The recent popularity of New Oriental has made me think about a problem that has been bothering me! The most common words I heard during the past two years without a job were "It's a pity" and "I have read so many books in vain." After graduating from college, after many twists a

The recent popularity of and New Oriental has made me understand a problem that has been bothering me!

The most common words I heard during the past two years when I was unemployed were "It's a pity" and "I have read so many books in vain."

After graduating from college, after many twists and turns, I finally got a decent job with a good salary, good company benefits, and the work content made me feel solid. I thought my life would go to great heights from now on. Unexpectedly, I had no discernment and found an unsatisfactory husband. Since I got married and had a child, I have lost my job. I have to take care of my children at home all day, and I am also burdened with a lot of debt.

So every time my relatives and friends see me or my mother, they will ask me why I don’t go to work. If I don’t go to work, won’t studying so many books be in vain? Is it not in vain to take the civil service exam? The more I listened to it, I felt that I had read it in vain. I felt that I could have lived a better life, and then I blamed my husband for all the unsatisfactory things in the marriage. Now I don’t want to talk to him. I feel that he has deceived me and ruined me. .

However, every time he told me that the matter had already happened, and told me not to worry about it anymore, but to face it and find a way to solve it. This annoyed me because I felt like he didn't feel guilty for putting me in such dire straits and that I was being pretentious. Although I also know that mentioning these things again has no meaning and cannot change anything. It was my choice in the first place and I have to bear the consequences of my ignorance. But I am still angry in my heart and I can never get over this hurdle.

My mother would often mention these things to me. However, when I asked her to help me take care of my children, she was unwilling. But I have no way to change the situation, so I often fall into anxiety. Maybe someone will say, you can hire a nanny, but now I can’t even afford a nanny, so I have to be a nanny myself. During this period of time, I also suffered a lot. I felt that I shouldn't be like this, but I could only do this.

Until I watched a few live broadcasts of Oriental Selection and listened to Mr. Dong Yuhui’s talk, I suddenly felt like I had a lot of things to think about, and I felt relieved. I always felt that every sentence he said could become a good copywriting and inspirational Me, wake me up. What touched me the most was what he said, "We always like to look back, immersed in the past, dissatisfied with the current situation, and then blame others, always thinking that if we had not chosen this way, we might be better off now." I am in this state now.

Why is New Oriental so popular? In fact, each of us has a subconscious yearning for knowledge. The live broadcast room makes us feel comfortable. There is no hawking or noisy, just like attending classes at school. The teachers do not make people feel that they are selling goods, but treat the live broadcast room as A three-foot podium is used to share knowledge, but there are more students. When netizens buy things, it is not called buying things, it is called "paying for knowledge", and it is also an act of helping farmers, and the consumption level is suddenly different! Of course, they faced a lot of doubts. Some people even said that a teacher was reduced to selling goods in a live broadcast room, but they still insisted on their own way. I think they just changed the platform and had more students. For them it is just a job, a job to make a living.

I really like what the president of Peking University once said: "The books you have read and the roads you have traveled will unknowingly change your perception and quietly wipe away the ignorance and superficiality on your face. Reading does not necessarily lead to success or a bright future, but it can make you speak virtuously, do things well, speak well, and play in a moderate way. "If you ask me what the use of reading is, I can't give you a specific answer. , but the books I have read, even if I forget the content, will definitely affect my thinking and my subconscious.Just like eating, you may only eat because you are hungry, but the food you eat will definitely not only fill your stomach, but also provide you with more nutrients while maintaining your life, making you grow better and be more energetic!

Listen to the teachers reciting poems and speaking English, and you can follow them easily. Although you may not understand them, you feel that this is a meaningful thing! And I feel that the "reading so many books" mentioned by my relatives is just a passive acceptance of the university courses as if to complete a task. I don't have much knowledge, at least not even my ability to change the current situation.

Maybe my parents think that when I go to college, I should take the civil service examination and become an official, and have a "serious" job to live up to their expectations. However, there are thousands of college students today, and I am just one of the ordinary ones. Even myself None of our majors can be said to have been mastered. We just learned a skill to make a living. Maybe outsiders may think that we have a decent job, but our income is pitiful. We live just to live. We need to make a living first before we can think about how to do it. A decent living. Of course, I will not give up my efforts. Taking care of my children at home is not the meaning of my life. I will find ways to break through the status quo.

There are many choices in life. There are many times when we cannot help ourselves. The meaning of life is never what we should do, but what we can do and how we choose! I hope you and I can get through the trough and live life the way we like!