It is said that young couples keep company when they grow old. As they get older, some elderly people’s spouses have passed away one after another, leaving them still in the world. From being dependent on each other to being alone, they often feel lonely. Children are busy with w

It is said that young couples come to stay with each other as they grow older. Some elderly people’s spouses have passed away one after another, leaving them still in the world. From being dependent on each other to being alone, they often feel lonely.

Children are busy with work and family, and they pay less and less attention to the empty nesters at home, let alone consider their psychological needs. Some elderly people want to find a wife again in their later years and spend the rest of their lives together.

Young people fall in love and get married for the sake of a happy marriage and family. Old people can also be brave in pursuing their own happiness and a fulfilling life in their later years. Blind dates and falling in love are not just for young people.

Just like the 78-year-old aunt below, although she is over seventy years old, she still retains the heart of a girl and wants to have a vigorous love affair. So, can this aunt get her wish?

It is understood that Aunt Sun has a monthly pension of 2,300 and a house in her name. Aunt Sun was a very fashionable girl when she was young. She could sing and dance, and was a social expert. She often went to dance halls to sing and dance with her peers and had a lot of fun.

But Aunt Sun also has regrets, that is, she has never been able to truly experience sweet love in her life, but she has experienced two marriages without love at all. When I was 19 years old, I got married to a man in his thirties under the influence of a matchmaker. Life after marriage was not as beautiful as I imagined. According to the aunt, her ex-husband was not only lazy but also violent. He was beaten from the day she got married and continued until the day of divorce.

After a while, the aunt got married for the second time, but the two still lived together without any emotional basis. But fortunately, the second husband was very kind to the aunt and left the house to the aunt before his death. But in her final old life, aunt still feels lonely, so she wants to find a wife to have a sweet evening love, preferably one that can be kissed, hugged and held high, so as to truly experience love.

So the matchmaker introduced the 79-year-old Uncle Zou to the aunt according to the situation. The uncle has a monthly pension of 2,900 and also has a house in his name. The matchmaker brought the aunt to the uncle's residence. After the meeting, the uncle was very satisfied with the aunt and shyly praised her: "It looks much better than in the photos." After some inspection, the aunt showed a little disappointment. But you can't judge a book by its cover. You have to get to know each other better.

So after some conversation, the uncle decided to take the aunt to his home. The uncle was riding a bicycle, and the aunt got on the back seat and hugged the uncle's waist. The air suddenly became sweet, like a couple in love on a date. . This made the aunt, who had always been full of longing for love, feel excited and regain the feeling of love.

As soon as they arrived at the uncle's house, they sat down and continued chatting. The uncle said that he didn't want to find a wife at first, he just wanted to live the rest of his life peacefully and peacefully. However, under the impact of the epidemic, he stayed at home alone every day and could not go out, and his children were not around. I'm tired of it, so I want to find a wife to chat with to relieve my boredom.

The aunt said that she just wants to find an uncle who loves her and takes care of her to make up for the regrets she left when she was young. The uncle heard that the aunt's request was just such a small request, which was certainly not excessive. Although he did not understand romance, he said: "I can practice if I don't know. Anyway, I will try my best to satisfy whatever you like." When the aunt heard what the uncle said, she was very happy and said bluntly: The feeling when I was young is back!

Then the two began to look forward to their future life together, "I cook and you cook." They lived a simple and happy world, supporting each other for the rest of their lives. Finally, the uncle wanted to show his friendship to the landlord and invited the aunt to dinner. The uncle also specially ordered a dish called " shredded sweet potato " and explained to the matchmaker: "The shredded sweet potato is sticky, glued, and glued together. Come together."

The aunt then happily expressed that the feeling of love seemed to be back again, with a satisfied smile on her face. It can be seen that the uncle is indeed a romantic person. A portion of shredded sweet potato captured the aunt's heart and became a "love dish" ". The meal has not officially started yet, our matchmaker has already been "fed" by the uncle and aunt.

Editor's opinion:

In fact, every woman longs to be loved. No matter how old she is, there is a girl in her heart. It's normal to be a little naive and like romance!

Dating and falling in love are not just for young people. Old people also have love. And in today's rapidly developing and highly competitive society, children are busy with their jobs and families. , rarely pay attention to the development and changes of the mental and physical health of the elderly at home. At this time, they need someone who can always be by their side to take care of each other, and can also talk and relieve boredom.

The elderly also need companionship and understanding. And care. At the same time, in this era of fast-food love, flash marriages and divorces are also common. Many netizens also expressed that they envied the love of the elderly. In the past, the carriage was very slow and there was only enough time to love one person in a lifetime. The love of the elderly was simple and pure. , no need to worry about supporting the family, no need to worry about home and car loans, material foundation, and family background seem to be less important.

The editor believes that especially after the epidemic, in this fast food era where surprises and tomorrow does not know who will come first, it is possible to arrive. When you are old, you can still walk around the streets holding your partner's hand. It starts from the first meeting and ends with you until you grow old. Taking companionship as the longest confession of love is the happiest thing.