The children of the Sun family finally found a suitable partner during a blind date. Not only did this partner not want a car or a house, he didn't even want a bride price. In a village in Sichuan Province, Uncle Liao, who was in his sixties, was so worried that he could hardly m

The children of the Sun family finally found a suitable partner during a blind date. Not only did this partner not want a car or a house, he didn't even want a bride price.

only wants to find a man who treats her well, but just when both parties are about to settle things.

A relative of the man's family actually took out a pair of handcuffs, and immediately the small courtyard was filled with people.

What is the origin of the man and the woman, and how can a blind date cause such a big fuss?

Lifelong Events

In a village in Sichuan Province, Uncle Liao, who was in his sixties, was so worried that he was almost losing his footing.

It is a pity that his son has not lived up to expectations and has not even married a wife.

Uncle Liao's son is almost thirty years old. If other people have sons at this age, his own son has not moved at all.

Uncle Liao was also very impatient. His son couldn't be a bachelor all the time.

There are more boys than girls in the village, and his son doesn't care about marriage, so as a father, he always keeps hammering.

But the child has been working outside, so there is no time to think about so many things. I have met several blind dates before, but their requirements are not met by their family.

either thinks the salary is low or they think they are old. Anyway, given their conditions, it is indeed difficult to find a partner.

Blind date is not easy, and it always makes people dislike it, but his son is not living up to expectations and has not found a girlfriend, so he can only be fully responsible for his son's life-long affairs.

A matchmaker is indispensable in the village. Every time he goes to meet a matchmaker, it costs a lot of money, but in order to match his son, no matter how much money he has, he still has to spend it.

It's a pity that no one from an average family would be able to appreciate it. Just like this, the gift was not missing at all, but the matchmaker couldn't find a suitable one.

The longer the time drags on, the more panicked they become. Sometimes they will come to the door to urge them if they can't wait any longer, but as you can imagine, the results are all in vain.

In 2019, the matchmaker who always walked around when he saw Uncle Liao actually took the initiative to come to Uncle Liao.

Uncle Liao warmly entertained the matchmaker as soon as he entered the house. This time the matchmaker did not disappoint him. There happened to be a girl from a family looking for a partner, and the family was not particularly wealthy.

The betrothal gift is naturally not much, and he is simple, sensible and obedient, which makes you very good.

At that time, the two children can meet and get to know each other. By then, the conversation will be similar and the decision will be made.

Uncle Liao's son is already quite old, and the pressure of competition in rural areas is huge.

finally introduced a matchmaker, but if he hesitated, he might get married to someone else. He didn't care that his son was not at home, so he agreed to meet.

After sending away the matchmaker, Uncle Liao also did some ideological work for his son, because his son is really not young in the countryside.

As the situation continues, people are getting older and the situation at home is not good. When the time comes, their parents will be sick and unable to get out of bed, and then Uncle Liao’s son will have to die alone.

I heard the matchmaker said that this girl is good, so I shouldn’t choose any more. I should have settled the matter earlier and that would be the end of the matter.

Uncle Liao's son naturally agreed. It would be great to find a suitable marriage partner.

Blind date

Under the arrangement of the matchmaker, the parents of both parties met in a teahouse. Uncle Liao and his wife started preparations early in the morning.

chooses the best possible things from gifts to clothes, lest the other party feel neglected.

After a while, the matchmaker brought in the blind date. The girl they were going on a blind date with was named Wang Yuanyuan, and her appearance was as gentle and pleasant as her name.

behaves elegantly. She is not a beauty that can be seen at a glance, but she can be regarded as a gentle and homely person.

After seeing it, Uncle Liao and his wife were very satisfied and quickly asked people to sit down.

During the chat, the girl on the blind date answered every question asked with ease.

is not a submissive girl who swallows half of her sentences when asked what conditions they have.

But the other party said that they didn't have any high requirements. As long as they were good people, they could have no car or house. However, they were not interested in giving betrothal gifts. It looked like they were selling their daughter.

They all give meet-up gifts. Depending on the man’s family situation, it will increase or decrease appropriately. Then they will give a larger red envelope to the woman’s parents.

This girl didn't want a bride price or a garage, which made Uncle Liao so excited.

He couldn't wait to decide on this marriage for his son. Previously, it was because the woman's demands were too high and they couldn't afford it, so his son's marriage never got off the ground.

Now that it is so cheap, Uncle Liao cannot let it go.

So what if his son is away, he will not let this opportunity slip away.

So he made a video call to his son, and Uncle Liao's son couldn't help but like her through the phone.

Since both people are interested, they exchanged WeChat IDs. It will be much more convenient for the two of them to chat and enhance their relationship.

Seeing that the two people's horoscopes finally matched up, Uncle Liao was extremely happy. Things between the two of them had made progress, so this gift was naturally indispensable.

Under the influence of the matchmaker, Uncle Liao quickly wrapped red envelopes for the woman’s relatives. In order to show his sincerity, he even gave Wang Yuanyuan hundreds of yuan more.

Although the money in each red envelope is not much, it is not a small amount in total. Thousands of dollars have been spent in the blink of an eye.

But the woman didn’t want a betrothal gift, so there was nothing wrong with spending money on it, so Uncle Liao gave away the red envelopes he had made one by one.

Housekeeping fee

After that, Uncle Liao’s son and Wang Yuanyuan had been chatting well on WeChat. Seeing that a good thing was coming, they wanted to settle it as soon as possible.

So the matchmaker told him that he had to go to someone else's house to "check the house" first, which meant letting the woman see how the house was doing. If the woman was satisfied, the matter could be settled.

This custom is different from their local customs, but since you want to marry someone, you must naturally follow their rules.

Although they don't understand this custom, the matchmaker does.

So under the guidance of the matchmaker, they prepared the "housekeeping fee", and the rest was to wait for the woman's family to come to the house to check on the situation.

Wang Yuanyuan and her family arrived as scheduled a few days later. A total of seven people came, and the courtyard of the Liao family immediately became lively.

A group of people were chatting and laughing, looking at the Liao family's things, wandering from one house to another.

The elders of the Wang family reassured Uncle Liao that they, as elders, are also relatively open-minded. The affairs of the two children are their business, and they should not interfere anymore.

Uncle Liao was naturally very moved when he heard such words. As long as the woman's parents had no objections and his son worked hard, wouldn't it be possible?

So Uncle Liao quickly asked his son how the progress of the two of them was, and his son's answer really satisfied him.

The two children are now in love with each other. It won’t be long before the two of them can meet each other.

With these words, Uncle Liao seemed to be able to see himself holding a grandson in the future.

Uncle Liao happily took out the red envelope he had prepared, because the woman's mother, grandma and grandma did not come.

In order to show respect for these people, the red envelopes had to be replenished. After sending the people away, Uncle Liao calculated that the "housekeeping fee" alone would be a small ten thousand.

However, after this matter is settled, it is normal to spend some money. Isn't this cheaper than the betrothal gifts other girls want.

So, he didn't care. There was nothing more important than his son marrying a good wife.

A few days later, Uncle Liao’s son said he wanted to go home.

Since my son started working, he rarely goes home. After asking, I found out that my son came home for no other reason than to go on a date with his blind date.

Seeing his son so interested, Uncle Liao knew that this matter was bound to happen.

Uncle Liao was naturally happy when the two children made progress, so he kept saying yes.

On the day when his son came back, Uncle Liao's wife had prepared the meal early, but his son did not stop for a moment.

ran to the city to go shopping with Wang Yuanyuan, originally thinking that it would bring the two of them closer together.

However, when his son came back, Uncle Liao realized that he had spent a small amount of three thousand on this shopping trip. The girl was a good girl, but she spent money lavishly.

But the matter of the two children has been decided, so what’s the point of regretting it now? When the two of them get married, it won’t matter if they slowly correct this problem.

Therefore, Uncle Liao did not question this matter too much.

However, the next appearance of a person made Uncle Liao feel that something was completely wrong.

Who is this person? Why did Uncle Liao begin to question the authenticity of this blind date?

The truth about blind dates

Uncle Liao was daydreaming about his future happy life when he happened to see a junior named Jiang in the village. Like his own son, the two children had never found a partner.

is also working outside, but this time the junior also went home for a blind date. This is not good, the relationship between the two families is already good.

All good things came together, and the two started chatting like this, but the more they chatted, the more something went wrong. Xiao Jiang's blind date requirements were almost exactly the same as those of his son.

This made Uncle Liao feel confused. When he looked at the photo, wasn't this Wang Yuanyuan?
But the names of the two girls are different. They have the same requirements, the same customs, the same appearance, only the names are different.

Both families were confused, so they called the police together. Fortunately, the police had rich experience in handling cases and knew immediately that they had encountered a fraud gang.

In order to prevent more people from being kept in the dark, the police began to investigate several surrounding villages.

Only then did he confirm that they were not the only ones who had been deceived. Many women expressed that they had no opinion on the man's family situation during blind dates.

did not even ask for betrothal gifts or RV , but without exception, they all used customs as an excuse to collect a large number of red envelopes during the blind date.

Even after the blind date is successful, they will use various reasons to ask the blind date to buy various things because they have someone to introduce them.

Many men’s families didn’t pay much attention to it until later, when their blind dates felt that they couldn’t bear their expenses and they broke off contact.

found out their modus operandi, and the police became more certain that these people were outright frauds, taking advantage of the men in the village's desire to find a partner.

And their conspiracy has never stopped. There are more men than women in the countryside, which gives them plenty of opportunities to commit crimes.

To arrest

, there must be evidence to arrest prisoners. How to break them all is also the key. According to Uncle Liao, there are at least seven or eight of them.

just where are they now? Who will be the next target of fraud? When

was visiting various places, someone suddenly mentioned that the girl who went on a blind date with the Sun family did not want a betrothal gift, but a housekeeping fee.

This must not be a coincidence, so the police came to Sun's house, and sure enough, the girl they were on a blind date with had strikingly similar demands to those scammers.

Therefore, the police focused on the Sun family and attempted to arrest the scammer while he was looking after the house, in order to ensure that the plan went smoothly.

They asked relatives who thought the police were disguised as men to mingle with the crowd to prevent the prisoners from escaping. The rest lurked around the house waiting for an opportunity.

ensured that all the prisoners were arrested at once, and the blind date girl decided on the time for viewing the house.

came to Sun's house. The two parties were chatting happily at first, but soon they got involved in money.

The woman said that since the decision has been made, she should pay the housekeeping fee quickly so that they can feel at ease.

The police among the relatives also sent out a signal, and all the police rushed to the fraud gang.

They were all captured. Unfortunately, they were only a small branch. There were many people in their gang who were committing fraud in other places.

They just use face-to-face gifts and housekeeping fees to get money. In the later stage, the man feels that he has no way to pay for the woman's consumption. Now these expenses are not as expensive as the bride price.

The man will give up automatically, and the marriage will be dropped.

They use this method to make the man give up without realizing that he has been cheated in the end.

didn't know they had been lied to until the police were informed of the situation during the investigation.

The local matchmakers who introduced them at that time were also bribed, because they themselves were prestigious enough that many people in the same village would not suspect it.

The money in each red envelope is not a big amount, but it makes a difference when added up.

The logic of their behavior is to seize the man's eagerness to find a partner and use local matchmakers to start doing whatever they want in other people's homes.

In the end, the man ended up losing both his life and wealth.

In recent years, due to changes in young people's thinking, many people are dragged into blind dates by their parents. Even if the children are unwilling, they have to go there to give face.

We must pay attention to this. There is no free lunch in the world, and there is no pie falling from the sky.

If you encounter something similar, you must call the police in time and ask the police for help to avoid being deceived by them.

should also be careful at all times to avoid losing their property.