To celebrate the upcoming July 1st Party Founding Day, the choir of the senior care center rehearses the chorus program "Without the Communist Party, There Will Be No New China" every day. A group of elders with an average age of 80 express their love for the Party affectionately

To celebrate the upcoming July 1st Party Day, the choir of the nursing home rehearses the chorus program "Without the Communist Party, There Will Be No New China" every day. A group of elders with an average age of 80 express their love for the party affectionately through singing. Grandma Li Lianhua, who is in the front row of the choir, is of medium height and tall. It is obvious at a glance that she is quite professional. She enjoys the performance while singing to her heart's content. Listen to her unusual life story.

After recovering from the hospital, the old couple began to think about entering a nursing home. Grandpa Ning is even more determined and is no longer willing to drag down his wife because of himself. After reviewing relevant information and considering the opinions of his children, he finally chose the Fu Laobang Smart Health Care Center . After moving in, I discovered that this is the most suitable place for them to take care of their elderly. Not only does it have a wealth of daily activities, but it also has an medical care combined with model that Grandpa Ning is satisfied with.

After moving into a nursing home, her burden of taking care of her husband became much lighter, and Grandpa Ning also received more professional nursing services. "Seeing my wife getting better and better here, I feel more and more that I made the right choice. Now I can not only stay with him every day, but also do some things I want to do. So she started to participate The recreational activities in the hospital rekindled her hobby, "Singing is my biggest hobby, and it is also what I want to do for the rest of my life."

Grandma Li and Grandpa Ning's daily singing and piano practice

01, love since childhood Singing

In 1947, Grandma Li was born in an official family in Henan. Her grandfather was a Jinshi in the late Qing Dynasty. Her father worked as an assistant manager at Chongqing Bank before liberation. Although her mother was a housewife, she had read many books. Grandma Li is the only girl in the family, the second among three children. It is said that the second child is the most easily forgotten, but she, the second child, is the "best" apple of her parents' eyes.. She went to school at the age of 5 and received a good education. Learning well is one thing, but more importantly, she has musical talent: On the way to school, she heard songs sung on the street and she could sing them after listening to them once or twice; in music class, she could remember the phonetic symbols of the notes the teacher taught. After class, the teacher and classmates left, but she always stayed to play the piano and practice music for a while.

Grandma Li who practices tambourine in a nursing center

When talking about going to school when she was a child, Grandma Li also told us an interesting story. "At that time, I really hated reciting the text. It was too difficult and I couldn't memorize it. But if we couldn't recite the text, the teacher wouldn't let us go home to eat, and would hit our palms with a ruler. So I thought if I could change the way, treat the text as Once she sang the lyrics, it worked, and it didn't take long for her to memorize them by heart. "

Her hobby of singing has been growing up with her, and she did not give up this hobby until Grandma Li later started working.

02, Married because of singing

In 1965, after finishing her student career, Grandma Li was assigned to work in the Xianyang Light Industry Textile Factory. Soon she was promoted to the supervisor of the textile factory's production line with her excellent technical skills. Later, due to the restructuring of the factory organization, he was assigned to Liquan Textile Factory for technical guidance due to his good overall quality. Even Grandma Li herself never thought that the place "Liquan" would affect the rest of her life.

1972 was the year when New China’s diplomacy achieved a breakthrough, and it was also the year when Grandma Li’s life opened a new page. This year, because of her hobby of singing, she also met her other partner in life, .

During the Spring Festival of that year, Grandpa Ning returned to Liquan from the Northeast. The commune organizes a get-together every Spring Festival, selects young people to rehearse programs, and welcomes the Spring Festival in a lively manner (at the same time, it serves as a matchmaker for unmarried young men and women). As fate would have it, Grandma Li and Grandpa Ning were drawn together to perform "Folk Songs Are Like Spring River Water" duet between men and women.

"That was the first time I met him. He has a tall figure, a delicate appearance, and a talented person. He likes singing as much as I do. The most important thing is that he can also play the piano." "At that time, he was brilliant in our first rehearsal. Officially The performance was a great success and the program won a special award." At the age when love first emerged, the two young people who performed together for the first time quickly noticed each other and began to become familiar with each other. Later, Grandpa Ning and Grandma Li quickly developed into lovers because of their similar interests.. They got together more than a year after they met, started a happy family, and had a pair of lovely children after marriage.

03. Career is like a song

Not long after the marriage, Grandpa Ning was transferred back to the Northeast to work. Grandma Li was alone in Liquan, taking care of the family without giving up her work at all. At that time, the light industrial textile factory faced the dual task of upgrading production capacity and production lines. As a key technical backbone trained in the factory, Grandma Li naturally had to shoulder this important task.

Grandma Li, who came from a production line, had many shortcomings in theory, so she learned theoretical knowledge while working, and also followed the group to other textile factories to learn advanced experience. After the investigation, Grandma Li took the actual situation into consideration, often worked overtime, went to the grassroots level to conduct research and demonstration, and finally successfully completed the task of upgrading the production line . He made a great contribution to the business construction of Liquan Textile Factory and was successfully promoted from the technical supervisor on the production line to the core leader of the textile factory.

Grandma Li who participates in activities in a nursing center

After her busy work, she has never strayed away from singing. She actively participates in any cultural activities in the unit, "I would rather work hard, but also want to bring joy to everyone."

04, singing Always with you

Grandma Li retired in 2000 and had a lot of time to study music and do what she loved.. As she grows older, her musical skills have not only not deteriorated, but have improved significantly, and she has learned many new songs. Grandma Li, who couldn't take any time off, also formed a choir in Liquan, leading like-minded partners to rehearse songs, perform in various places, and enjoy the beauty that singing brings them.

Grandma Li’s songbook from her choir days

Now, at the age of 76, she still loves to sing, and her life has become better because of her singing.