On the Sangong stage of "Lang Jie 3", Cyndi Wang's group adapted singer Zheng Zhihua's classic song "Stars Light Up". But as soon as the show was aired, it caused controversy, and even the original singer Zheng Zhihua posted an article expressing his dissatisfaction.

2024/05/2417:47:33 entertainment 1219

On the Sangong stage of

On the Sangong stage of "Sister Lang 3", the Cyndi Wang group adapted the classic song "Stars Light" by singer Zheng Zhihua . It's still a familiar melody, and it's still a melodious song.

On the Sangong stage of

But as soon as the show was aired, it caused controversy, and even the original singer Zheng Zhihua posted an article to express his dissatisfaction.

Regarding the fact that the lyrics of my classic song "Star Lights" were randomly changed, I express my shock, anger and regret! "

On the Sangong stage of

Why is Zheng Zhihua so angry?

Some people say that Zheng Zhihua is making a fuss out of a molehill? Since the right to adapt the song has been given to the program team, the program team has the right to "modify" it, and the modified lyrics are more "sunshine" and more positive than the original lyrics.

But judging from Zheng Zhihua’s reaction, there is a high probability that the program team is without Zheng Zhihua’s consent.

This is one of the reasons why Zheng Zhihua is angry.

I think, what makes Zheng Zhihua even more angry is not that his legal rights have been violated, but that these arbitrary modifications not only reduced the artistic depth of the song, but also greatly weakened the original intention of the lyrics .

Because the creation of this song is closely related to Zheng Zhihua’s experience. And his story begins in the autumn of 1961...

Unfortunate Childhood

On November 14, 1961, the autumn air was crisp.

A family named Zheng in Taiwan, China, welcomed their second child. The birth of a child means both joy and sadness to this family.

Happily, the child was born smoothly. Sadly, the first child died shortly before the birth. I heard from a fortune teller that the death of the first child was caused by the second child.

Therefore, after the child was born, parents struggled to give the child an auspicious name. The mother remembered that when she was pregnant, a monk came to the house to ask for alms, and he wanted to name the child "Zhihua". In connection with the early death of the first child, the parents named the child - Zheng Zhihua .

On the Sangong stage of

Parents hope that their children will turn disaster into good luck and be full of wisdom. They wish they could bestow all the blessings on their children. However, the wheel of fate often pushes people's destiny in the other direction.

html When he was 03 years old, Zheng Zhihua experienced a high fever. After the high fever, he was diagnosed with polio. The doctor informed his parents with regret.

"This child may spend his whole life in a wheelchair. "

After hearing the doctor's curse-like comments, the parents were stunned and burst into tears.

After grieving, the parents decided to do their best to help their children stand up again.

On the Sangong stage of

During the time when he was sitting in a wheelchair, what Zheng Zhihua envied most were the neighbor's children. Outside the window, they were jumping around and having fun. For other children, all this is normal, but for Zheng Zhihua, everything is out of reach when it comes to walking or even running.

html When he was 07 years old, his parents spent most of their savings on an operation for Zheng Zhihua. After the operation, the thin Zheng Zhihua was left with 16 scars and was in terrible pain.

Fortunately, he can finally walk with a cane.

's unfortunate childhood made Zheng Zhihua more autistic and sensitive than other children of the same age around him. He likes to observe the plants and trees around him, like to draw, and write down every bit of life in his diary. When

was in elementary school, he won many awards for his compositions and paintings. Although physically disabled, he is a "legend" among students.

Because he was too good, he was also jealous of some male classmates. Some of his classmates bullied him and took advantage of his physical disadvantages, often tripping him up and causing him to fall.

At the beginning, he was so thin that he did not dare to resist. Later, for the sake of dignity, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and angrily started a fight with the classmates who bullied him...

The stubbornness of the "rebellious boy"

When he was a student, Zheng Zhihua wrote He was good at writing, his articles were beautiful, and his paintings were very clever. He wanted to be a painter wholeheartedly.

As a result, my father poured cold water on me.

" Just accept your fate. You are lame. It would be great to have a job in the future! "

But Zheng Zhihua, who is in his rebellious period, how can he succumb to his fate?

During middle school, Zheng Zhihua started a small business while studying, reselling stationery. Unexpectedly, Zheng Zhihua not only wrote well, but was also very smart in business. Soon after, he made his first pot of gold.

was talented, young and rich, and was most attractive to the girls of that era .

Therefore, when Zheng Zhihua was in middle school, there was no shortage of girls around him who he admired. After graduating from junior high school, Zheng Zhihua was admitted to Taipei Polytechnic to major in civil engineering, and he also had his first love.

On the Sangong stage of

A girl named Ayuan broke into Zheng Zhihua's heart, causing ripples .

Despite his physical defects, the talented Zheng Zhihua deeply attracted the girl's attention. Soon after, the two fell into the whirlpool of love.

However, love is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

A love begins with beautiful longings and fantasies, but ends with the disapproval of the girl's parents.

The girl's parents felt that although Zheng Zhihua was brilliant in literature and talented, he was not a good son-in-law. If his daughter follows him in the future, she will only suffer hardships, so she beats the mandarin ducks .

The cruel reality is like a sharp sword, piercing deeply into the heart of young Zheng Zhihua. Trapped by love, Zheng Zhihua almost collapsed and even thought of committing suicide. During the time when

broke up with the girl, he wrote a lot of tragic poems, such as " Twist Braid ", "Don't Cry, My Favorite Person", etc., and also accumulated a lot of "material" for becoming a singer in the future. ".

On the Sangong stage of

"Don't cry, my beloved,

I bloom like an epiphyllum tonight,

wither at the most beautiful moment,

your tears can't restore the withering.

Do you remember me saying proudly,

I have been in this world before ,

Don’t tell me what eternity is,

I was destroyed in the most brilliant moment. "

- Zheng Zhihua's "Don't Cry, My Favorite Person"

After a long period of persuasion from friends around him, Zheng Zhihua finally became the best person. Come out of the emotional haze. At that moment, he secretly swore in his heart.

On the Sangong stage of

" Since you are alive, you can't be ignorant, you must live a wonderful life. "

By accident, he became a smash hit singer

After graduating from college, Zheng Zhihua went to work in an engineering company, and gradually, like Like most young people, he was tired of such repetitive work day after day, and he had no youthful atmosphere at all.

Soon after, Zheng Zhihua switched jobs to an advertising company. The advertising industry is completely unfamiliar to Zheng Zhihua. My parents also didn’t understand why they decided to change jobs instead of doing a relaxing job.

Only Zheng Zhihua knows in his heart: Only through continuous innovation can he exert his talents .

He began to supplement the basic knowledge of the advertising industry, and his good writing skills were also put into use at this time, and inspiration came unexpectedly. Some classic advertising slogans will come out naturally.

On the Sangong stage of

Once, while eating, inspiration suddenly burst out and he wrote a song "For Happy Girls" for a shampoo advertising company. Unexpectedly, it was this advertising song that completely changed Zheng Zhihua's destiny. After this song was sung by female singer Wawa, it became a household name overnight.

On the Sangong stage of

A company called Dianjiang Records followed the lead and found Zheng Zhihua, the original author of the song, and invited him to release an album and become a singer.After the meeting, the company owner Gui Mingyu praised him even more. He believed that Zheng Zhihua had the potential to be a singer and hoped to sign him to the company.

On the Sangong stage of

Chollima often exists, but Bole does not often have .

At the beginning, Zheng Zhihua was unsure. He knew nothing about music. People in the company frequently poured cold water on him.

" If you go to a record company, the company will probably close down soon. How is it possible for a person with a physical disability to become a singer!"

The contempt of colleagues in the company ignited Zheng Zhihua's inner stubbornness.

Since you said I can't do it, I want to prove that I can do it. Soon after, Zheng Zhihua resigned from the advertising company and signed a contract with Dianjiang Records.

On the Sangong stage of

The era of "Sailor"

In 1987, Zheng Zhihua released his first album "The Story of the youngest member ". The song

combines a mining accident in Zheng Zhihua's hometown to describe the vicissitudes of life and make people cry. After the song

was released, it resonated with countless music fans, and Zheng Zhihua became an instant hit in Taiwan, China. After

On the Sangong stage of

, Zheng Zhihua successively released many popular songs.

" Fallen Angel " - an elegy for a tragic girl in a romantic place.

On the Sangong stage of

"Youth", "Single Escape", "Stars Lighting", "Twist Braid" and so on.

However, the song that really made Zheng Zhihua famous all over the country must be "Sailor" released in 1992.

This year, audiences across the country are rejoicing for the return of Olympic athletes. On the stage, Zheng Zhihua leaned on a cane and sang "Sailor" affectionately. As soon as the music started, countless music fans were excited and excited.

" He said that in the wind and rain, this little pain is nothing. Wipe your tears and don't ask why! "

On the Sangong stage of

The next day, this song was played in the streets and alleys, with sonorous and powerful lyrics and inspiring melody. , coupled with Zheng Zhihua’s magnetic voice, people quickly remembered this disabled and strong male singer . After

, Zheng Zhihua released a number of songs, some of which criticized current ills, such as "Big People", and some were full of compassion for the little people, such as "Thirty-three Dollars", "The Crying Actor" and so on.

On the Sangong stage of

In 1999, after Zheng Zhihua released his 12th album and his singing career was at its peak, he suddenly made a surprising decision: quit the music scene .

There are different opinions on the reasons for withdrawing from the music scene.

Some people believed that Zheng Zhihua's song satirized a certain political system at that time and was "blocked" by the authorities. Some people also believe that Zheng Zhihua's "retirement" was due to a girl named Zhang Yuya .

After experiencing his first failed relationship, Zheng Zhihua had almost lost hope for love. It was not until he met designer Zhang Yuya, and under Zhang Yuya's careful guidance, that Zheng Zhihua rekindled his hope for love.

On the Sangong stage of

"The love that ended in vain in my early years was a thorn in my heart, until I met my wife. I knew it was her in this life, she would not despise me, and I was willing to give up everything for her and give her a long-term companionship. "So Zheng Zhihua left the music scene and left his time and company with his family.

In the year that they chose to fade out of the music scene, Zheng Zhihua and Zhang Yuya entered the palace of marriage.

A year later, their daughter was born, turning the family into a happy family of three.

On the Sangong stage of

The misfortune of his childhood also made Zheng Zhihua understand more about the hard-won love and marriage. After fading out of the music scene, he left most of his time to his daughter to accompany her as she grew up. The once rebellious boy instantly transformed into a "daughter slave" and gave his daughter endless love.

On the Sangong stage of

After marriage, in order to thank his wife for her company, Zheng Zhihua also wrote a song "A Man Like Me" for her, tearing off the strong self-pretation on his body. At that moment, he found his own happiness.

On the Sangong stage of

When he had nothing to do, Zheng Zhihua also picked up his childhood hobby of painting, and occasionally produced masterpieces. A personal exhibition was also held.

On the Sangong stage of

html I am nearly 60 years old. Looking back on the past scenes, the songs and stories I wrote all have their own bits and pieces infiltrated into them.

Whether it is "Lighting the Stars" or "Sailor", they are all reflections of his own life.

Nowadays, my hard work has been randomly changed, just like my story has been torn into pieces again, how can I not be angry?

As time goes by, Zheng Zhihua is an inspirational model and a legendary singer. I hope he will be happy for the rest of his life.

We will never forget "Sailor", and we have been overcoming obstacles and forging ahead on the road to "Sailor"......


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