In 2009, Zhang Shujuan, who asked for a gift of 2 million yuan, got married. Her husband was riding a tricycle to sell fruit. Narration: Zhang Shujuan Organized by: Mr. Xiao Han Pictures: Sourced from the Internet, invaded and deleted My name is Zhang Shujuan. More than ten years

html In 2009, Zhang Shujuan, who asked for a gift of 2 million, got married. Her husband was a fruit seller on a tricycle.

Narrated by: Zhang Shujuan

Organized by: Mr. Xiao Han

Pictures: From the Internet, intruded and deleted

My name is Zhang Shujuan. More than ten years ago, Because of some of my remarks about marriage, I was called a "money worshiper." At that time, I was reviled and discriminated against by many people. Some people I knew even threw paint on my door. The reason for all these consequences was simply because of my remarks about my marriage.

At the beginning, I said, "You will need at least 2 million as a gift to marry me." This sentence was like a stone hitting the water. The speed of the ripples was not as fast as the disguised verbal criticism of people's hearts.

More than ten years have passed, and I have also gotten married and had children. Of course, I did not ask for a 2 million yuan gift. My husband is just an ordinary person who sells fruit on a tricycle. Happiness is never designed, but comes through my own efforts. Of course, I also believe in destiny.

I was born in a small village in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Region in 1988, but I am not from a minority ethnic group, but Han . When I was a child, my family was very poor and we had many children. It was impossible not to study hard at that time, because my father said: "Whoever gets the first place in the exam will continue to go to school, and if he doesn't do well in the exam, he will go home and farm."

And I have already done farm work. I got bored, so I have been very sensible since I was a child and studied hard. To put it bluntly, the purpose of studying hard is not to change my destiny, but to be lazy and not want to do farm work. Therefore, from elementary school to junior high school, I am always among the top students.

At that time, my family was poor, my brother couldn’t get a wife, and my sister got married early. Looking at their lives and reading, I suddenly felt that being a student was really a happy thing, and I vowed to The idea of ​​changing your destiny through the college entrance examination did not exist before high school.

In 2006, I was admitted to Chengdu Normal University, but I couldn't afford the tuition. I worked in Chengdu for two months after the college entrance examination, but the money I earned was far from enough for the tuition. I don't know where my father borrowed the money. I just had enough to pay the tuition. At that moment, I was moved by the greatness of my father's love that enveloped my world.

When I was in college, I studied English. My dream was to marry a rich foreigner in the future. At that time, my impression was that foreigners were very rich. While I was in college, I didn’t have a date, but Study hard, make your basic skills solid, and think about a bright future.

Before I went to college, I had never touched a computer, and I didn’t know what the Internet was. However, when I got to college, I saw many classmates playing computer games and frequenting Internet cafes. But to me, that was luxury, but college There was a computer class, which was the only opportunity for me to get started with computers.

I usually work part-time on weekends to earn living expenses, and my roommates slowly take me to Internet cafes to surf the Internet. I also like to express my opinions in Tieba. Because I am familiar with online life, many of my subsequent opinions are very subjective, especially in marriage and love. This piece.

Once, I saw Sister Feng’s point of view, and I admired her very much. Whether or not you can realize your dream is another matter, but you still have to have a dream.

I posted a paragraph about my views on marriage in April 2009. The original content is as follows:

"If you want to marry me, then you should take a gift of 2 million yuan. I am a self-sufficient person who studies hard and loves life." A girl from Daliangshan in Sichuan is from a poor family, so she is afraid of living in poverty in the future. I am sweet and cute, and very sensible. If you have no money, I will not marry you. If you have money, you must have a bachelor's degree. The assets exceed tens of millions, and the bride price will be paid in one lump sum. I will love you like a mountain and give you children, but you must also be loyal to me, not do domestic violence, not cheat, and be filial to your parents..."

However, that is Because of these remarks, many netizens said that I am too ambitious and think too highly of myself.

In my opinion, I didn't say anything wrong, I didn't hurt anyone, I just hope that I can live such a life, so that my parents will no longer worry about a few taels of silver, so that I can live a life without shortage of money.

was criticized by many people at the time, and it even affected my study and life. Since then, I have not dared to go online again. I have finished college honestly, found a job, and lived a down-to-earth life.

At work, I also come into contact with some suitors of the opposite sex. They either have no money, want to make a big deal, or want to take advantage. In short, I have encountered all types of people. But I know very well in my heart that I know what kind of life I want. I have never dared to easily agree to any suitor, but insisted on my own wishes.

Year after year, just like this, after turning thirty, my life has also undergone earth-shaking changes. I know that reality is not easy. Later, I met my current husband. He is a simple man, with little education, but very sincere. He was also very filial to my parents, which finally moved me. When I was 31 years old, I chose to get married.

Yes, there is always a gap between dreams and reality.

I didn’t find a husband who gave me a gift of 2 million, but I gained happiness. Now I also earn more than 10,000 yuan a month. My husband sells fruits on a tricycle, and he earns 7,000 to 8,000 yuan a month, and he is still in 2021. After giving birth to a daughter, the whole family lived a simple and unpretentious life, very happy.

The remarks I made in the past have long since disappeared with the passage of time, and I have turned to a simple life. However, I am very content. After all, our family’s life is getting better and better. Our parents are healthy and our daughter is cute and smart. This is enough.