China News Service, Chengdu, June 30th. On the morning of the 30th, the first revolutionary historical-themed movie "Fire" in Neijiang, Sichuan held a premiere ceremony at Wanda Cinema in Weiyuan County.

movie viewing scene. Picture provided by the Propaganda Department of Weiyuan County Party Committee

The movie viewing scene. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of Weiyuan County Party Committee

China News Service, Chengdu, June 30 (Wang Jue) On the morning of the 30th, the first revolutionary historical film "地火" in Neijiang, Sichuan held a premiere ceremony at Wanda Cinema in Weiyuan County. The movie will be released on major cinema lines in Sichuan on July 1 and will be broadcast during prime time on CCTV-6 movie channel.

stills. Picture provided by the Propaganda Department of Weiyuan County Party Committee

It is understood that the film "Fire on Earth" is based on the deeds of Weiyuan revolutionary martyr Luo Shiwen, an important prototype of Xu Yunfeng in "Red Rock". It is compact, fast, full and full of tension. The lens language uses art to reproduce history, showing the loyalty of Luo Shiwen and other revolutionary martyrs to their beliefs, their persistence in their ideals, their unyielding will for the revolution, and their fearless spirit of sacrifice for the revolution.

The film is jointly produced by the China Propaganda Film Satellite Channel Program Production Center, Chongqing Film Group Co., Ltd. , and Weiyuan County State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd., with the Propaganda Department of Neijiang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Propaganda Department of Weiyuan County Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Beijing Tiancheng Lily Culture Photographed jointly by Media Co., Ltd. and other units. Directed by national first-level director Xu Geng, the male and female protagonists are played by young actors Zhao Bo, Zhao Mengdi respectively, Yue Hong, Song Yuncheng and other famous actors starred in, Weiyuan County local art workers participated creation. The crew shot scenes in Jingning Ancient Village, Shiban River, Ancient Buddha Summit, Gaoding Village, Linjiang Temple, and Nanfeng Family in Zhong District, Neijiang City, in Weiyuan County, and also shot in Chongqing, Guizhou, and Zhejiang.

director Xu Geng said that the film intercepts important fragments of Luo Shiwen's revolutionary career and strives to make a wonderful and heroic red epic. During the filming in Weiyuan, cadres and the masses actively signed up to participate in the filming, which made him feel the deep memory and high respect of Weiyuan people for the revolutionary martyr Luo Shiwen.

stills. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of Weiyuan County Party Committee

"Follow the red footprints and realize the original intention and mission." Zhao Bo, who plays Luo Shiwen, said that Luo Shiwen and other revolutionary martyrs used their blood and lives to pave the way to today's happiness for us. The film will tell the story of the revolutionary martyrs. The story is told eloquently, and it also promotes the great spirit through the big screen and condenses the spiritual power of courageous advancement. I hope everyone can go into the theater to know and understand Luo Shiwen.

stills. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of Weiyuan County Party Committee

After watching the movie, everyone said that "Fire" made us once again feel that today's good life is hard-won, and also inspired us to carry forward the revolutionary spirit, inherit the red gene, forge ahead on a new journey, and forge ahead. Contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

It is reported that the film "Fire" will be released in major theaters and will meet the audience on the CCTV-6 movie channel from September to October this year.

Sichuan Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department , Provincial Party Committee Party History Research Office, Provincial Film Bureau, Municipal (state) Party Committee Propaganda Department, Chongqing Film Group , Neijiang Municipal Party Committee Party History and Local History Research Office, Municipal Culture, Broadcasting and Tourism Bureau, Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Relevant persons in charge of Weiyuan County, some moral model representatives and volunteers of Weiyuan County attended the premiere ceremony. (End)