Holiday movie recommendation: the world's most famous director-Spielberg's film collection

Throughout Spielberg’s 50-year career, his rich and contradictory personality has been embodied in two film types: drama stories about justice and patriotism, and adventurous stories full of childish awe and surprises that stimulate adrenaline. .

is obvious, he can "swing" between these two styles with ease. He will not stay in a style for too long, but continuously "stretch" his soft and unusually developed "movie muscles".

He is 71 years old this year, but he is still active and easy-going when he was young. "I'm just entering the seventh decade of my life," Spielberg described himself. "Now, it's time to work with the audience again, to try to understand their ideas and really interact with them instead of just telling a story for them."


" great white shark " 1975

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Roy Scheidel / Robert Shaw of /zz 1516 Dickie 07.7 zz 15 z 15 zzz 15 Fen Berger 07.7 /zz15 zzz 1516 Dick 1 A great white shark has scared the audience for 50 years.


"The Third Kind of Contact" 1977

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Richard Dreyfus/ François Truffauz 15 zzzz 07. 16 zzzzz 07. 16 zzz 07. The special effects, mysterious atmosphere, and visual effects that only existed in the past have made the film one of the most classic and thrilling science fiction movies in film history.


"Indiana Jones" 1981

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Harrison Ford/Karen Alan

douban 7.9z The pioneering hero of IMDb 8.4z15 zz

z8. Becoming one of the most classic screen images in 80 years, the series also achieved amazing global box office results!


"Indiana Jones 2" 1984

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Harrison Ford / Kate Capshaw

watercress 7.8 IMDb 7.6

1985年第 the 57th Academy Award for Best Visual Effects


"wins "Bao Qibing 3" 1989

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Harrison Ford / Sean Connery

douban 8.2 IMDb 8.2



20081516zzzzz: Stefan Spy Berg

starring: Harrison Ford / Shia LaBeouf

douban 7.1 IMDb 6.1

27 After the series ushered in the fourth part, it is said that the fifth part is already in preparation.


"E.T. Aliens" 1982

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Henry Thomas / Di Warrens

zz Douban 8.6zzzzzzzz 8.6zzzPierberg 7.815 IMDb 7.815From this moment on, the image of aliens with big eyes has become a symbol of movie history. It has since been imitated countless times. The film was once ranked first in the "100 Most Suitable Movies for the Whole Family".


"Purple" 1985

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Danny Glover/ Ubi Goldberg

Douban 8.5 The IMDb 7.8zzz top of the film is 0zzz 1516. The masterpiece is also a masterpiece of film history that has been overlooked.


"Empire of the Sun" 1987

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Christian Bell/John Malkovich

douban 7.8 IMDb 7.7z1 The rare film of the Sino-Japanese War of 1987 Ge went to China to set the scene in person, and presented a different understanding of war from the perspective of a child!


"Jurassic Park" 1993

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Sam Neal/ Laura Dunn

z15 zdouban 8.2

z15 sci-fi jurassic park 1zz15 zzz 1 256 zzzz zzz 1 zzz 0 zzz 0 256 zzzz 15 zzzz 15 sci-fi jurassic park 1zz15 zzz 0 sci-fi 1 zzz 0 zzz 0 2: The Lost World" 1997

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Jeff Goblen / Julianne Moore

douban 7.6 IMDb 6.6

zz continuation of the previous work, also popular in the list of



zz 1993

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Liam Neeson / Ben Kingsley

Douban 9.5 IMDb 8.9

Spielberg's most famous film, won the Oscar Award for Best Picture in one fell swoop 7 awards!


"The Brave is Fearless" 1997

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Morgan Freeman/Nigel Hawthorne


Douban 8.2zz IMDb is still the theme of anti-black people, and zzzz is still the theme of the struggle against 1zz1. Berg always has a bomb in his arms! Let you feel shocked at any time!


"Saving Private Ryan" 1998

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Tom Hanks/Tom Seazmoore

Douban 9.0z 1zz0 One of the great war movies of IMDb0 The scene became the object of later war films to imitate. And its groundbreaking tremolo mirror redefines the vision of war.


"Artificial Intelligence" 2001

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Hayley Joe Osmond/ Frances O'Connor

Douban Z1z

z Douban 8.6 Zipper IMDb 07.21516 K, this sci-fi masterpiece shot completely in the style of Ku’s is his tribute to the master. It is also Kubrick's unfulfilled last wish.


"Minority Report" 2002

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Tom Cruise / Colin Farrell

douban 7.8 IMDb 7.6

film special effects, 481 special effects appeared in total All previous works of Steven Spielberg. And its unique narrative style is also refreshing.


"Cat and Mouse Game" 2002

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio/Tom Hanks

zdouban 9.0 zzz

zz15, a three-bit golden combination of IMDb08.115z I am afraid there will be no lineup in the future.


"The End of Happiness" 2004

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Tom Hanks/Catherine Zeta-Jones

zdouban 8.8 This is a comedy from 1zz07.4z1516, which is also a comedy from 1zz07.4z1516. Cox and Spielberg’s fourth collaboration. The two were both producers and contributed many high-scoring war American dramas.


"War of the World" 2005

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Tom Cruise/Dakota Fanning

Douban 6.6 An IMDb is a science fiction film of 6.5z1 which is another 0zz15. Perfect, but a bit desperate at the last moment. The work originated from a live broadcast in Orson Wells that year, which caused hundreds of thousands of Americans to flee.


"Munich" 2005

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Eric Barner/Daniel Craig

Douban 7.8 The famous adaptation of IMDb 7.5z1 at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich.


"War Horse" 2011

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Jeremy Irvine/Peter Mullan

Douban 8.1 An extraordinary war of IMDb 7.2



"Lincoln" 2012

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Daniel Day-Lewis/Sally Field

douban 7.8 The most great president in American history starring in the history of IMDb 7.8, IMDb 7.3zz1 Oscar actor, unprecedented.


"Bridge of Spy" 2015

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Tom Hanks/Mark Lillance

douban 8.1 IMDb 7.6

adapted from the real Cold War incident in the United States Inside the cruel spy war.


"The Giant of Dream" 2016

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Ruby Barnhill/ HorseK. Lilans

douban 6.8 IMDb 6.4

"Everyone has a golden dream."


"Washington Post" 2017

zz starring Steven Spielbergz16:zz1 / Tom Hanks

Douban 8.3 IMDb 7.2

adapted from real events in 1971, telling the story of the former publisher of the "Washington Post" Kay Graham and editor Ben Bradley competing with the "New York Times" , Published Pentagon documents to expose the government’s large-scale cover-up of 30-year-old secrets involving four US presidents.


"The Number One Player" 2018

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Tai Sheridan/Olivia Cook

z Douban 8.0 Zzzyberg’s strong IMDb 0 7.015z

z Science fiction skills, dedicated a masterpiece of word of mouth for movie fans!