and more cherished and respected by people.

The real turning point came in 2015.

Since the early spring of this year, Dolma Gabu has felt that there are more and more people protecting the environment and picking up garbage in his field of vision. Some of the places where they frequent have been "occupied" by other people. It was intuitively judged that these people were not villagers he was familiar with, and they certainly had nothing to do with his past mobilization and leadership. Some of those people were wearing work clothes, and some simply looked like cadres. At first, he thought it was due to the season and routine - spring came, the city's government officials went out to do "patriotic hygiene" for a few days, planted a few trees, and the gust of wind passed. However, as time goes by, the "wind" not only has not passed, but has become stronger and stronger. Just when he was feeling confused, cadres came to his home to mobilize and publicize him. Dolma Gyalpo smiled at the cadres who came to his home and said, "You are just here to launch my mobilization work? We have been picking up garbage for more than ten years!" The cadres were naturally very impressed with Dolma Gyaling's vision and awareness. He added praise, but also said that this time was different from the past. What is the difference between

? After the cadres chatted with Dolma Gyalpo for an hour and showed and explained the documents from the state and county to him one by one, Dolma Gyaling felt that it was indeed different from what he had imagined. In the past, documents in this area were thin, and they just talked about some nice principles without much specific content, and that was it. This time, there was a thick pile of documents, some of which were written in text, some were divided into strips, and some were typed into tables. Although he didn't know Chinese characters, judging from the number and thickness of the documents, he could feel that this was something special. After listening to the explanations from the cadres, he felt more confident. This operation is from the prefecture to the county, the county to the township, and then from the township to the village. Everyone has a responsibility. Not only are there requirements, but there are also supervision, inspections, rewards and punishments. According to the requirements in the document, if a herdsman fails to maintain good hygiene, he will be fined from bottom to top. In the end, even the county party committee secretary and county magistrate of Maqu County will be fined. Is this a big deal? This is something serious! In terms of time, there is no half-month or one-month deadline like previous times, and this time there is no deadline. According to the herdsmen's customary thoughts and ideas, if there is no deadline, it means it will never stop. In terms of management content, it is not simply picking up garbage and cleaning, but also includes the management of rivers, grasslands, neighborhoods, roads, villages and pastoral sites. The county documents mentioned a comprehensive crackdown on the "eight chaos", and Zhuoma Gyabu clearly remembered a few of them. The public had to intervene in any disorderly piles, random placements, littering, random rows, random construction, random construction, etc. Renovation seems to involve personal image, the decoration and hygiene of herdsmen’s homes. The area is very wide and large, far beyond my expectation.If we do this, not only will the earth and the sky change, the pastoral area will no longer be a pastoral area and will truly become what people call "heaven on earth."

But what Dolma Jabu is most concerned about is the Yellow River. This time the Yellow River is really saved or safe. From now on, in addition to himself, there are tens of millions of people doing the work of protecting the Yellow River and wetlands. Behind the millions of people, there is a powerful force that he cannot evaluate. Thinking of governance, Dolma Gyabu felt that his whole body had gained a lot of strength, and his heart seemed extra bright like the sky after the rain. Now, when Dolma Jabu closes his eyes, he can imagine what this wetland will look like in the future - just like many years ago, the river is a river, the bank is a bank, the grass is grass, the flowers are flowers, the water is abundant, the scales are hidden and the feathers are flying, My eyes are filled with peace and beauty. Later, Dolma Gyab opened his eyes and asked the cadres around him: "Are these things true or false? Do you promise that nothing will change?" He asked this not as a doubt, but as a confirmation. Something he had only dreamed of for more than ten years. Until several cadres gave him a thumbs up several times and turned away, he was still in a trance as if in a dream.

A few days later, everything that happened before him finally convinced Dolma Gabu that the entire Awancang region was undergoing a change that had never happened before. He didn't know who was behind it or what force was driving all of this. What's amazing is that people who usually hold their heads high and seem to have nothing to do with themselves suddenly seem to be bewitched and often bend down to pick up trash or cigarette butts at their feet. The scene was a little funny, but also a little touching. Now, the changes that can be seen do not seem to be measured in days or months, but in hours; the areas covered seem to be not only those around you or what you can see. It feels like changes are happening everywhere. Within a few days, roads, villages, and streets became clean and tidy, and there were garbage cans where there were no garbage cans in the past. Not only did the number of people protecting the environment suddenly increase, but it seemed that in this remote plateau town, there were also a sudden increase in all kinds of unnamed machines. Garbage trucks, loaders, compactors, removal trucks, etc., all appeared in the streets and alleys and began to work vigorously. There seemed to be a lot more cleaning staff than usual. In a short time, dedicated cleaning staff would come over to clean areas that had not been cleaned before.

In order to verify the actual effect, Dolma Jiabu deliberately drove around. The streets of Awancang, the nearby grazing spots, pastures, rivers... As he walked, he laughed to himself in his heart. He was not an official responsible for inspections, so why did he worry so much? I feel a little timid, but then I think about it, I don’t care about the local environment for more than just a moment and a half! It doesn’t hurt to feel free to walk around and see! It’s time to go sightseeing. So, he went to the county town and saw that many streets had changed, and the street stalls disappeared; the storefronts were also renovated, from the rustic ceramic tiles and fiberglass decorations to unique Tibetan decorations. ; The lights on the streets have also been replaced with beautiful styles; several main streets such as Gesar East Street and Gama Road look the same as the streets in big cities on TV, or even more beautiful than those streets. Having seen enough of the city, Dolma Gyabu turned around and went to the countryside to see the Yellow River.

Not far from the main channel of the Yellow River, he stopped the car and walked towards a brand new small house. When he got closer, he realized that it was not a small house, but a tourist resort built near the observation deck. bathroom. There have been a lot more toilets like this recently, and Dolma Gyalbu alone has seen four or five of them with his own eyes. It turns out that there used to be two "hook machines" for sand dredging in this area, one in the bed of a nearby tributary of the Yellow River, and one on the main channel of the Yellow River. Dolma Gyabu took a closer look and found that the large hole originally dug had been partially backfilled. It was probably "controlled" and would not happen again in the future, nor would it come back again. There is no garbage in the river, but the desertification of the grassland on both sides of the river is still very serious, which still makes people feel uncomfortable. It seems that it will take a long time to return to its original appearance.

When Dolma Jabu returned home, he was just in time for the staff to come for a random inspection. It was a routine matter, and Dolma Gyabu never felt nervous because they arrived in twos, threes, or groups of five or six. What's there to be nervous about? As long as you do things well as required, they can check them if they want! The cadres also know that Dolma Gyabu’s home does not need to be inspected, but that does not mean that other homes do not need to be inspected. Dolma Gyabu understands them because they must complete the prescribed actions according to the prescribed procedures and within the prescribed time, otherwise they will be held accountable if something goes wrong. It is not easy for these cadres. Not only do they have to supervise and inspect the insured areas in their own areas of responsibility, but sometimes they also have to personally help those insured households with poor self-consciousness to clean up. If they don't do it well, there will be several layers of regulatory agencies above them! The county's urban and rural environmental sanitation comprehensive improvement work office, the county party committee and county government inspection offices, and the state party committee and state government inspection offices are all more powerful than the last. If "inspections are made once a week in urban areas, twice a month in towns and villages, and once a month in the county" are not done properly, or if something goes wrong, people need to be dealt with. So every time they come to the house, Dolma Gabu will make them a cup of hot milk tea. This is not to please them, but because it is really hard and not easy for them. If they do not do these things with all their heart and soul, once the ecology of the wetland deteriorates, the people will not only have to worry more, but they will also suffer greatly.

Every time the cadres came to conduct home inspections, Dolma Gyab would find a way to chat with them for a while, about the government’s ideas and plans for environmental protection, as well as some stories and special people he met during the protection process. People are like this. Even if you are unable or unable to do something yourself about something that interests you, you still feel happy if you talk about it or listen to it. Recently, I heard from cadres that the county's work goal has changed again. It used to be "no garbage in the entire region", and recently it has become "efforts to create a garbage-free tourism demonstration area in the entire region." Could it be said that there is more content behind cleaning up garbage? Thinking of this, Zhuomajiabu's expression became happy: "Are we going to build the entire Awancang into a huge tourist attraction?" After hearing Zhuomajiabu's words, the cadres nodded to him and said: "Yeah, almost.

The first time Dolma Gyalbu met Yu Chenghui, Secretary of the State Party Committee, was at the end of 2016 when the Hetero City, the capital of Gannan, held a commendation meeting. That time, Dolma Gyaling received a great honor. , because he has been persistently engaged in environmental protection work in the source area of ​​the Yellow River for more than ten years, and because of his outstanding performance in environmental governance work across the state, he was named "Advanced Individual in Comprehensive Improvement of Urban and Rural Environmental Sanitation in Gannan Prefecture". At that conference, he was not only commended in red and flowers, but also introduced his years of dedication to environmental protection in Tibetan. It was Yu Chenghui who presented him with the medal.

After the conference, Yu Chenghui made a special statement. Tell the staff that Dolma Gyalpo should stay and have a few words with him alone. Yu Chenghui said: "Although I don't understand Tibetan and can't understand the meaning of every word you say, your deeds are to them. I introduced it systematically and read the deeds materials carefully. What you do is very meaningful, not only for Awancang, but also for Gannan Prefecture and the entire province. All cadres in Gannan must learn from you..." In response to Yu Chenghui's words, Dolma Gyalbu He was deeply encouraged, but didn't know how to answer. When Yu Chenghui spoke, he only smiled and listened carefully, and even forgot to say anything. He was a little nervous and a little flattered.Seeing him like this, Yu Chenghui deliberately smiled relaxedly to lighten the atmosphere, and then continued: "Dolma Gabu, we have to keep working hard! We have to set our goals farther and bigger. Just picking up garbage is not the goal. , our purpose is to turn our green waters and green mountains into mountains of gold and silver. It is to create a beautiful dream for the whole state and the whole country through our efforts; it is to let the people of Gannan live a good life and their children have education. On the road, young people can develop, the elderly can take care of themselves, everyone has a house to live in, and everyone can enjoy modern civilization and modern life..."

After Dolma Gabu came back from the state capital, he had nothing to do but try to figure out what Yu Chenghui said. mean. Now he finally understands that environmental transformation or "no garbage in the world" is just the beginning of a big thing, and there may be many more things to follow. Dolma Gyalpo believes that everything will be a good thing for the benefit of the country and the people.

Dolma Jabu wanted to understand one thing. He was still a herdsman. Yes, he is a herdsman. Although he has set up a factory and is engaged in commercial operations, he still has his own pasture. This is the fundamental thing. His heart and soul are always here, and his people belong here. Since we are herdsmen, we must think about what herders think and do what herders should and can do. The era of picking up trash is probably over, and superficial cleanliness is no longer a major issue. Now, we have to find a way to do something more meaningful and fundamentally solve some major problems in the ecological barrier of the Yellow River Basin.

Where to start? Zhuoma Jiabu felt that he should find an expert to discuss it carefully. He suddenly remembered a young man named Huazang. He met her in 2004 in Ruoergai County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province. This young man who graduated from Tibet University has been engaged in ecological and environmental protection in Zoige County for many years. He has rich experience in environmental protection and scientific management methods, and is a trustworthy person. After understanding Zhuolma Gyabu's ideas, Walzang suggested that he focus on preventing grassland degradation and controlling desertification of grasslands, especially the ecological restoration of desertified grasslands, which is difficult, effective and of great significance. As soon as this suggestion came out of his mouth, Dolma Gabu felt that it spoke to his heart.

In fact, Dolma Gyabu had already realized this aspect many years ago, but he was not yet ready to regard this aspect as his career. By around 2007, Dolma Gabu’s family business and ranch were developing and growing almost at the same time. The pasture can grow to more than 1,000 sheep and 300 to 400 cattle at most. However, as the number of livestock increased, problems began to arise in the pastures. Some relatively fragile grasslands were quickly exposed, and soon became desertified. In order to prevent the desertification area from expanding, he had to use wire fences to enclose the ecologically fragile grassland and prohibit grazing and rest grazing to prevent cattle and sheep from entering and causing further damage. But not long after, the same situation occurred in other plots. Seeing that the desertification of his pasture was getting more and more serious, with the grass getting shorter and the flowers becoming less and less beautiful year after year, it became more and more ugly. Zhuoma Jiabu started to feel a little panicked, so he called the experts from the Animal Husbandry Bureau to the pasture. Please tell me how to effectively prevent the continued desertification of grassland.

Experts told him that in order to fundamentally solve the problem, a good relationship between grassland and livestock must be established. That is, only how many cattle and sheep can be put on the grassland. Only by controlling the livestock below the balance point can the grassland ecology maintain a virtuous cycle. . Based on the pasture area of ​​Dolmaghabu, experts calculated a livestock-forage balance point for him. Originally, his pasture could raise more than 300 cattle and 500 sheep, but after thinking about it, Dolma Gyabu sold most of the more than 1,000 cattle and sheep at home, leaving only 200 sheep and 50 sheep. Yak. He doesn't want so many cattle and sheep, he just wants the grass on the grassland to grow well. As a result, in autumn, the lush grass in his pasture grew almost to the height of a person. Every summer, many black-necked cranes came to his pasture to build nests.

Zhuomajiabu began to try to plant trees and grass on the deserted grassland on the bank of the Yellow River.April on the plateau is the threshold of the season. After crossing this threshold, the sunshine and rain of spring are ushered in. After a winter of preparation and deliberation, Dolmaghab was already a little anxious. He looked forward to the early arrival of spring so that he could express his inner thoughts and wishes on the sand as soon as possible.

There is a huge sand hill on the bank of the Yellow River 20 kilometers away from Awancang, which has been expanding rapidly in recent years. That is Dolma Gyabu's biggest worry, and there is no doubt that the first desert control target is there. Declaring war on Shagang for the first time, Dolma Gyabu was full of confidence and personally brought more than 20 factory employees and a group of relatives and friends to Shagang. I thought the "battle" would be resolved in a day or two. But when he arrived at the site and assessed it from the top of the dune, he realized that it would take at least a week to complete the area of ​​several dozen acres. Do it! Not to mention dozens of acres, even hundreds of acres, we must win it this year. As long as you bend down and exert your strength, you won't be afraid of being able to subdue it. Dolma Jabu started digging with a hoe, and everyone followed him. Where the dust rose, a group of people began to work with their faces facing the soil and their backs to the sky. They bent down again and again, straightened up again and again, and bent down again and again, just like farmers worshiping the land, piously planting grass seeds. , sweat and green wishes were delivered to this sandy land that has not yet been domesticated like the Gangdese yak. For six days, they scattered more than 1,000 kilograms of grass seeds on the sandy hill.

After sowing the grass seeds, there is waiting, waiting for the rain to fall, and waiting for the grass seeds to sprout and turn green. Every few days, Dolma Ghabu drives over to take a look. Sure enough, God was kind. Soon after a spring rain fell, fluffy green appeared on the sand hill. The dense grass sprouts made Dolma Gyab feel itchy in his heart. "Success!" He shouted secretly in his heart. This time you can take care of things in the factory with peace of mind, and come back to enjoy the green slopes when summer comes! Two months passed in the blink of an eye, and it was only in August that he took a break from his daily work and drove hurriedly to see the grass. As a result, he did not see the lush greenery he imagined. Looking from a distance, what he saw was still burnt yellow. Why it came out like this? When he got closer, he discovered that the grass that had grown to the length of his fingers had been scorched by the hot sand, leaving behind ridges of remains that had lost their moisture and greenness. Losing the battle, half a year of anticipation and a year of good opportunities were missed!

In order to succeed in another battle, Dolma Jabu specially invited Walzang to come in the next year to formulate a solid plan and provide on-site guidance. This time, they played a combination of punches. Elymus, oats and plateau willow are interplanted and mixed together. The seeds of Elymus were brought by Hua Erzang from Ruoergai. Willow trees are the easiest local species to survive, and each willow seedling has a complete root system. Although the cost of oats is higher, it is a famous Kesha master. The planting method has also become more difficult. Trees and grass must not only be planted "on water", but also farmyard manure must be applied. In this way, the surviving willow trees shade the wheat and grass, avoiding the burning of the sun and sand; the oats can also provide cover for the Elymus elegans, allowing them to successfully survive the vulnerable period of their lives. Once the Elymus elegans survives, , grows up, but is the most difficult master to deal with - not afraid of wind, sand and drought.

really succeeded this time. This time, the 2,000 red willow saplings and 2,000 kilograms of grass seeds he planted on the sandy hills have turned into an unfading green beside the Yellow River. The once bare hills are now covered with trees and grass. Rui, a source of vitality.

Shagang is like a green ecological flag, flying in the core area of ​​​​Awancang Wetland, indicating the victory of humankind's concept of ecological protection, and also inspiring the upgrading of the ecological protection awareness of surrounding herdsmen. The successful management of the first piece of sandy land has brought the image of Dolmaghabu to a new height in the hearts of the herdsmen. As a result, herdsmen continued to come to him to ask for his experience in controlling grassland degradation and desertification. Some even directly invited Dolmagjabu to their own pastures to control desertification. Nineteen herdsmen from Ouqiong Team 3 in Oula Township united to elect representatives to invite Dolma Gabu to Awancang.For the deserted area that spanned several pastures, Zhuomajiabu adopted the method used on the Yellow River. The results were successful. In less than two years, the pastures had completely restored their original appearance. Due to the temporary suspension of grazing, the grass grows even more vigorously than in other places.

From 2015 to 2020, how many times did Yu Chenghui come to Awancang? Dolma Gabu didn’t know, but Yu Chenghui made a special trip to the ranch to see him 4 times. He clearly remembered the situation and what was said to him each time. , he also remembered clearly. In particular, the on-site meeting held in his village in 2016 has become the spiritual motivation that inspired him to continue on the road of ecological protection. Over the years, whenever he felt his personal strength was weak, lonely and confused, he would think of what Yu Chenghui said to him: "You are the representative of our Gannan people, and what you are trying to achieve is also our Gannan." Ideals and ambitions! Work hard and I will support you no matter what difficulties you encounter!" Every time he thinks about it, he can truly feel that he is not alone in fighting for the ecology of the source of the Yellow River.

Yes, Awancang Wetland is a water source for people across the country. It is an important ecological protection barrier in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. Not only Dolma Gyabu is paying close attention to it, but Gannan Prefecture, Gansu Province and even the whole country are paying attention to it. In fact, in the vast area that Dolma Gyalbu cannot see, a huge ecological protection plan has been quietly advancing. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period alone, the National Development and Reform Commission and other relevant ministries and commissions have approved a series of plans and programs for ecological protection. Compared with the national level, the 200,000 to 300,000 yuan that Dolma Gyabu takes out of his personal account every year for voluntary tree planting and grass planting is a drop in the ocean. Although it is small, it still shines with the light of responsibility and mission.

From 2013 to 2020, Maqu County has also continued to increase investment in the management of desertified land, "black soil beaches", degraded grassland, rewards and subsidies for returning grazing land to grassland, slope protection of the Yellow River embankment, greening and solidification of watersheds, and river disorder. The control of illegal mining, prevention and control of rodent damage, etc. have resulted in the ban on grazing in 2.65 million acres of fragile grassland; 10.23 million acres of grassland have achieved a balance of livestock and grass after grazing reduction, 102,100 acres of desertified grassland and 876,000 acres of "black soil beach" "The ecology of degraded grasslands has been restored, and a 100-square-kilometer national desertified land closed reserve has been established... The people who drive this large series of numbers to change every year and every day are not only Dolmaghab himself, but also so many The administrative staff who are busy with the production and life of the county and the normal operation of various institutions every day, the designers and promoters of so many projects, the many local or foreign scientific and technical personnel and engineering technicians, and the many people like Dolma Gyabu who work in the wetland There are many hard-working people - more than 1,000 ecological rangers, more than 100 grassland management personnel, more than 300 animal epidemic prevention workers, and an unknown number of professional and amateur people working to protect the environment. When the water of the Yellow River becomes abundant and clear, the sky becomes azure, and the grasslands become prosperous and gorgeous, all faces will be hidden behind the beautiful scenery of the plateau, and glory will always belong only to this plateau.

In the past few years when Zhuomajiabu was obsessed with desertification control in Awancang Wetland and achieved gratifying results, Gannan Prefecture was constantly changing. Some people describe it as "earth-shaking", while others disagree and think that such an expression is too banal and inappropriate. It should be said that "the world has changed." Those who don't know think that this is a compliment from Gannan people to praise themselves; those who know understand the speaker's mood very well and respond with a knowing smile. This smile is rich in connotation, including recognition and pride.

By the end of 2020, Gannan Prefecture has completed more than 50% of the construction of ecologically civilized and well-off villages that match the "environmental revolution", or are derived from the "environmental revolution". It seems that one after another, well-off villages have sprung up unnoticed. Farmhouses, pastoral houses, and well-off villages with ethnic characteristics are undeniable evidence of the tremendous changes in the lives of farmers and herdsmen from the inside out.

In a flash, Daluo has moved into his new home for two years.For two years, he basically didn't change his expression - he smiled whenever he was awake. His wife was standing by and could testify that since moving into his new home, he had never seen him sad again. Daluo's wife has the typical characteristics of a Tibetan woman, tending to be restrained and shy. When her husband talks to others, she basically adopts an attitude of avoidance and non-participation, and lowers her eyes most of the time. But when it came to her husband's expression, she couldn't help but interject. Tibetan, like other languages, has some expressions that cannot be translated literally, but can only be understood. What she said probably meant that her husband basically had two faces in his life. One face in the first half of his life was sadness; the other face in the past few years was joy, which was clearly differentiated. When I asked Daluo why he was like this and how he felt about his current life, Daluo still smiled, but this smile was wider and had a bit of a bright flavor. Daluo would not say such highly general yet abstract words as "the world has been turned upside down" or "the world has changed." He straightened his posture and slowly told a long story.

Daluo may be a born chronic person. He looked like a yak eating grass, unhurried and undisturbed by the outside world or other people's emotions. When he came alone from his hometown in Qinghai to dig Cordyceps on the grassy hills of Awancang, he probably looked like this now. No matter it's windy or raining, no matter whether others are fighting or grabbing, walking or running, on this hilltop or that hilltop, alone or with others, and no matter what is happening in the distance, he always seems to be in the same rhythm and in the same place. status, a fixed route. I searched calmly and dug calmly. I didn’t feel excited about dancing when I found something, and I didn’t feel frustrated when I didn’t find something.

At that time, there were a lot of cordyceps in the mountains here. People who had been here before said that a lot of them could be dug every "mining season" and a lot of money could be made. Prices were low at that time, and the price of cordyceps was also low. It cost 5 cents per cord, compared with 20 yuan per cord now, which is simply too cheap, but the income was not low. The large quantity was exchanged for large profits. Many people who dig up Cordyceps come from other places. If they want to dig up Cordyceps, they can pay a certain fee to local herders and then they can dig it freely. Because there is a huge cost, you can only make money if you mine a certain amount. Under normal circumstances, making money is not a problem, but Daluo's situation is not an ordinary situation.

Maybe it was bad luck, maybe it was unfamiliarity with the terrain, maybe it was not flexible enough, maybe it was because his eyes were not sharp enough. Anyway, others could always dig out a lot, but Daluo dug out very little. Years later, Daluo attributed the reason why he could not dig up many cordyceps to the fact that his eyes were not “sharp” enough. He recalled that one time another person who was digging up cordyceps stood behind Daluo and watched Daluo dig up the cordyceps. As a result, the cordyceps that Daluo didn't even see when he was lying on the ground were seen by that person.

When Daluo came to Awancang to dig up cordyceps, he went to live with his relatives who were working in the county town. He settled there temporarily. Once he dug up cordyceps, he immediately returned home or "return to his hometown in glory." However, it is a bit embarrassing not being able to dig out so many cordyceps. The mining season was over. Daluo took stock of his total income. After excluding the pasture fees paid to the rancher, it was not enough to pay for the trip home. What to do? The kind-hearted relative said: "Who said we are relatives! Let's do this. Don't go back yet. You can temporarily live with me in the past six months and do odd jobs outside to earn some living expenses. You will dig for another year during the Cordyceps digging season next year. , maybe if you are lucky, you can go back to your hometown with this money.”

In the second year, the rancher’s fee increased to 3,000 yuan. Daluo searched hard for Cordyceps for two months. Not only did he not make any money, he also lost 600 yuan. This time I am even more embarrassed to see Mr. Jiangdong. The relative had an idea and decided to introduce a partner to Daluo to settle down here. So Daluo and Pukao met in 2001. This pair of partners who once dug cordyceps in a meadow did not meet each other until they walked across the street. They had no chance to meet and spend romantic time together on the grassy mountain. However, due to the arrangement of fate, they had to stay together in marriage and never give up hand in hand through hardships. years.

According to Tibetan customs, a bachelor who is far away from his hometown should join his bride-in-law’s family, become a live-in son-in-law, and live with this big family. But the marriage between Daluo and Pukao was a bit strange. Daluo went in a big circle and separated Pukao from the original family to form a small family that was independent in economy and life. When getting married, Daluo's relatives living in Maqu County acted as her husband's family and sent a car to take Pukao from the ranch to the city for a tour, which was considered as marrying into her husband's family. Then the couple returned to Pukao's home on the ranch from the city, and lived together in a tent next to Pukao's natal house, thus completing the formation of a small family.

The native family of the popular test has many members, including parents and five brothers and sisters. After getting married, her parents gave her the 200 acres of pasture and 20 cows that Puka had earned when she was at home. This was the entire property of the couple. Since Daluo is a complete proletarian, the couple can only live with these 20 cows. At first, life was fine for the couple. The so-called "passable" means just enough to eat, and not enough money to add a piece of clothing, buy a piece of furniture, or even buy a few pairs of chopsticks and bowls. Of course, I don’t even dare to have children. For a herdsman, 20 cows is a too small base. If you sell one cow less, the chance of turning around will be less in the future, so you can only sell one or two cows every year. The couple agreed to live a tight life in the past two years, let the 20 cows breed for two years, and then sell the excess when the number becomes larger, exchange for some money, buy some daily necessities, and then have a baby... ...As soon as I finished speaking, the next spring came. Spring is the season when all things grow, and it is also the season when viruses and germs breed in large numbers. But there was nothing special about this spring. It was just that the virus began to break out on a large scale, causing a large-scale plague. Daluo's 20 yaks died one after another, and in the end only two were left.

There was still a little bit of light in life, but now it has completely entered darkness. The two people were so destitute that they couldn't even afford food. If you want to work, the nearest town of Awancang is still 30 kilometers away. Don’t ask if you can get a job first. Even this 30 kilometers without transportation or roads is insurmountable. If you don't work, how can you make a living on this grassland? Relying on subsistence allowances. Two complete proletarians and people with no income have successfully become the village's minimum living allowance households; for the shortfall, they can only rely on the support of their parents who have passed the universal entrance examination. Relief is as long as you don't die of hunger. Where can you be satisfied? Sometimes after a simple dinner, the couple no longer has a handful of highland barley noodles or a grain of butter at home. When they can't sleep, they have to think hard about how to prepare tomorrow's breakfast. When it comes to sleeping, I can't get a decent sleep. There was never a decent set of quilts in the tent, so the one covered with it was the Tibetan robe made by Pukao's parents when they got married. It's easy to deal with in other seasons, but in winter, it's really sad. When the north wind blows, the thin tent is bone-chillingly cold.

The house leaks and it rains continuously. In the fourth year of their marriage, they accidentally gave birth to their eldest son; a few years later, they accidentally gave birth to their younger son. It was difficult to maintain a family of two, and two more people were added to the family in a few years. After the child was born, parents and relatives suddenly paid more attention to the family and would send food and clothes from time to time.

It is said that Daluo has a yak-like personality because he has extraordinary endurance than ordinary people. Even when he was in such a difficult situation, he never went to the village or countryside. He just buried his head and endured. One year, on the eve of the Spring Festival, the village party secretary heard from the villagers that Daluo's family lived in poverty, so he brought some condolence gifts to see them. When I came in and saw this scene, tears flowed down my face. After putting down the things in my hands, I searched all over my body. I even found coins. I collected more than 700 yuan and gave it to the general examination without leaving any money. Daluo said that the Spring Festival of that year felt like the happiest Spring Festival in his life.

Faced with such difficult days, Pu Kao secretly cried countless times. She had been complaining in her heart about her fate. In this life, she had met a man with no abilities.Many times, she thought about divorce, but her parents were firmly opposed: "A woman's basic morals are to keep her husband and family safe. Besides, you have two children. For the sake of the children, you can't divorce!"

The difficulties of Daluo and the general entrance examination received widespread attention in 2015. That year, Gannan Prefecture launched the "No Garbage in the Whole Territory" campaign, and cadres needed to ensure that all villages and herders were covered in an all-round way, and no household was left behind. When the cadres arrived at Luo's home, they were shocked by the filth and simplicity of the home. But the cadres came here for a clean and hygienic environment. The first thing they did was to mobilize Daluo and Pukao to pay attention to personal and environmental hygiene. At the very least, they must be neatly dressed, see their true colors, place items in an orderly manner, and remove all kinds of rubbish inside and outside the house... Listening to the cadres' instructions one by one, the general examination officer was not only silent and indifferent, but also sat there crying. The cadres had no choice but to help clean up the house themselves. They were busy inside and outside for most of the day and did everything they thought they should do. But looking back, this home still feels messy and dilapidated, as if their long work has not produced any results.

At this moment, several people seemed to suddenly understand why Pu Kao was crying and not moving, because no matter how he cleaned it up, it would have no effect. It turns out that it is a fundamental problem. Yes, no matter how diligent, strong, and capable you are, can you wipe out the true colors of a tent that is about to rot? Can a wall made of cow dung mud be wiped out to look like bricks and tiles? Can the dirt floor be wiped free of dust? Later, when they heard Yu Chenghui say at a video conference of Quanzhou cadres, "We must use the power of destroying the dead and the pain of breaking the muscles and bones to seek a radical change," they seemed to understand the deeper meaning and future direction of "the whole area is garbage-free"; We also know better how difficult it is to eliminate “visual poverty” and “visual garbage”. Without fundamental changes in the bones, soul, and inner being, there will be no reliable, long-term visual changes. If we do not abandon the backward lifestyle, living conditions and thinking concepts that have been maintained for a long time, there will be no essential changes, let alone a reinvention.

Daluo’s changes started in 2015. In view of the difficulties of Daluo and the general examination, Maqu County first considered his source of income and arranged a public welfare position for the couple as a cleaner. With income, I have the ability and desire to live a good life; after that, I arrange for my two children to go to school. This is the fundamental way out for this family. If the children continue to be desolate like this, without culture or knowledge, they will reach the age of independent living, with no will to live independently, no assets or capital, no way out of the pasture, and no knowledge of Tibetan. If you don’t understand Chinese and have no ability to communicate with the outside world, and you don’t even have the opportunity to work, how can you make a living? How can you change your life and destiny? In 2017, after the implementation of the national targeted poverty alleviation strategy, Daluo's family was identified as a registered household. Economic subsidies were further increased, and their lives became better.

The real "rebirth" of Daluo's family came after they moved out of the ranch and entered a new home in a centralized relocation site in 2019. That year, the state mobilized the herdsmen on the grasslands to move out of the pastoral areas, "to allow their children to go to school, to allow the elderly to take care of themselves, and to allow the herdsmen who have been homeless for generations to have houses," leaving only a few herdsmen on the grasslands to look after their cattle and sheep. At that time, many people were unwilling to accept this arrangement. They felt that it had been the same for generations and there was no need to change. Compared with big cities, the conditions in pastoral areas were very backward, but they did not think there was anything wrong with it. Children who were illiterate did not delay their grazing. The elderly can survive without living in a good house. "If you don't regard suffering as suffering, you won't be miserable. If you don't regard poverty as poverty, you won't be poor. If you don't regard dirt as dirty, you won't be dirty... Should we move out of the grasslands where we have lived for generations just for the sake of environmental sanitation?" But Daluo Without saying a word about the general examination, the first person to sign up asked to move. They truly understand the pain of being stuck in a quagmire - there is no way out and no way out. If they had a choice, they would never want to return to that helpless predicament.

For the Daluo family, who have been living in a thin, damp tent for 20 years, the big house they built with only 30,000 yuan is like a magnificent palace. A large courtyard covering an area of ​​one acre, with a majestic gate built for free by the "public"; there are a main house and a side room in the yard. The main house is a hall for reception and daily activities, and the side room is a bedroom for the couple and their two children. ; There is also a flush toilet and bathroom... On the day they first moved in, the couple were confused and felt that everything was not reality, like a dream. Not only is the house spacious and bright, but everything inside is also available. Why is it that everything is ready-made? Sofas, coffee tables, exquisite cast iron stoves, stainless steel kettles for boiling water, brand new bedding, towels and soaps...the most unexpected thing for them was two plates of cakes.

After moving into their new house, the couple tidied the house over and over again after finishing cleaning work in the community every day. Especially for the general examination, items in the house need to be wiped several times a day. The stove and kettle, which are already spotless, need to be wiped with a rag as long as there is nothing wrong. After the husband finished his work outside, he went into the house and saw that Pu Kao was still wiping things around. The husband knew what his wife was thinking and didn't want to say anything, but he still said: "What are you wiping? You treat wiping things as a crime." Are you enjoying it?" Then Pukao smiled with the same expression as when he got married. With this smile, the house and the day seemed to become brighter. (To be continued)

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Ren Linju

Member of the National Committee of the Chinese Writers Association, Vice Chairman of the Jilin Provincial Writers Association, and Vice Chairman of the Electric Power Writers Association. He is the author of: "Corn Field", "Grain Road", "The Shape of Time", "This Heart and This Thought", "Tiger Roar", etc. The works have been translated into English, Russian, Korean, Mongolian and other languages. He has won the 6th Lu Xun Literature Award, the 6th Bing Xin Prose Award, the 7th Lao She Prose Award, the 2nd Feng Zikai Prose Award, the first Sanmao Prose Award, the 2014 Best Chinese Prose Award, Changbai Mountain Literary Award, Jilin Literature Award, etc.

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