The rural drama "Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses" seems to be about a village bully running rampant and bullying honest people, but the essence of the truth is the limitations of human society. He Xingfu is the heroine of the TV series. The audience often likes to judge right an

The rural drama "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes" seems to be a village bully running rampant and bullying honest people, but the essence of the truth is the limitations of human society. He Xingfu is the heroine of the TV series. The audience often likes to judge right and wrong from the perspective of the protagonist.

The wedding incident was obviously the fault of Wan Chuanjia, who used his drunkenness to molest the bridesmaid.

Looking at land disputes objectively, there will be different views. From the perspective of happiness, the Wang family felt that it was the wedding incident that made the Wan family hold a grudge and deliberately expropriated their family's land. It was the Wan family who was making things difficult for them. But from Wanjia's point of view, the land acquisition was proposed by engineers, there was no retaliation, and the lack of formal invoices was inconsistent with basic financial principles.

The main cause of land acquisition conflicts is information asymmetry.

What kind of person is Wan Shan Tang, the helmsman of Wanjiazhuang?

He is definitely a good guy.

Wan Shan Tang in "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Families" and Lei Dongbao in " Dajiang Dahe " are the same kind of people. At the critical moment when planned economy turns to market economy , they dare to venture and dare to do it, relying on their lonesomeness Lead the villagers to become rich. One word has both advantages and disadvantages. During the startup period, leaders need to make decisions and give full play to collective advantages. However, during the startup period, it seems inappropriate. Human beings have limitations and cannot always be right. If the rights of leaders are not restrained and balanced, it will become a growth problem. A hotbed of corruption.

Wan Shantang is the village leader and the chairman of the village collective enterprise Wanjia Group. Wanjia Group is a star enterprise in Wanjiazhuang, and most of the company's employees are villagers in Wanjiazhuang. Everything in the village is decided by the village committee, and Wanshantang plays a decisive role. Secondly, he is also in charge of the jobs of most villagers. He has too much power.

On the issue of land acquisition, Wanshantang showed its kindness. The villagers were jealous that the old Wang family was unwilling to sign, so he took the initiative to give in and give 2W to three other families. In fact, there are clear rules and regulations in the village. Wanshantang broke the rules because of his own selfishness. This is the human society in rural areas. The amount of payment is decided by the people in power. The word guanxi is particularly delicate.

Lao Wang’s family is also a beneficiary of the humane society. There is no official invoice for the investment funds of

7W. It is the best way to ask a third party for evaluation, which is also in line with the financial system.

The honest Lao Wang went to Wanshan Tang to "ask" for help, and 7W's problem was solved instantly. This matter did not comply with the financial system. Wan Chuanjia is right. The happy couple are talking empty talk. They said 70W. Will the company reimburse 70W? In the eyes of the Wan family, Lao Wang's family was already the beneficiary, and they came to ask for 60,000 yuan, so they became greedy.

Essentially everyone wants to be a beneficiary of the human society, but how can there be so many benefits?

The characters written by the screenwriter are all full-bodied. There is a reason why the Wang family and his son are cowardly, especially Wang Qinglai. Because they are outsiders, the Wang family is low-key, humble, timid, and afraid of getting into trouble, which fully embodies the rules of survival in rural areas. Rural areas are different from cities. Everyone has lived together for generations, looking up and not seeing each other, and being serious about everything will only make you unhappy. .

Happy Mother-in-law is a rural woman whose edges have been smoothed by life. She envies her daughter-in-law's courage and courage, but is also influenced by her own pedantry and philistinism. This is true human nature. The same is true for my sister-in-law Wang Xiuyu. She works in the Wanjia Group. The group's personnel structure is very simple and nepotistic. They are all relatives or friends of the Wanshantang family. Her sister-in-law's seriousness will make it difficult for her to be a good person.

Another drawback of the human society - nepotism.

The change of power is selfish. In ancient times, emperors handed over the throne to their sons. Doesn’t Wanshantang not want his son to take over?

Because of Wan Shan Tang’s great achievements, Wan Chuanjia is the biggest beneficiary. He has no empathy or sympathy for the villagers, uses his power to accumulate wealth, and shows off his power in the village to become the village hegemon. Can such a person lead Wanjiazhuang?

The police's evaluation of Wanshantang expressed what the villagers felt. Once a person has ability, he will have a bad temper. Because of his ability, everyone condones his bad temper. There is a causal relationship between the two, and the villagers are very pragmatic.

Wan Shantang is indeed a good man. When he was young, he led the villagers to make a fortune. Now he is building a new industrial chain to help the villagers achieve a well-off society at home. However, the excessive human society is also restricting the development of Wanjiazhuang.