"Blue Jasmine": Interpreting the heroine's process and enlightenment from peak to downfall from three aspects

2020/02/0421:12:24 entertainment 2540

movie "Blue Jasmine" is directed by Woody Allen. The film was released in the United States on July 26, 2013, and won an Oscar. Z1z

Cate Blanchett's performance is regarded as the biggest attraction of the film. Cate Blanchett contributed the best performance of her career with his funny, frightening and heartbreaking images of fallen women. The mystery of the film as a whole is that it portrays a bleak world where greed, deceit and self-deception are everywhere, but at the same time it allows us to focus on it. The plump characters, sharp dialogue, and Cate Blanchett's amazing core performance make the film the best summer movie of 2013 and the most memorable Woody Allen One of the works.

Jasmine has fallen from a life of top wealth to ordinary people, with nothing. She has experienced the deception and derailment of her husband, the departure of her children, and the decline of her home. She has become more and more nervous. She began to talk to herself wildly and go crazy. She had to succumb under the pressure of her life. When she came to the home of her sister Jin Jie, who was not related to her by blood, her boyfriend who was not troubled by the life under the fence and often looked down on her sister accused him.

Jasmine, who still wanted to marry a rich man, accidentally met a government diplomat Douai at a party. The two fell in love at first sight. For the last poor self-esteem and vanity, she made up a beautiful past, thinking she wanted When returning to the former rich life to be a noble jasmine away from her current life and her younger sister, the appearance of her younger sister’s ex-husband disrupted her, exposed her lie face to face, and Douai also left her, having gone through so much without repentance but also My self-esteem accuses my sister of leaving my sister proudly at my sister's house, and finally ends up living on the street alone.

"Blue Jasmine" at first glance looks like Woody Allen's version of "The First Half of My Life". The beautiful and wealthy heroine encounters marital affairs and bankruptcy, receives vocational training, learns to be a clerk, is molested by various unreliable men, meets tall, rich and handsome, and sees a happy life... but no, not at all That's it.

Today, I will analyze the reasons why the heroine Jasmine went from the peak to the downfall, escaped from the downfall and went to her sister, and returned to the peak life but was broken by lies. In the fourth part of the article, I will talk about some thoughts on women's family life and marriage in our real life in conjunction with this movie.

01. Jasmine has a so-called perfect life, but because of her husband’s derailment, she ruined her perfect life.

As a broad wife living in Manhattan, New York, Jasmine’s daily life is to do charity, hold parties, maintain her figure and beauty. Her husband, Hal, loves her very much, and often surprises her and buys her jewelry, which is very expensive. Their adopted son attended Harvard University and was called a mathematics genius.

Jasmine fell in love with Hal at first sight in her junior year, so she desperately left school and got married. In her marriage for more than two decades, she has never wavered her deep love for her husband. What others saw was Hal attracting bees and butterflies. Her understanding was that no woman could resist the charm of her husband. What others saw was that Hal’s financial speculation was full of risks, and she believed in her husband. The husband’s company and the signed contract are all operated in her name. As long as Hal asks her to sign the document, she doesn't look at it and signs it.

A happy life suddenly encountered a crisis one day. The husband used an excuse to go to Chicago for a business trip, but took his little lover to Paris to open a house. Paris called to inform her husband that the Rolex watch had fallen in the Leeds Hotel. So she finally found out that her husband had betrayed her. She was in distress and asked her girlfriend to talk to her, but she learned from her that her husband had slept with her good friends, their female fitness coach, his female secretary, his female lawyer and so on.

She was furious and asked her husband to settle accounts. But the husband wanted to abandon her, saying that he fell in love with the little lover, and wanted to live with the little lover, and this little lover was the nanny of someone else’s family, a teenage auntmother. In the frenzy, she reported her husband's financial fraud to the FBI. You deceive me, abandon me, and I will not let you go!

husband was arrested and killed himself. She went bankrupt, the mansion was gone, and the jewelry was gone. She couldn't even afford the rent of an ordinary apartment, and she owed a debt. The son collapsed, dropped out of Harvard, and ran away from home. Fall from a perfect life overnight.

How did Jasmine fall from a pampered lady to a homeless female neuropathy, Woody Allen finally shakes out the burden after suffocating everyone’s appetite, causing Jasmine’s spiritual world to completely collapse, and making extremely stupid actions What is the real reason? was the moment when her husband had a showdown with Jasmine to prepare for a divorce. Jasmine lost all her sanity and directly pushed her husband into hell.

In fact, Jasmine's derailment of her husband and illegal transactions are not unprepared, but she is accustomed to using self-avoidance and self-deception. Therefore, Jasmine's core value is marriage, and marriage is all the bets in her life. Not to mention the upper class, today ordinary women are getting rid of the shackles of marital idealism, pursuing happiness and independence in marriage, career and sense of accomplishment outside marriage, Jasmine's values ​​are not only outdated, but even feudal. Yes, rotten, this is the root of Jasmine's tragic life.

02, fell in life, escaped from the sad city, and went to my sister's house. Everything started from the beginning but her heart was full of picky and dissatisfaction

. She regrets it, but she has no regrets in this world. She was heartbroken, but she could only pick up the bloody shards and fight them back piece by piece. She relied on drugs to maintain her composure, and she was about to leave New York to live anew, and she was relieved of the problem of talking to herself.

She has a younger sister who lives in San Francisco. My sister works in a supermarket, divorced, and lives with her two sons. She lived in her sister's dirty house. She originally planned to go back to school and find a good job after finishing her studies. But my sister has a boyfriend who wants to live in, waiting for her to leave as soon as possible. She was forced to accept a job as an operator in a dentist's clinic. She studied computers in her spare time. She planned to study interior decoration design after learning computers and become a designer. Studying is very hard, the class is very boring, and I work hard after class, but I am not allowed to study in the clinic and it is noisy at my sister's house. Sister

's boyfriend came over to drink and watch the football game and make loud noises. My younger sister and her boyfriend can’t understand why Jasmine can’t just find a job to earn money like them, so why are they so hard and picky?

is accustomed to the life of abundance and drunkenness, once it falls to the bottom, it seems to be at a loss. In fact, you might as well think about it carefully, Jasmine's fall was caused by her own hands. Reporting to the ex-husband and not leaving a way for the ex-husband is also an irony of his current situation. After coming to my sister's house, I was gesticulating about my sister's life, not reconciled to mediocrity, and lacked a tolerant heart.

03. The appearance of a diplomat is a straw for life. It is the dawn of heaven seen from the bottom of hell. Lies can be dismantled and returned to reality. Z50z

​​It is not so good to be stunned by the diplomat himself. From a point of view, it is estimated that he is not an outstanding diplomat. It is possible to be a member of Congress, but he will not have much future. Of course, he finally became so angry that he had no room for maneuver, indicating that he didn't like Jasmine much. This encounter, which Jasmine tried his best to exaggerate, was nothing but a deal negotiation between the widowers and widows.

Jasmine wants his wealth, wants him to bring her back to the upper class life, and what he likes is Jasmine's beauty and innocent life experience. Jasmine lied about the content of the contract, so he changed his mind before signing the contract. It was reasonable and reasonable. Diplomats were the moral model of capitalism.

can see that from the beginning of the diplomat’s self-reporting of her family, Jasmine was thinking about how to modify her own life experience. At that time, she had two strategic choices. The first was to be honest in the big place, and to conceal or lie in the small place. (For example, concealing the plot of reporting her husband). The advantage of this is that it can avoid the embarrassment of being exposed on the spot as in the scene. The disadvantage is that the risk is too great, and the diplomat is likely to take advantage of her.Run away; the other is what she does in the play. To be fair, her choice is safer.

The first bet is that the diplomat loves her (or loves her beauty) more than her reputation. The first bet is that the lie will not be exposed before marriage (you can slowly confess after marriage, of course she will not Will be naive enough to think that it can be concealed for a lifetime), obviously the second is more wise. The cruel Woody Allen is about to come to a "people are not as good as the sky", the dream is shattered, leaving only the blue dream bubble floating in our sight.

The ambition of human beings to not succumb to the status quo, swelled to the extreme, can slaughter the country, kill people and set people on fire, but it is a sign that distinguishes us from the people around us when our ordinary lives are unsteady. How many people are still thinking when they are hopeless, I am different from ordinary people, I still have dreams in my heart, I just have a bad idea, and I haven't confessed my fate. Jasmine failed, but when Woody played "Blue Moon" for her at the end of the credits, the sadness was self-evident.

04, based on the heroine Jasmine in "Blue Jasmine" from the peak of perfect life to life down, combined with my experience in life, talk about my thoughts on female family life and marriage "Jasmine" z50 story, blue z

z49 Let me talk about the three thoughts it brings me about women: Jasmine, who was before

, was proud of her family, proud of her elegance, and proud of her life. She looks very annoying at first, but she also has a tragic sense of joy, which makes us want to hate but can't. That might be because Jasmine is a projection of a corner of vanity fantasy in each of us. No matter how down-to-earth people are, they will have a yearning for a better life. So what is this "better" sign? When our conditions are better than others, or some places appear more talented than others, pride will arise. What is the reason for pride that always appears as a derogatory term? In many cases, it is something that is not earned by your own hard work: it may be talent, family background, appearance... The reason for pride is always so easy to be overthrown, so proud people are more likely to get the opportunity to reflect on themselves .

The beautiful life is achieved through her own strength and hard work.

​​When all the pressures of life make her unrecognizable and almost on the verge of collapse and madness, she never wants to live the life she wants by her own efforts. And always put hope on others. It's not scary if you are not rich. The scary thing is that you don't know how to enjoy life and live in the moment. The scary thing is that you want to live a high life, but you also look down on the ordinary life of the lower class citizens.

Everyone wants to live a carefree and drunken life, but the premise is that they have the ability, and the one who always suffers from living in a vain world is still yourself. At the end of the film, Jasmine sits on a park bench and talks to herself about her past. The people around her shunned her away. This was her final ending and the ending she deserved. A proud jasmine went from flourishing to withering.

Society is always fair to everyone. You have to work hard for what kind of life you want. If you end up with Jasmine in the end, I would rather choose Jinjie’s ordinary, simple but happy life. At least it's true and reasonable.

②Never be a conceited person

​​Jasmine is a very conceited person. From the beginning to the end, she looked down on her sister's family and never gave her a hand to her sister when she was successful, but she never gave her a hand to her relatives when she was successful.

Kate had to take the first class flight home after bankruptcy. When she arrived at her sister’s house, she looked down on her sister’s friends and kept provoking her relationship with her boyfriend. She didn’t care about the fact that her husband cheated her sister’s family into bankruptcy. I even ridiculed my sister many times for not growing up all day and running for life every day. Kind-hearted but forbearingMy sister finally broke out: I am doing undecent work for my life every day because you deceived us so badly and wiped out all of our wealth!

This kind of arrogance has kept Jasmine unable to face the cruel reality. Even if she struggles with fate, there is still a lot of speculation in it. She believes that she is naturally beautiful, knowledgeable and talented, and deserves the care of the god of destiny. It is a pity that fate did not take care of her, but completely threw her into hell. On the contrary, the younger sister, who was miserably hurt by Jasmine, gained true love.

③ Don't place a sense of security on others

Jasmine puts his sense of security on others from beginning to end. Jin Jie once said that in the face of things she doesn't want to know, she is good at closing one eye. Jasmine bet all her glory and decency on her rich and capable husband. A parasite will not mind sharing it with others, as long as it can give her a decent appearance. So she turned a deaf ear to many small three and four.

But when her husband said that he was in love with the nanny and was about to divorce her, she almost collapsed in grief. Without the host, the life of the parasite ceased to exist. In grief and anger, she took the initiative to expose her husband.

This reminds me of a post talking about marriage. Someone said that a woman must have her own career and life. In this way, when a man proposes to break up with her, she will suffer, but her world will not collapse. .

In the world of popular fiction, Yishu is sharp and cruel, but in front of Woody Allen, she is simply dreamy and gentle—Woody Allen's irony and irony are unsympathetic. Yes, just as he made Cate Blanchett tremble in the wind with her makeup and wet hair, he accurately described the whole picture of a woman who fell from the top of the society.


people can fall in love with a type of person rather than a person. In the final analysis, Jasmine's final collapse is not because her pain is too painful, but her vulnerability is too fragile. In real life, every woman will encounter the problems of family life and marriage. If you are now at a stage of confusion and trouble, it is better to watch this movie. Maybe it will bring you some new enlightenment, maybe not It will be so fragile. mutual encouragement!

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