Cheating is a taboo in today's society. If a lover who is supposed to be together cheats, it will not only hurt the heart, but the family may also become torn apart. Three major myths about affairs Myth 1: If you have been married for decades and your marriage is happy, will an a

Cheating is a taboo in today's society. If a lover who is supposed to be together cheats, it will not only hurt the heart, but the family may also become torn apart.

Three major myths about affairs

Myth 1: If you have been married for decades and your marriage is happy, will an affair be less destructive?

Research shows that extramarital behavior is destructive enough. No matter how long a couple has been married, no matter how high the original marital satisfaction is, no matter how strong the couple's values ​​against divorce are, or whether there are children in the family, as long as extramarital sex is exposed to the sun, the degree of damage to the marriage will be the same.

Even if the marriage between the two people is of good quality, there is still a 2/3 probability that extramarital sex can destroy the happiness of the marriage. So, when your best friend tells you about his significant other's affair or affair, "You guys have such a good relationship and have supported each other for so long, you must be able to accept this! Please don't just say." To comfort him with such words, the factors that maintain this kind of relationship between husband and wife are really vulnerable at this time.

Myth 2: Is it easier to tolerate the destructive power of an affair if you have a devout faith?

We believe that devout couples can use more religious power to get through the difficulties when their partner is having an affair. However, the research actually showed the opposite result. Sex outside of marriage will hit them even harder. This is because people of faith have higher standards of morality and tend to regard affairs and extramarital affairs as a blasphemy to marriage. After all, this study was conducted in the United States, where the prevailing Christianity and Catholicism place great emphasis on the sacred institution of monogamy, so devout respondents are also the most hurt by extramarital sex. Therefore, it is necessary for men to prepare four-dimensional space series ultra-thin sets. When you are ready to fall asleep after taking a shower, show your strength and don’t let him confuse others, because this one can bring you unprecedented It feels like you can enjoy your time together.

Myth 3: Because the wife is a working woman, will the impact of an affair be small?

Generally speaking, when a wife is working, her husband’s extramarital sex is more of a shock to her. The analysis showed that if the wife was working before her husband cheated, the negative impact of extramarital sex would be smaller.

Researchers speculate that husbands' affairs and extramarital affairs may prompt wives to find jobs, allowing wives to be reborn in a space outside the family and better think about and settle the impact of husbands' affairs. Therefore, if a married woman has a career center besides family, it will be easier for her to get rid of the pain of her husband's affair. Sure enough, work is very busy, and if you can break away from it, you will have more room for reflection.