Picture/from Internet copyright infringement, please contact to delete. I heard a man complain about women. He said: Women’s thoughts are the hardest to guess. What you think they like, they hate, and what you think they don’t like, they do. Love half to death. I believe there ar

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I heard a man complain about women. He said: Women’s thoughts are the most difficult to guess. What you think they like, they hate, and what you think they don’t like, but they don’t. I will love him half to death.

I believe that there is definitely more than one man who thinks like this. They want to learn how to seduce women and want to please women, but they always fail to do so. They are always rejected by women, leaving them nowhere to start.

It's a pity that it is precisely because they don't understand women's hearts that there are so many single men who can only secretly feel sad about beautiful women. They obviously have good resources around them, but they just can't win them over.

There are helpless people, angry people, hating themselves for being incompetent, and all kinds of things, but they can't help the man to get what he wants and to hold the beauty back as he wishes.

In fact, women are not a rock that cannot be pried. If you want them to change their attitude towards you and treat you warmly, you have to change your approach and learn to use clever skills.

Men remember that when flirting with women, you can talk about the following three topics, and women will be very interested.

1: Talk about her hobbies

When getting along with a woman, some men always like to talk about their hobbies and bring out all their hobbies. It seems that they are afraid that the other party will not know that they know astronomy and geography. ability.

But it is often these men who are extremely confident and think they can attract each other by relying on the shining points they say, and it is most difficult for women to treat them seriously.

You like football, but the other person is not interested in football; you like to talk about national affairs, but she only pays attention to idol scandals; you love playing games, but the other person is an idiot who loves books...

Such mismatched interests, even if You are lucky enough to be together, and people will only suspect that Yuelao drank while tying the red string, which led to such an unusual pairing.

The most important thing about flirting with a woman is to give her what she likes. It doesn’t require any advanced skills. You just need to remember to put the other person first and talk to her about what she likes, not what you like. Hobby, your beginning is half done.

2: Talk about the things she is good at

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Human nature dictates that everyone likes to use their strengths and avoid weaknesses in front of the opposite sex, even if they are not on the phone.

Based on the weakness of human nature, if a man still cannot get into her heart when getting along with a woman, he might as well try to talk to her more about the things she is good at.

Even if you are not important in her eyes, your compliments and affirmations can still make her happy. For women, stroking along the hair will always be more effective than stroking against the hair.

First open the topic with something that the other person is good at, then use your affirmation to arouse her liking for you, and then compliment the other person in a timely manner to quietly satisfy her vanity.

As long as you do this, a woman will definitely include you as her own from the bottom of her heart. Psychologically, she will be closer to you than other people. Your discerning eye will help you get special treatment from her.

Three: Talk about your life plans

If a woman can sit at the same table and chat with you, it can be assumed to a large extent that she is not disgusted with you.

Having the opportunity to sit together calmly proves that you will still have opportunities for development, but whether you can get this opportunity depends on whether you can seize it in time.

When you are chatting together, you might as well talk to her more about your plans for life. Such chat content is actually secretly telling the other party a message: you are not living in a haphazard manner, you are a potential stock with a promising future.

If you meet her criteria for choosing a mate, she will have the urge to know more about you. If you are specific in your words but not ambitious in your life plans, it is equivalent to giving the other person a reassurance. Maybe in just a few words, the other person will take you into their heart.

If you flirt with her again in the future, she will become a natural destiny in your life, and it will be a matter of course to capture her heart.

Leading troops to fight requires careful strategy. Of course, you must also treat women with delicate thoughts with caution.

If you want to sway her heart, talk to her more about her interests and hobbies, and the things she is good at. While getting to know her, you should also talk to her about your plans for life.

Only when you have a thorough understanding of each other and the other person is familiar enough with you, will the relationship have a chance to reach a higher level. Don’t be too hasty. The key to flirting with a woman is to work slowly and carefully. The more patient you are, the easier it will be to bond. Hold her heart.