#人世世故事#In the blink of an eye, I have reached middle age, and my parents have also grown old. It seems that I am still the little child who can act mischievously, make mischief, and make my parents angry. In the 1970s, our family was not rich, it could be said to be very poor. Wh

My dad is a very honest man, a typical Chinese rural man. He has no emotional intelligence and speaks like a cannon. He will not be cruel to us, but he will quarrel with my mother. When there was no money or food to eat, it was my mother who came out to find people to lend you money.

My dad didn’t dare to go out to borrow money because he didn’t know how to speak. He was afraid of being embarrassed and thin-skinned. So every time, my mom was shameless enough to go to the East’s house to borrow money and the West’s house to borrow rice.

In my impression, parents often quarrel whenever we have no money or when we need money, especially when school starts and we have to pay tuition.

The time I remember the most was when my parents had a fight. My dad knocked over the cupboard at home, a three-story wooden cupboard like those in the countryside, and threw all the bowls out the door.

This doesn’t count. He also wanted to beat my mother. My mother ran away and my father chased after me. We were also crying, shouting, and shouting from behind.

My dad even picked up stones on the roadside and threw them at my mother. My mother was really lucky and was not hit by him. If she was hit by him, it would not be a life-threatening accident with those pebbles. ?

My generation was uneducated, so communication was not very emotionally intelligent. My family could only fight and scold.

From working as a production team to working alone, and then to contracting land, life has gotten better and better.

My parents quarreled less and less. Although my father was so cruel to my mother, he was very kind to us. He never beat us or scolded us.

If my mother asks us to do housework, my father will do it himself. He doesn’t want us to do it. My father dotes on us very much.

Slowly we all grew up, we all started working, and the days got better and better.

Later, we all got married and had our own house in the city. But my dad asked him to come to the city and stay with us for one night or two nights. He refused and he still couldn't let go. His own home.

Now my father and mother are both in their 70s, but my father is still restless and will go to work in the fields and grow vegetables for us to eat.

asked him to stop working and go sit in a teahouse on the street to chat and play cards with the elderly, but he couldn't stay idle.

Every time we go back during the holidays, we want to bring my old father to the city and take turns staying with our three sisters for a few days. He will never come. No matter how we call him, he will not come. Let him come. Even if he doesn't come for a meal, he won't come.

My father has stayed in the countryside all his life and worked hard all his life. It is really hard. My dad lost his father when he was three years old, so you can imagine his hard work.

All we can do now is to go home often to see him and ask him to do less work, but if he refuses to listen, maybe he cannot be idle as an older person because he has been used to being busy all his life. , he felt that he was worthless when he was free.

This is my father and my home. This is the most typical rural old man. He has no retirement salary and has worked in the fields all his life.

The elderly in rural areas do not have medical insurance or retirement wages. They can only rely on our children to provide them with some living expenses.

In fact, it is really hard for the elderly in rural areas. If they are in good health, they can be fine. But if their health is not good, they are seriously ill, they become poor due to illness, and their children are not in good condition, it will be really hard.

I am thinking that if the elderly in rural areas can have the same retirement salary as the people in the city, it is not much, 1,000 yuan per month. This is enough for them to provide for their retirement, because they will not pay more than those in the city. There are few workers.