Has your circle of friends been flooded with the movie "Life Events" recently? With a new director and a new theme, it received rave reviews after its release. Not only did it beat Hollywood special effects blockbusters at the box office, becoming a dark horse in the summer seaso

2024/06/1804:29:32 entertainment 1991

Recently, has your circle of friends been flooded with the movie " Life Events "? With a new director and a new theme, it received rave reviews after its release. Not only did it beat the Hollywood special effects blockbuster at the box office, it became a dark horse in the summer season, and it was also locked in advance as the best feature film in 2022. In the film, the story of Zhu Yilong and young actor Yang En, a "father and daughter halfway through", redeem each other and "run in both directions", which embodies the most subtle true feelings in the world of fireworks. Many movie fans were still immersed in the heart-warming plot after leaving the theater. They switched to national karaoke and sang the movie theme song to relive the emotion.

Has your circle of friends been flooded with the movie

The lyrics of the theme song of the movie "Life Events" of the same name go straight to the heart: "They say life is a long road, but life and death can happen in the blink of an eye. They say we still have many, many tomorrows, why be sad and why be pessimistic." Zhao Zhao The compatibility between 's storytelling voice and the plot of the movie is perfect, causing netizens to say: The defense is broken! This song has also become the "new favorite" of the majority of karaoke users. It is a cover version by karaoke user "Baishui Buyi". Her magnetic voice talks about the small beauties of ordinary life in a warm and healing tune. It is worth wearing headphones. Loop the single and savor it carefully!

Has your circle of friends been flooded with the movie

Another movie episode "The Man Who Planted Stars" is adapted from a popular classic song "Farewell". The lyrics compare the undertaker to "the person who planted stars". The young actor Yang En's soft and innocent child voice and Zhu Yilong The low and soothing male voice sang together: "Every star in the sky is a person who has loved us", which directly made countless movie fans burst into tears on the spot! The cover version brought by national karaoke users is equally touching. The karaoke user "Love Smiling Eyes" invited a child to bring a wonderfully restored cover version, which reminded people of Mo Sanmei and Xiao Xiao in the movie every minute. The plot of the text healing each other! Another karaoke user "MiLo" has a deep and mellow voice that is addictive. His performance is more like his inner monologue, singing his insights and thoughts on life.

Has your circle of friends been flooded with the movie

Nowadays, after watching a movie/TV series, singing the theme song through karaoke to reminisce about the plot has become a new way of entertainment for more and more netizens. Previously, the theme songs of the popular movies " Changjin Lake Shuimen Bridge " and " I Want to Go to Your World and Love You " released during the Spring Festival and Valentine's Day periods were widely loved by K-song netizens, setting off a nationwide K-sing sensation. There was a wave of cover craze. Affected by the epidemic, the national movie box office was sluggish in the first half of this year. However, with the release of "Life Events" and "Jurassic World 3", the movie-going craze gradually recovered, and the next movie market can be said to be full of energy.

This summer, which movie did you watch, and which theme song made you break your guard? Now come to National K-Sing and feel the fireworks of the world together in the singing!

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