When it comes to the name Yue Yunpeng, I believe fans are very familiar with it. As Guo Degang's "treasure in the palm of his hand", his road to fame cannot be copied. Between his cheeky smile and humorous conversation, Xiao Yueyue became famous in one battle, got rid of the plig

2024/05/1709:23:44 entertainment 1030

mentioned the name Yue Yunpeng . I believe fans are familiar with it. As the "treasure in the palm" of Guo Degang , his road to fame cannot be copied. With a mean smile and humorous conversation, Xiao Yueyue became famous in one battle, got rid of the plight of a poor family, and reached the pinnacle of life.

When it comes to the name Yue Yunpeng, I believe fans are very familiar with it. As Guo Degang's

Careful fans will find that most of the stars in the entertainment industry have an unhappy background. It seems that making money is king, and fame, wealth and status are just for sharing the "cake". Yue Yunpeng leaped over the dragon gate to change his destiny. Such success is enviable. However, some people feel that this cross talk actor has lost his original intention and has become a "tool" of capital. What is going on?

Only those who work hard will win

The old man often says: "30% luck, 70% hard work". Success does not come casually. As Guo Degang's apprentice, Yue Yunpeng is the "pillar" in Deyun Club , and his worth has risen rapidly. Appearing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala five times in a row is enough to demonstrate the importance of this crosstalk actor in the hearts of the people.

When it comes to the name Yue Yunpeng, I believe fans are very familiar with it. As Guo Degang's

For a star with a grassroots background, this is the most proud thing in his life. It is said that many people are popular, and aspiring fans have noticed that Yue Yunpeng's career territory is subtly expanding. It touches on many fields. The figure chasing a taxi and shouting "Swallow, what will I do without you?" is still unforgettable.

Many people think that this is his good luck, but I don't think so. Coming from a poor family, he entered the society at the age of 14, and experienced a lot of contempt and experience of the world. Yue Yunpeng's heart is very strong. Before he came into contact with cross talk, he lived the same life as many ordinary people, very inconspicuous.

When it comes to the name Yue Yunpeng, I believe fans are very familiar with it. As Guo Degang's

He has experience in security, worker, waiter and other positions. Once, Yue Yunpeng was scolded by his boss for three hours because of a miscalculation of accounts. He thought he could keep his job after the anger subsided, but he was fired in the end. It was in such trivial matters that he tempered his character.

When someone is about to be given a great responsibility, he must first work hard and work hard for him. As the gears of fate turn, Yue Yunpeng comes to Deyun Society. At that time, his foundation was very weak, and it was a problem to speak and in Mandarin. But everyone should understand that cross talk is an industry that relies on mouth to make money, which is undoubtedly a fatal flaw.

When it comes to the name Yue Yunpeng, I believe fans are very familiar with it. As Guo Degang's

Yue Yunpeng was not discouraged. He often practiced alone in front of the mirror to change his local accent. This is probably the principle that hard work can make up for weakness. In a group where strength is king, a useless person has a very low sense of existence. You can imagine how Yue Yunpeng felt in his heart when no one cared about him and he was being used around by everyone.

are also "counterattacks" in the long river of life. Why is the difference so big? When encountering the same problem, some people may give up and choose to leave quietly and take a satisfying job. But Yue Yunpeng did not do this. He persisted in his persistence in art despite being looked down upon.

When it comes to the name Yue Yunpeng, I believe fans are very familiar with it. As Guo Degang's

The first thing he does when he wakes up every morning is to practice the basic skills of cross talk. It took him 6 years to go from being useless to entering the audience's field of vision. No one saw how much sadness he endured in his heart during the process. Judging from the results, Yue Yunpeng made an effort that ordinary people could not imagine.

I don’t think he is necessarily a talented player, but his absolute hard work and the support of this perseverance have allowed him to stand in the spotlight, change his fate against the odds and become a winner in life. However, after he gained a certain degree of fame, the direction of his career expansion changed subtly, which was puzzling.

When it comes to the name Yue Yunpeng, I believe fans are very familiar with it. As Guo Degang's

Doesn’t look like a child who has suffered?

Fans who understand the entertainment industry should know that fame and status determine resources. After many people become famous, they will pursue success and elevate their careers to another level. Therefore, Yue Yunpeng's move is completely reasonable. He is like a machine, constantly operating and turning on the gold-making mode.

I understand very well. In the years when no one cared about him, he experienced too much sadness and difficulty. He finally seized the opportunity, how could he just waste his time like this? Once in an interview program, Yue Yunpeng bluntly said that if he had a time machine and could travel back to his childhood, he would definitely not do it because those days were too hard.

When it comes to the name Yue Yunpeng, I believe fans are very familiar with it. As Guo Degang's

A good childhood can heal a lifetime, but a bad childhood takes a lifetime to heal. He just changed the way. It is not as easy as imagined for the honest and honest Yue Yunpeng to stand out in Deyun Club where there are many talents. Fortunately, after experiencing so many hardships, his hard-working character was appreciated by Yu Qian and Guo Degang.

But with the arrival of the variety show " New Travels ", the crosstalk actor's performance in the show aroused heated discussions among fans. First of all, everyone must understand that this variety show is about "experiencing the fireworks of life and enduring hardships", but Yue Yunpeng's behavior does not look like a child who has suffered a lot.

When it comes to the name Yue Yunpeng, I believe fans are very familiar with it. As Guo Degang's

When he was sleeping on the train, he should have been sleeping on the upper bunk, but he stayed in someone else's lower bunk. Completely ignoring the feelings of others, the person involved could only sit awkwardly, waiting for Yue Yunpeng to leave. Even facing the amateurs who helped him, he acted arrogantly and put on a good show.

Those who are interested can clearly feel that Yue Yunpeng's development in recent years is basically inseparable from variety shows. The resources that are coming one after another are really enviable. I don’t think his original intention has changed. Although his job is as a crosstalk actor, breakthroughs and pursuits are the key to life.

When it comes to the name Yue Yunpeng, I believe fans are very familiar with it. As Guo Degang's

For the parties concerned, it is not a kind of experience. They lived in poverty before, but now their lives are gradually getting better, and they have to perform "miserably" in front of the audience. It seems that such behavior is even more shameful. From the perspective of an ordinary person, I think this kind of gesture is very normal and does not involve "acting like a big name".

Yue Yunpeng's success is inseparable from countless early mornings and late nights. Everyone has seen his infinite glory and should also understand the poor side. Now his career is booming, which is a testament to the rewards after hard work. Fans should look at it rationally. Is it sour grapes because they can’t get enough of them?

When it comes to the name Yue Yunpeng, I believe fans are very familiar with it. As Guo Degang's


Don’t persuade others to do good without suffering others’ suffering. Human nature is most fragile in the face of interests. The measurement of original intention should not be presented in this way. Yue Yunpeng has worked very hard to change the trajectory of his life, expand his career, improve various skills, learn and live as he grows old, what is wrong with constantly making breakthroughs in himself?

has good conduct, does not touch the bottom line of the law, and sticks to his own principles. He just expanded some new skills. I don’t think this is forgetting the original intention. In him, I see what young people should be like. There is no need to explain his tough life. He should amaze everyone and gain both fame and fortune. What do you think about this?

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