Whether in love or marriage, the most important thing is sincerity. The best choice is for two people to enter the marriage cleanly. Otherwise, if something goes wrong after the marriage, it will be difficult for everyone. In the story I am going to tell you today, the son listen

Whether you are in love or getting married, the most important thing is sincerity. It is the best choice for two people to enter the marriage cleanly. Otherwise, if something goes wrong after the marriage, it will be difficult for everyone. In the story I am going to tell you today, the son listened to his mother and chose a flash marriage. Unexpectedly, he ended up getting divorced after only a year. The mother regretted it. What happened?

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When her son was only 10 years old, Miaoyun’s husband passed away due to illness. In the two years before her husband was ill, the family’s savings had been spent long ago, and they even owed a lot of foreign debt. , Miaoyun can be said to have lost both his life and money and repaid his debts. After her husband left, Miaoyun did not choose to remarry. Firstly, she was afraid of hurting her son. Secondly, she owed so much debt. Which man would be willing to help her pay off the debt and raise her son? With their son alone and still having to pay off their debts, Miaoyun's mother and son's life was very difficult. Fortunately, after several years of struggle, the family's foreign debts were finally reduced. However, even though their son went to a vocational school, the burden on Miaoyun's shoulders was not high. light. After finally waiting for her son to work, the family's financial situation also improved, but Miaoyun still faced the problem of finding a partner for her son, especially the cost of marriage was getting higher and higher, and Miaoyun couldn't breathe for just one wedding room. But the reality is that if you don't have a house, you can't find a partner, so Miaoyun had to scrape together a down payment and took out a loan to buy a small two-bedroom apartment. Now, her son finally brought back a girlfriend, and Miaoyun was extremely happy.

The girl is her son's colleague. The two have similar personalities and are honest people. So for her son, Miaoyun works harder. Anyway, as long as it is for her son's good, she can endure any hardship. After being in love for more than a year, Miaoyun asked her son if he was ready to get married, so his son proposed to the girl. The girl agreed immediately, but when she came home, her parents refused: "You are a single parent and your conditions are poor. You are afraid that you will not have enough food." Pain? "In this way, in order to separate their daughter and Miaoyun's son, the girl's parents directly helped her quit her job and introduced her to a young man with good conditions. The girl could not resist her parents and had no choice but to break up. After Miao Yun's son fell out of love, he almost lost the luster in his eyes and stopped actively pursuing love. He even said, "Mom, I can't tell for sure. I will marry whoever you ask me to marry from now on." Look. Miaoyun felt very uncomfortable with such a son. Reluctant to let her son remain single for the rest of his life, Miaoyun began to ask someone to introduce his son to a partner, but the girls were so demanding that her son said it didn't matter if he didn't get married. Naturally, Miaoyun couldn't bear it, so he asked the matchmaker if there were any girls who didn't want a bride price.

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Originally, the matchmaker was quite disdainful of Miaoyun's idea. After all, girls nowadays want houses, cars and betrothal gifts. But not long after, she actually met a girl who didn't want betrothal gifts. In order to get She went to Miaoyun's matchmaking gift. As soon as Miao Yun got the news, she was very excited and quickly asked about the girl. The matchmaker said: "I met a partner when I was working in another place. Later, the two families broke up after failing to agree on the bride price. The girl was angry and said that she would find another partner. No more betrothal gifts. I also told you about your son’s situation. When I heard that his relationship broke down because of the betrothal gifts, the girl felt very sympathetic and was very interested in your son.” Miao Yun was very happy and told her son immediately. He was also interested in meeting the girl, so Miaoyun asked the matchmaker to arrange for them to meet as soon as possible. The blind date went smoothly. In fact, according to normal rules, one should date for a while before considering whether to get married, but Miaoyun was afraid that the girl would regret it, so she suggested that her son get married as soon as possible. At that time, the son had only met the girl three times and felt it was a bit early. However, Miaoyun said that he and his father were also like this, and asked the matchmaker to convey his intention. Unexpectedly, the girl was very happy and agreed immediately.

The son got married half-heartedly, and Miaoyun took the initiative to arrange the wedding. The girl's parents didn't care about the bride price, especially when the girl got pregnant not long after the wedding, which made Miaoyun extremely happy. Miaoyun felt that her hardships were finally over, and her son happily took good care of his daughter-in-law. However, every time Miaoyun and his son wanted to accompany their daughter-in-law to a prenatal check-up, she would not agree to anything, and even her mother-in-law's family refused. don't want.It was 7 months in a flash. Looking at her daughter-in-law's big belly, Miaoyun wondered if they were twins. But one day her daughter-in-law heard these words and ran back to her parents' home unhappy. A few days later, the news came that her daughter-in-law had given birth. Her mother-in-law said it was premature. Miaoyun rushed to the hospital with her son as soon as she heard it, fearing that there would be something wrong with the child. Unexpectedly, the child they saw was white, fat, and healthy. Very. As soon as they arrived at the hospital, their mother-in-law asked Miaoyun and her son to go back quickly, saying that it was enough for them to be alone in the hospital, and that there was no need for too many people to accompany them. In the next few days, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law found various reasons to prevent Miaoyun and her son from going to the hospital. The more Miaoyun thought about it, the more something was wrong, but she was afraid that her guess was true...

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Sure enough, , the daughter-in-law had just given birth and was about to divorce her son. This clearly confirmed Miaoyun's suspicion that the daughter-in-law had married into their family with a child, and the child was also born at full term. The son filed for divorce, but the daughter-in-law delayed the divorce for a while on the grounds that "men who are breastfeeding are not allowed to file for divorce." However, when the two were married for one year, the daughter-in-law agreed to the divorce because she knew there was no point in procrastinating. After the incident was over, Miao Yun felt that the responsibility lay with her. If she hadn't been greedy for her daughter-in-law not to give up the gift, she would not have pushed her son to get married, so that her daughter-in-law married into her family while pregnant with someone else's child...