Needless to say, the importance of personal cognitive level. For readers who want to improve their cognitive level but cannot find a suitable breakthrough, I would like to recommend Teacher Cai Leile’s masterpiece "Cognitive Breakthrough - Doing in a Complex Era" "The Understandi

The importance of personal cognitive level goes without saying. For readers who want to improve their cognitive level but cannot find a suitable breakthrough, I would like to recommend this masterpiece " Cognitive Breakthrough" by teacher Cai Leilei —Being a Understanding Person in a Complex Era " is really worth reading carefully and taking notes carefully. I plan to record my reading notes here while reading from the first chapter, and share them with readers who like this book, hoping to bring some inspiration to everyone.

This chapter "Money is the amplifier of human nature" focuses on two points.

(1) Money and personality. When many people are ravaged by the troubles of life, they often think that it is caused by money. Money is the source of their unhappiness. But in fact money does not change anything, it is just an amplifier of human nature. Money makes profound people deeper and shallow people shallower. Money does not have moral attributes, but making money does. Making money legally in the free market is a very moral thing. Whoever makes more money will make greater contributions to society, because when others pay you, it means that you treat others Provided value. The more people you help and the more value you provide, the more money you make. Making money means helping people.

(2) Rich people are more moral. Many people may disagree with . Surveys show that richer people are less willing to do things that harm others. Not all rich people are moral people, but within the financial factor, the threshold for rich people to abandon their sense of morality is indeed higher.

Talking about money is not tacky. Don’t think that if you want to make money and become a millionaire, you will become greedy. If you have good personal qualities and are caring, you will help more people if you have money. Even when some people are poor, they will take risks for the sake of wealth, but it may become normal when they become rich. Worrying that your "heart" will become bad after you have money shows that your conscience is still there, and when you have money, you will use it in the right way, even for public welfare.