According to reports, Jay Chou's new album, which will be premiered on July 6, encountered a ridiculous thing. The title song has not been released, and there is not even an official cover. Douban has opened the score, "The score dropped sharply from 7.3 points at the beginning t

2024/05/2303:06:33 entertainment 1904

's new album has not been released yet, @Douban split it first and separated a staff! According to reports, Jay Chou 's new album, which will be premiered on July 6, encountered a ridiculous thing. The title song has not been released, and there is not even an official cover. Douban has opened the score, "The score has rapidly increased from 7.3 points at the beginning. It dropped to 5.8 points, and many netizens claimed to have heard it and gave it one star."

According to reports, Jay Chou's new album, which will be premiered on July 6, encountered a ridiculous thing. The title song has not been released, and there is not even an official cover. Douban has opened the score,

This is really weird. Who rated it? Who gave it 1 star, and who gave it 5 stars? What’s the basis for giving points without seeing the album? Although Douban has closed the rating of Jay Chou's new album, it obviously cannot "close" the questions of netizens.

According to reports, the "pink-black war" between some celebrities has already spread to Douban. Previously, one of Zhao Liying 's dramas had not yet been released, and Douban ratings had already received a large number of negative reviews and one-star reviews for her personal acting skills. According to another survey, on Douban, you can hire a troll to increase your score for just a few cents.

Therefore, we need to ask, how can Douban defend its credibility? If this kind of behavior is tolerated and becomes widespread, how can Douban continue to do so? Douban keeps saying that "Douban Business has never and will never have any cooperation related to ratings." The problem is that non-cooperation is only one of the bottom lines. Ensuring fair ratings is also a bottom line that cannot be breached. This is the foundation of Douban.

Specifically speaking about Jay Chou's new album, some netizens believe that there may be suspicions of hype, such as deliberately creating controversy, or that it may be a desire to promote before suppressing. Such remarks must be verified, but it is certain that if this kind of disorderly behavior is not purified, the Douban score will be crippled sooner or later.

In addition, every star has fans or haters, which is normal. Whether you support or criticize, you must keep your boundaries and not do whatever you want. If you don't like him or her, or if you think he or she is in competition with your idol, you will step on him or her, or even do something extraordinary, sooner or later something will happen. Similarly, in order to defend your idols, it is not advisable to pursue them crazily and exaggerate. For example, when you see your idol’s new work, irresponsibly giving it 5 stars regardless of its quality, it is not advisable.

In recent years, regulatory authorities have taken heavy measures to punish the chaos in the "fan circle", such as strengthening the guiding responsibilities of celebrity agencies (studio) to fan groups, and punishing celebrities and their agencies (which cause fans to fight against each other, suppress each other and cause war). Studios) and fan groups, take measures such as limiting, banning, and closing their accounts. At the same time, the entire platform reduces or cancels the release of various information about related stars. If some people commit crimes against the wind and insist on hitting the muzzle of the gun, I am afraid they will be unable to survive.

’s new album has not been released yet, Douban split it first, so the matter cannot be left undisturbed. I hope that Douban will conduct a thorough investigation and take effective measures to plug the loopholes. We also hope that the "rice circle" trolling can stop and stop causing wars and polluting the Internet ecology!

Source: @People's Internet Review

Editor: Intern Editor Zhao Siyao

Process Editor: Guo Dan

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