Fan Shengmei's family on TV is the vampire's family, but in real life most girls in rural areas are constantly being squeezed by their parents. They're all good. I have a classmate whose family favors boys over girls. She didn't understand what it meant when she was very young, a

The family of Fan Shengmei on TV is the family of a vampire. In real life, most girls in rural areas are constantly squeezed by their parents.

It's all good

I have a classmate whose family favors boys over girls. She didn't understand what it meant when she was very young, and she didn't know it until she grew up.

When she grew up, she went out to make money. Every year during the Chinese New Year, she would give the money she earned to her parents. What she didn't know was that once she handed over the money, it would never return to her pocket.

When the house needed to be repaired, she worked overtime in the factory to earn money and sent it home, hoping to reduce the pressure on her parents.

After working for a few years, all the money she earned was given to her parents. When she went home for the New Year, she also spent her own money to buy New Year goods for the Spring Festival.

But during a period of time, she suddenly fell in love. When she was about to marry the man, her parents stopped her from marrying him because he was a poor boy and had no ambition, and her eldest brother was not married yet, so she A younger sister cannot get married early, and her family tried their best to stop her at that time. But at that time, my classmate was immersed in the love atmosphere and could not clearly see the boy's purpose and followed him blindly. The boy just wants to get married as soon as possible and coax her to get pregnant as soon as possible. After that, he won't ask for wedding gifts. He doesn't like her very much at all. Later, after getting along with the boy for a while and seeing his true colors clearly, we broke up.

After the breakup, life became more and more difficult. She also owed a lot of money on Huabei. Because she paid for all the money when she was in love with the man, so she also owed Huabei. I still spend a huge amount of money every month, but there is no money left every month.

Today is the time for the Chinese New Year. When she went back to her hometown to celebrate the New Year, she couldn’t afford the New Year’s goods this year because she was not financially well-off, so her mother bought the New Year’s goods. Her mother would not ask her elder brother for money to buy them. New Year's goods. When her mother was buying New Year's goods, she scolded her that she was losing money after going out to make money for so many years and still spending my money without making any money. She was also sad and helpless because she spent all the money she earned that year and had no money to spend and was looked down upon by her parents.

One day after dinner, the family was sitting around the fire chatting. They were having a pleasant chat, but her father said to his classmates, you are really stupid and have too much money. Give them all. We are not like your sister Zaozao. She got married without giving a penny to her family, but she was still smart enough. After hearing these words, the classmate felt that his filial piety over the years was useless in the eyes of his family.

From then on, she no longer gave the money she earned to her parents, but saved it herself. Her parents gave her eldest brother money to buy a car for his wedding, and part of the money belonged to her classmates. But after buying the car, her eldest brother bought the car and it belonged to him and not to her family. Because her eldest brother felt that if his parents wanted to support him in the future, the car would naturally be his asset and not his little sister's business. Later, her eldest brother's marriage also fell through because the family had no money and people looked down on him. And her family worked hard to make money for her eldest brother, and her family would not care about her marriage, saying that girls get married easily.

And her parents are still squeezing her, and she cannot get married even when she reaches the marriageable age. This is a family that favors sons over daughters.