Text/Shadow's Picture/From the Internet. I only know that his surname is Zhang and that he is about 60 years old. I know nothing about his life experiences or his real name. I only knew that he would sit on the bench in the community every afternoon without moving. His eyes were


pictures/from the Internet

I only know that his surname is Zhang, and he is about 60 years old. I know nothing about his life experiences or his real name.

I only know that he will sit on the bench in the community every afternoon without moving. His eyes are very empty, and sometimes give people a dull feeling.

When you meet an old person you know, they will sit down and chat for a while, but not for too long.

Most of the time, he sat there alone in a daze.

What on earth was he thinking? Do you miss your loved ones who have passed away, or look back on your own life? I suddenly became interested in him.

Due to occupational disease, I finally sat next to him and started chatting with him.

He didn't talk much at first, but as soon as he started talking, he gradually became talkative.

Maybe it’s because it’s hard to find someone to chat with after being alone for a long time. He told me a lot of stories about himself at once.

It turns out that he is the only one left in the family now. His parents passed away many years ago. He has no brothers, sisters, wife or children. Now he can only face this huge world alone.

"Have you been married before?" I asked tentatively.

He told me that he had been married in his early years, and his wife was a foreigner. She ran away less than a year after the marriage. From then on, he lived alone.

Perhaps it was because he was so badly injured that he no longer had any hope for marriage. Even if his parents arranged for him many blind dates, he didn't take it to heart at all.

He was very stubborn, but he began to regret this stubbornness after the age of 50.

He said it was the death of his parents that made him realize he had no family and never would.

He used to have many friends, but gradually they walked on completely different paths. Now they only exchange a few words when they meet, and they can no longer find more common language.

People with families talk about family and children whenever they meet, and these are things he can't get involved in.

At first, everyone tried to avoid these topics in front of him. Later, everyone simply stopped partying with him.

Slowly, he was separated by a thick wall.

I couldn't help but feel a little sad when I heard this. A stubborn old man, an old man who once thought he could spend the rest of his life alone, now tastes loneliness and is even tortured by loneliness all day long.

I talked to him about the life philosophy of many young people nowadays

Being single in your 30s is freedom

When you are in your 30s, being single is not lonely, but a kind of freedom.

If you don’t have a family, you don’t need to worry about food, clothing, housing, transportation, and daily necessities; if you don’t have children, you don’t need to worry about his health and future.

When one person is full, the whole family is not hungry and can do whatever they want.

This kind of life is indeed comfortable, but this comfort is also based on certain conditions.

has a healthy body.

Even if young people are in a sub-healthy state, most of them can still live a lively life.

You can eat whatever you want and go wherever you want. With a healthy body as your capital, your life will go more smoothly.

has friends who can be hooked up at any time.

When I was young, I had a lot of friends, because there were many single people at this time, married children were still young, and many of them were taken care of by their parents.

At this time, everyone has a lot of time to get together, eat, drink, and have fun.

This kind of life is very comfortable and happy.

has parents who love him.

Because I have parents, even if I am single, I still have a family of my own. I have a place to go during holidays and festivals, and every family has its own light.

Because he has a home, he does not feel lonely. No matter how far he travels, there is a place waiting for his return.

Being single at the age of 50 is lonely.

After the age of 50, life enters the second half and life begins to change. Some problems that have not been considered in advance can only be faced bravely.

1. Physical decline

When a person gets old, his body will not be as good as before. Even if the disease has not yet come to his door, his physical strength has also declined significantly compared with when he was young.

My health is not as good as before, so I can't go to too many places. I spend more time at home, but I am the only one at home.

Facing the cold pot, cold stove and cold wall, a feeling of loneliness will arise spontaneously.

2. There are fewer and fewer friends

When we are young, we can often get together. As we grow older, others are busy with their families, and they spend time with their wives and children.

Gradually, you became estranged, and from then on you became people in two different worlds.

Other people’s families are happily together, but you don’t even have anyone to eat hot pot with.

You are really bored and go for a walk in the park. You find that other people are walking together as a family, but you are alone.

At this time, you seem to feel that you can no longer fit into this world.

3. Parents have passed away

As your parents get older and even gradually leave this world, you suddenly feel the fragility of life.

Without parents, there is no family. From now on, you will be the only one left in the world. No one cares about you, no one cares about you, and no one will accompany you.

It’s the day when the whole family gets together during the holidays. Others are busy gathering together, but you are only one.

A person's true loneliness begins at the age of 50

The loneliness at the age of 30 is different from that after the age of 50, because we have different living conditions and psychological perceptions at each age.

Parents urge marriage not to have grandchildren, but to find someone to take their place by your side before they leave, so that you can have a family of your own.

Such and such, even if they leave one day, they will not miss you.

People are social animals. They need family and companionship, otherwise they will feel particularly lonely.

After the age of 50, it is very scary to have no parents, no friends, and no family.

Don’t listen to the poisonous chicken soup on the Internet and think that you can live well alone without getting married. When you reach your 50s, you will understand why people need a family so much.

But by that time everything was too late.

Preparing for a rainy day is the greatest wisdom of mankind. I hope you can understand.

I am Yinger, an original author focusing on the emotional field.