#womenshouldlovethyself# Some people have said that a happy woman should be like a four-legged table. She must have a certain financial income and work ability, have a circle of friends with good taste, have a happy marriage and love, and have good health. body of. But the moon w

Love yourself, pamper yourself, you have to know that there is a person who will never abandon you at any time, no matter poverty, hardship, or illness, because this person is yourself, love yourself, take care of yourself like you take care of the one you love, like you Your lover will pamper you as much as you do, take care of every inch of your skin, take care of every emotion, watch every stage of yourself, always give yourself the best makeup, bloom freely like a flower, and be as free as a bird. Fly freely and let the comfortable, natural, tranquil and increasingly fascinating beauty accompany you throughout your life.

Love yourself, be more sunny and less miserable. Even if the person you love drifts away one day, don't pursue the footsteps that can't be left in vain. Look back and take a look. Although there are forks in life, there are still things. Flowers and green leaves. Even if one day you have a hopeless love, don't deny the true meaning of love. Make a cup of strong tea, turn on a lamp, and write a summary of your soul alone. It is always a beautiful feeling.

Women should really learn to love themselves. Every woman is a flower. Maybe you have the wealth and beauty of peonies, maybe you have the shy beauty of roses, or you have the pure beauty of lilies, no matter what you are A kind of beauty, you must learn to love yourself and protect yourself.

Women need to love themselves! Don't place all your love on one man. Even if he is a man who loves you very much, if you give him too much love, it will make him feel a kind of pressure. Don't be selfless for a man. Love him, because sometimes he wants you to love yourself more. Don't always judge whether a man is good or bad. Sometimes you should wake up yourself. Don't women ever make mistakes? Here I am not saying that men are not wrong, but I want to look at this matter from both pros and cons.

Women, don’t wait for a man who doesn’t love you. Even if you spend all your time waiting, it’s useless, because he doesn’t love you and there is no place for you in his heart. Why bother to force yourself anymore? Me and him? Maybe you will accuse him of being heartless and unintentional towards you, and you will hate him to the core, but sometimes have you ever thought that maybe it was his abandonment that allowed you to encounter the happiness that truly belongs to you. We shuttle among the crowd every day and pass by too many people. We will meet them only if we are destined, but not everyone who meets you will become your significant other. More will become your friend. Therefore, women do not need to hurt themselves for someone who does not love them, but they should love themselves better!

Women, don’t be moved by a half-hearted man. Most of these men are playboys. It’s not that they lack women by their side. Maybe you are just one of his many lovers, because they can use sweet words at the right time, express their attentiveness appropriately, and know how to express their enthusiasm appropriately. Give women the romance and sweetness in their fantasies, but this is often unrealistic. Life is a simple and complicated thing, and romance and sweetness are a kind of spice in life. You cannot live with it for a lifetime, and more importantly Don't imagine that this kind of man will give up a garden for you, so learn to let go! You will be happier if you let go!

Women are always emotional animals. Although she also has a rational side, sensibility often defeats reason, so women should not lose themselves because of love!

Learning to love ourselves does not mean that we should be self-indulgent or self-indulgent, but that we should learn to discipline ourselves and correct ourselves. There are always many times in this life when no one urges us, knows us, warns us, or nudges us. Even our dearest parents and most sincere friends will not always be with us. The care and affection we have may be lost at any time. At this time, we must learn to prune ourselves, find water and fertilize ourselves, so that we will not sink into a withered grass and grow in the wind, but grow into a straight and lush tree.

Learning to cherish ourselves does not mean that we abuse ourselves and be harsh on ourselves, but that we learn to cherish ourselves when we are most painful, helpless and isolated, when we have to walk alone through a dark rainy night, when there is no music and no moonlight. When we are isolated and supporting the suffering of life and no one can bear it for us, we must learn to send ourselves a flower, give ourselves a coastline, give ourselves a bright smile, and then, with good premonitions and auspicious wishes Live on and persevere through mornings one after another filled with the sound of birds.

Some people may say that this is a kind of self-deception, but if this short-term deception can lead to long-term and solid happiness, what's wrong with deceiving yourself?

Learning to love yourself is not a shame, but a glory, because it is not out of arrogant ignorance and narrow-mindedness, but out of admiration and cherishment of life itself, which can make our lives richer and more Being healthy can also make our soul stronger. It allows us to lay bricks and tiles with our own hands when we have no house to live in, build our own palace and become the master of our own spiritual home. Only then will we truly know how to love the world!

It is much easier for a woman to learn to love herself than to learn to love a man. Only if a woman loves herself can she not be hurt. Only if she loves herself can she be strong enough to face the impact of life and face all the luck and misfortune in life. If a woman keeps thinking that her name is weak and needs to be saved by a man. And to love a man, follow a man, or regard a man as the only person you can trust in your life is destined to be a tragedy.

Women, instead of expecting someone to love you and save your loneliness, it is better to learn to save yourself and learn to bear the pain and misfortune in this world by yourself. On the road to saving yourself, it is good to have someone to help you share the burden, but don’t be discouraged even if not. In many cases, women have to learn to take responsibility, learn to be responsible for themselves, and pamper themselves. Even if you feel that the whole world is abandoning you when you are isolated and helpless, and even your closest people are leaving you and not helping you or even betraying you and deceiving you, you must learn to love yourself no matter what, because you are The only person who leads himself to happiness and happiness.