Romance is not just about sending you a bouquet of charming flowers in the morning in summer, nor is it just about saying a few tender words of love in a lazy afternoon. Romance is the resonance of the soul, the trembling of the soul, and the symbiosis between two people. Individ

Romance is not just about sending you a bouquet of charming flowers in the summer morning, nor is it just about saying a few tender words of love in a lazy afternoon. Romance is the resonance of the soul, the trembling of the soul, and The two people looked in the same direction together.

There is a scene in the movie " Beautiful Mind ": On a starry summer night, the male protagonist looks in the same direction as his beloved wife. The male protagonist uses his excellent mathematical line skills to outline a " LOVE".

A happy smile appeared on the face of the heroine, and the kiss of love happened between the heartbeats of life. The male protagonist of

is a genius mathematician, but his intelligence must be damaged. The genius in one aspect brings disability in another aspect, and he suffers from some mental diseases.

The wife maintains her relationship with her husband through love, but the husband has been tortured by diseases several times and almost killed his son. The wife still persists, but for the sake of the family, the husband chooses to ignore the mentally split character and save himself.

eventually won the Nobel Prize in Economics for and .

The posture of love

This is another posture of love. There are no loving words, no glue-like attachment. In the face of naked reality and at the foot of unprecedented hardships, we still stubbornly choose to stick to it.

only because of the supreme love in my heart.

In the School of Life Sciences of Kunming University in Yunnan, my country, there are two scary white bones. The bones stand quietly in the glass box. In the crowded hall, they stare at the teachers and students coming and going with empty pupils.

Every year, people come from far away to pay homage to these two bones. It is not that the bones have any magical power.

On the contrary, they have no miracles similar to the manifestations of gods at all. The reason why people come from far away is because the owners of these two bones made a choice that was beyond the times they lived in.

Hu Suqiu and Li Bingquan

The camera zooms in, and we come to the bones. Don’t be afraid. The light radiated by the bones is fraternity, kindness, and the power that makes people unable to help but come closer.

We will find that one of the skeletons is too small. The owner of this skeleton is a woman, her name is Hu Suqiu, a very poetic name, like an elegant lily blooming in the golden autumn season.

Born in a scholarly family, she loved reading and studying since she was a child. According to the rules of the Republic of China, many ladies of the elite were still arranged to get married by their parents.

Having been exposed to new learning, she naturally did not want to marry a person of similar family status like the women of the old times. She wanted to choose a suitable husband by herself.

In fact, many women in that era would have made such a choice, but in that era of breaking the old and establishing the new, most women would fall into unprecedented tragedies.

The first is that their own choice is tantamount to betraying the family that gave birth to and raising them, and challenging the traditional feudal rules of patriarchy . Leaving means no possibility of return.

Second, is the outside world really as beautiful as you imagine? Adolescent girls indulge in fantasy, imagining that the world is like a fairy tale world in a crystal ball.

Where is Prince Charming, waiting for her to appear.

Sorry, fairy tales only exist in words. The prince will come into contact with many different types of women in order to reproduce.

Maybe Hu Suqiu knows this, maybe she doesn't. We can't guess whether she has read Mr. Lu Xun's works. Mr. Lu Xun has never been afraid to speculate on Chinese people with the worst malice.

He mentioned the problem after rebellious women run away, that is, what to do after " Nora runs away"?

Nora is synonymous with runaway women, and her name was chosen from Ibsen 's " A Doll's House ". After

ran away, only Zijun and Juansheng from the novel " Sad Death " were left.

Hu Suqiu chose to wait, waiting for the appearance of Prince Charming in life, tragedy or comedy, to be determined, life has just begun, without hard work and passion, life will lack a beautiful background.

God will never let down a kind and persevering woman. On the streets of Kunming, Yunnan, the rain kept falling. She was wearing a school uniform and leather shoes and walking along the area under the eaves.

She likes rainy days. Listening to the rain beating on the flowers, plants and trees on the ground, and the delicate roof, an indescribable joy will rise in her heart.

She put away her oil-paper umbrella and looked up at the rain falling from the sky. It was transparent and pure and wet the ground. There was a fragrance of earth in the air. She closed her eyes and felt as if she was in a quiet peachland world.

She glanced sideways at the teahouse next to her. Later, when she told her children about the incident, she always felt that it was destined .

The thin young man was sitting on a wooden bench, holding a book in his hand and reading with gusto. There was only half a bowl of tea soup in front of him. She knew this shop, and she could sit there all day with a bowl of tea.

Like a flower bud encountering the spring breeze, she felt the sound of the petals bursting. She forgot to watch the rain and stared intently at the young man in front of her. His profile was like a pen outline, with a hint of perseverance. She longed to know her What book are you reading?

She is eager to go forward and ask the other person's name, eager to know everything related to him, eager to tell her heart, eager to hear the other person also express words related to love.

Desire is the impulse of the soul, shyly stopping all actions.

After finishing classes every day, she would come to the tea shop, order a bowl of tea soup, and pick up a book, pretending to watch carefully, but in fact she spent most of her time looking at the young man in front of her.

They naturally got to know each other later on. After all, it was impossible for young men and women who were doing the same thing in the same store and who were close in age not to have something happen to them.

The young man's name is Li Bingquan. He lives in a rural area. His father passed away very early, leaving an orphan and widowed mother living alone. Unfortunately, his mother passed away when he was four years old.

Being alone and helpless, it is easy to take detours in troubled times.

Brother and sister-in-law took pity on him because he was young and helpless, so they took him to live at home and supported him in school. A child from a poor family has long been a master. From that time on, he knew to study hard because it was the easiest way to change his destiny.

When he was finally admitted to Yunnan Medical University as he wished, he no longer asked for money from his family. Instead, he worked part-time jobs during holidays to pay for his tuition and daily expenses.

He simply could not have imagined that fate would give him another gentle bride. They entered the palace of marriage, were deeply in love, and devoted themselves to the medical cause of the motherland.

lamented the shortage of organs in the country, and they signed an organ donation agreement, agreeing to donate their bodies to the medical industry of the motherland after their death.

is so great, he is truly a role model for our generation. Now do you know why those people are willing to travel all the way to Yunnan Medical University to pay homage to the bodies of these two gentlemen?