YY anchor Wang Xiaoyuan has a "bicycle" meme, so he was nicknamed "Miyun Thief" by netizens on YY, and was ridiculed by many anchors and fans. Wang Xiaoyuan himself often makes jokes about bicycles and laughs at himself, so this matter is closely related to Wang Xiaoyuan. However

2024/06/3021:10:33 entertainment 1680

YY anchor Wang Xiaoyuan has a "bicycle" meme, so he was nicknamed "Miyun Thief" by netizens on YY, and was ridiculed by many anchors and fans.

Wang Xiaoyuan himself often makes jokes about bicycles and laughs at himself, so this matter is closely related to Wang Xiaoyuan.

YY anchor Wang Xiaoyuan has a

However, there is no relevant "evidence" on the Internet to confirm whether Wang Xiaoyuan's "Miyun Thief" bicycle story actually exists.

Wang Xiaoyuan also clarified that every time he mentioned bicycles in the live broadcast room, it was actually for the interactive effect of the live broadcast.

YY anchor Wang Xiaoyuan has a

For example, one time when Wang Xiaoyuan was doing an outdoor live broadcast with his good brother Liu, he found a bicycle on the street. Wang Xiaoyuan took the initiative to check it out for the effect of the live broadcast.

But at that time, Wang Xiaoyuan was being stared at by some security guards. He joked that he really had "nothing to do", and the live broadcast effect was also very funny.

YY anchor Wang Xiaoyuan has a

But as time goes by, more and more netizens discuss this matter. Many YY fans actually believe it to be true and feel that Wang Xiaoyuan really stole a bicycle.

For example, Gebao , Dance Emperor Li Ge once used bicycle jokes to tease Wang Xiaoyuan. Some netizens revealed that they were even arrested and had a "criminal record".

Therefore, as long as he has a little rhythm, memes about bicycles and related remarks about "Miyun Thief" will appear in online spaces such as live broadcast rooms and post bars.

YY anchor Wang Xiaoyuan has a

Recently, Wang Xiaoyuan mentioned his bicycle during a live broadcast. He said that he had never stolen a bicycle.

Moreover, Wang Xiaoyuan revealed that the four or five bicycles his mother bought for him were stolen by others. The matter of stealing bicycles was completely slandered by netizens.

Wang Xiaoyuan said that although he was a little naughty when he was young, he never stole a bicycle and hoped that fans would treat him rationally.

YY anchor Wang Xiaoyuan has a

The editor feels that in fact, netizens teasing him about "stealing bicycles" are just for entertainment and fun, but the relationship between Wang Xiaoyuan and bicycles should be inseparable now.

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