It takes us nearly two years from birth to learn to speak and shut up, but it takes us a lifetime. We have two mouths, one for eating, and the other for speaking and communicating with others, to facilitate our life and work. There is a big difference between being able to speak

It takes us nearly two years from birth to learn to speak and shut up, but it takes us a lifetime.

We have one mouth, one for eating, and the other for speaking and communicating with others, to facilitate our life and work.

There is a big difference between being able to speak and being unable to speak. People who can speak will be popular wherever they go and have a good reputation.

People who can't speak make people feel disgusted. After the first date, they don't want to have a second chance to talk to her. When they see such a person, they don't want to talk to him.

Each of us should have suffered a loss in speaking. Now that we are over 50 years old, we need to be more cautious when speaking, and do not offend the people around us with inappropriate words.

1. Complaining and accusing your spouse

The couple has been together for decades, and they have become extremely familiar with each other. You can feel what he is thinking with every look in his eyes and every movement.

It is precisely because of this familiarity that when we encounter conflicts, we cannot speak unscrupulously and let the conflicts escalate.

No one is perfect. We all have our own shortcomings. If you are an old married couple, you should choose to be more tolerant and understanding, and don't quarrel over trivial matters.

If you feel that your current wife is not good, even if you are replaced by another, as long as it involves daily necessities, you will face the same contradictions, so you should not say anything about blaming and complaining between husband and wife, and choose to shut up.

2. Don’t tell other people’s right and wrong.

As long as there are people, there will be right and wrong. When you meet others chatting about right and wrong, just listen and don’t follow them.

As the saying goes, if there are three women in one drama, no matter what age group women get together, they will spend 70% of the time talking about other people.

This one is not good, that one is not good, this one is beautiful, that one is ugly, these are all boring topics, especially for older aunts. The topics they talk about are even richer, such as talking about other people's rights and wrongs, and how to hurt others. chat.

When encountering such a situation, go around it if you can, and ignore it, so as not to cause trouble.

3. Don’t talk about things that have nothing to do with work at the workplace

When interacting with colleagues at the workplace, in addition to polite acknowledgments, everyone should talk about the best things to do at work and do their own things well. Don’t talk about things that have nothing to do with you. Chat, don’t discuss, don’t ask questions.

4. Don’t comment on the leader

If you want to live smoothly in a unit, you must first respect the leader.

No matter he is your direct leader, or a leader at a higher level or higher, do not discuss the rights and wrongs of the leader behind his back. Respecting the leader in the unit means respecting yourself.

5. Don’t speak ill of your neighbors

Neighbors are the people closest to us in our lives, and they are also very clear about each other’s living conditions.

If they have something to do, even if they know it, they still have to pretend not to know and gossip about the neighbor's family. If he finds out, it will cause conflicts between them. Everyone will look down every day without seeing each other, and they will feel in their heart when they meet each other. It’s also quite awkward.

It is said that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. If we are close, we can take care of each other and do a little favor. If the relationship between neighbors is well managed, they will benefit more than their own brothers and sisters.

If there is something going on at your neighbor’s house, it’s better to keep silent and don’t talk about it everywhere.

html People who are over 50 years old are considered old people. Learning to speak well and use your brain to speak will not only help family unity, create harmonious social relations, but also make you feel happy every day.