It is normal for couples to be together, but it is abnormal if they are not together. Not everyone thinks so. Reality tells us that there are many times when you think it is normal, it may not be normal, because love itself is so wonderful. When you think two people can be togeth

It is normal for couples to be together, but it is abnormal if they are not together. Not everyone thinks so. Reality tells us that there are many times when you think it is normal, it may not be normal, because love itself is so wonderful. When you think two people can be together, in fact they cannot be together at all.

As age increases, the relationship between husband and wife will also become confusing. The love and affection between young people will change greatly when they enter old age. The feeling of kissing and hugging before is long gone. This is emotion, and it will change with age.

Why do couples like to sleep in separate beds when they reach a certain age? The two women talked about their inner feelings.

Ms. Wang:

When couples reach a certain age, they sleep in separate beds because there are emotional problems between them. In many cases, it can no longer be like when we were young, because each other is working hard, and after the work is completed, the relationship is ignored.

When couples get along with each other, some things seem very simple, but in fact, some things are not simple at all. As the age continues to increase, very embarrassing situations will occur in the relationship. After the age of 50, two people hold hands. The opportunities slowly disappeared because they felt they were no longer suitable for each other.

also feels embarrassed when he has these behaviors at the same time, because he feels that young love should be like that of adults after children enter old age. In addition, it is popular in society now that young people hold hands, while old people no longer hold hands, so Neither of them wants to make an exception.

Most of the reasons why couples sleep in separate beds are because they are older. The relationship between the two people is either not that good anymore, or they have shortcomings in each other, or they are snoring because they can't sleep at all. Sleep.

Most couples sleep in separate beds after they enter old age because the relationship between them is no longer so deep. At the same time, because each other has habits, these habits cannot be overcome at all.

Ms. Gui:

As the saying goes, a couple is blessed with a hundred days of kindness. In fact, after entering old age, if two people can be together, their work and life will be good, and if they sleep together, they may generally have some inappropriate feelings.

In our lives, many people think that the relationship between husband and wife is a lifelong matter. In fact, most of them just look like they are together on the surface. In fact, they are just making do with each other. There is no way that two people can be together. That real feeling.

It may be because we are getting older and puberty has ended, so the love we feel at this time is not so sweet. The phenomenon of holding hands and giving gifts has disappeared, and we will not talk about things between young people.

The relationship between husband and wife is very beautiful when they are young. When they enter old age, they are like strangers. Sometimes they often argue about the most important things, and no one understands the other, let alone sleeping in separate beds.

No matter how deep-rooted the relationship between husband and wife is, it will change when they enter old age. Those who can really stay together after the age of 60 will obviously no longer have such a need.


Some things between husband and wife seem normal, but in fact they are not. As the age continues to increase, sometimes they will dislike each other, and sometimes due to different IQ management between each other, there will be The behavior of being very sleepy is actually very normal. Most people will experience this phenomenon after they enter old age.