Someone once said that you should open your eyes before getting married; after getting married, you should open one eye and close the other. However, as Yan Rujing said: Forbearance in marriage has a time limit. Forbearance for a while can make the sea calm, but forbearance for a

Someone once said, You should open your eyes before getting married; after getting married, you should open one eye and close the other.

However, as Yan Rujing said: Forbearance in marriage has a time limit. Forbearance for a while can make the wind and waves calm, but forbearance for a lifetime depends on fate.

In a marriage, relying solely on one person's grievances and tolerance cannot last long. After all, anyone who has been wronged for a long time will inevitably explode. At that point, the marriage is completely broken and can never be restored to its original state.

01. My brother-in-law got married for the first time, and my mother-in-law asked my daughter-in-law to take 50,000

For everyone, marriage is undoubtedly a very serious matter. But for Luo Qin's brother-in-law, marriage is just a child's play. But in the end, Luo Qin had to bear the responsibility for this childish play.

When Luo Qin and her husband got married, her parents felt sorry for her and bought her a dowry house. Even though her husband's family didn't give her a penny as a gift or decorate the wedding room, Luo Qin still never left her husband.

However, it was only after Luo Qin married into her husband's family that she finally saw clearly her husband's true face and her parents-in-law's partiality. When Luo Qin got married to her husband, her husband's family kept complaining about poverty. They had no betrothal gifts, no wedding room, and not even a decent wedding.

But when her brother-in-law got married, her mother-in-law not only spent all her money to buy a house, she also tried her best to get 50,000 yuan from her, saying that it was a bride price for her brother-in-law. The woman was pregnant and was so arrogant that she aborted the child if she didn't agree to the conditions.

The brother-in-law who has always had nothing to do can only go home and gnaw on his parents and brother-in-law if he cannot satisfy the requirements of his future sister-in-law. However, the parents-in-law were extremely partial to the younger son and would give him whatever he wanted, even if it was beyond his ability.

02. The brother-in-law got married for the second time, and the mother-in-law asked her daughter-in-law to contribute 200,000 yuan for the house.

Luo Qin was unwilling to give it, but her husband was hard at work, and the mother-in-law also kept crying and complaining. In the end, she had to compromise and give 50,000 yuan, otherwise the mother-in-law They kept calling for a strike and refused to take care of her children.

finally put everything together and allowed the brother-in-law to get married smoothly. But the love-minded brother-in-law doesn't cherish marriage. Even after giving birth to a son, the couple would quarrel and have cold wars every now and then, and the sister-in-law would always use the child to threaten divorce.

The mother-in-law, who felt sorry for her youngest son and felt sorry for her grandson, could only let her sister-in-law take what she asked for and grant her whatever she asked. But the little pension money from my parents-in-law was finally spent all due to repeated demands from my sister-in-law. The parents-in-law, who could no longer afford the money, could only watch their sister-in-law get divorced and return to their parents' home with their children.

After the divorce, the brother-in-law, as if he had enough to eat and the whole family was not hungry, even gave the house to his ex-sister-in-law, euphemistically saying that he was saving it for the children. The brother-in-law, who had no house, no wife and children, once again went to his brother and sister-in-law, so it was natural that he should be raised by his brother-in-law.

Luo Qin felt very aggrieved, but she could not drive them away. After all, she was not the one who added insult to injury. But when her brother-in-law got married for the second time, her mother-in-law once again asked her for 200,000 yuan for the house, and Luo Qin wanted to throw the whole family out.

03. If you don’t pay 200,000, the mother-in-law will go on strike and not take care of the children.

My brother-in-law doesn’t have the ability to make money to support himself, but he has a lot of ability to please girls. Just over a year after the divorce, my brother-in-law brought back a girl again. He also said that the girl was pregnant and needed to get married immediately, but the wedding gift was indispensable.

After the brother-in-law told the woman's request, he acted as if it had nothing to do with him and waited for his parents, brother-in-law and sister-in-law to come and settle things for him. As usual, the mother-in-law scolded her brother-in-law for being unreliable, but in turn advised Luo Qin, the sister-in-law, not to ignore him.

Luo Qin really wanted her brother-in-law to get married and move out as soon as possible, but if the prerequisite for her brother-in-law to get married and move out was that she had to spend another 200,000 to buy a house for him, then Luo Qin might as well just get divorced and settle the matter.

Luo Qin disagreed and asked his brother-in-law to find a solution on his own.After all, he is an adult and should be responsible for all his decisions, instead of putting all the burden on his parents and brother-in-law. His parents are not his ATM machine , and her sister-in-law is even less so.

After Luo Qin refused, her mother-in-law cried and started to go on strike at home, unwilling to help Luo Qin take care of her daughter anymore. Luo Qin has to be busy with work and children at the same time, and also has to deal with the demands of her mother-in-law. She really has two heads.

04. Daughter-in-law: Divorce, you and your family can have a good life.

But her husband still doesn’t understand and consider her. He helps his parents talk to his brother, saying that you are an only child and your parents have three houses in their name. You are not willing to spend 200,000 to buy a house for my brother. , wouldn’t it be more worry-free and trouble-free to just send a set as a gift?

Luo Qin looked at her husband speechlessly, wondering why she married a foolish and filial man? Luo Qin could understand that he was filial to his parents and valued brotherhood, and he tried his best to cooperate with him to maintain his face in front of his parents and brothers.

But my brother-in-law was ungrateful. When he got married for the first time, he spent his brother's and sister-in-law's money without any hesitation; when he spent his brother's and sister-in-law's money for the second time, it was even more justified and without any guilt.

Luo Qin believed that she owed nothing to her husband’s family, let alone her brother-in-law, so why should she use her parents’ house to fulfill her brother-in-law’s marriage? He is almost thirty years old. Since he has no responsibility and responsibility, he should not get married. He will be a drag on others and his parents, brother and sister-in-law.

Luo Qin didn't want to wrong herself anymore, so she told her husband directly that if you get divorced, you and your family will have a good time, and I won't accompany you anymore. Luo Qin kept his word and threw everyone's luggage out after filing for divorce. Even her husband's pleas and pleas were rejected, and she refused to listen, ignore or be soft-hearted.

Today’s topic:

Do you support Luo Qin’s decision to cut the knot quickly and get a divorce?

Pinxia explanation: Analyze marriage emotions and teach you to understand human nature!