In the relationship between the sexes, a woman who a man cannot forget is sometimes more important than his wife. This is really sad for my wife. However, sometimes, it's all about comparing one's feelings with one's own feelings. Whether a woman's position in a man's heart is im

In gender relations, a woman who a man cannot forget is sometimes more important than his wife. This is really sad for my wife. However, sometimes, it's all about comparing one's feelings with one's own feelings. Whether a woman's position in a man's heart is important or not sometimes depends on the woman's attitude towards the man. In fact, this has nothing to do with the role of "wife". As the saying goes, you respect me one foot, and I respect you one foot. A woman that a man cannot forget, a woman who is more important than his wife, often has extraordinary qualities that his wife does not have.

The first type is the woman who helped him

For a man, the woman who helped him when he was in the most difficult time will never be forgotten in his life. A man will always remember this kindness in his heart. Whether you have helped a man financially or helped him in life, it is easy for a man to be grateful and moved to the point of "not even saying thanks". Such a woman is like a timely rain that solves a man's urgent needs and warms his heart. If one day this woman is in trouble, the man will stand up for her even if it means risking his life. This is what the saying goes, a drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring.

The second type is the woman who supports him.

For a man, if a woman supports him, she gives him dignity and face. Then, the man will never forget it in his life. Men will appreciate and respect such women from the bottom of their hearts. Whether this woman defends a man or speaks for a man, such a woman can easily conquer a man's heart and make him believe that this woman is very important. In real life, some wives, when they get along with each other, only know how to attack their men. Not only do they not speak for the man, but they also complain and accuse the man everywhere. This can easily make the man feel discouraged and feel that this kind of thing is holding him back. Women with waists are more important. Men sometimes don't like the new and hate the old, let alone change when they see new things. It's just that a man's heart has feelings, and he knows his own warmth and coldness. When a man finds that his wife cannot understand, understand, or defend him, then this wife is no longer so important in the man's heart.

The third type, soul mate.

For a man, if a woman can understand herself, understand herself, and support herself without hesitation. Then this woman can be called a man's soul mate. As the old saying goes, it is enough to have a confidant in life. Such a woman can easily make a man feel grateful. At the very least, you are not alone or lonely on this road of life. At least there is an exit on this road of life. It is difficult for men, especially those who have reached middle age, and they will become quieter and quieter. Many times, it's not that you don't want to say it, but if you say it, you will only be disliked and looked down upon by others. Sometimes, even his wife may not look good on him. Therefore, the most important woman in a man's heart is often the woman who can be very close to his heart.