"You look so good today!" VS "I wish I looked as good as you!" Which compliment is more touching? We all know that being able to praise others and being "sweet" is also a weapon for women to gain an advantage. So, have you used this sharp tool well? Today, let’s learn high-qualit

" you look so good today! " VS " I wish I had such a good look like you! " Which compliment is more touching?

We all know that being able to praise others and being "sweet" is also a weapon for women to gain an advantage. So, have you used this sharp tool well?

Today, let’s learn high-quality compliment skills together to make you a “sweet-tongued queen”.

01 Praise unexpectedly

Rodin once said: "There is no lack of beauty in life, but the lack of eyes to discover beauty."

We always feel that there is nothing to praise each other. In fact, some ordinary little things in life can also be used praise.

The so-called surprise does not mean to find a unique thing about others to praise, but to make him feel unexpected by praising an ordinary thing about him.

Jingjing came home from get off work and found that her husband, who was on vacation, had already laid out the food, so she smiled and said: "What are you cooking for delicious food? You can smell the fragrance from the corridor. No wonder my colleagues are envious of me and say that I am good at marrying." Okay." The husband couldn't hide the smile on his face and said, "Come on, wash your hands and eat."

During the meal, the husband asked Jingjing: "What do you want to eat tomorrow? Let me show it to you this month." Show me your cooking skills." The two were chatting and laughing happily.

Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, cooking a meal for a husband is not a big deal, it is obviously what he should do.

And precisely, these things that seem to be done can receive unexpected praise and praise, and the person being praised is often in a happy mood.

02 Establish a target praise method

People always like to be praised. The joy and power that praise brings to people are incomparable to any material.

If we set a goal for him when praising others, it will not only put him in a good mood, but may also bring him more confidence and help him succeed.

There is a little boy who is a bad boy in the eyes of everyone.

Even his father said to his stepmother who had just arrived home: My dear, I hope you pay attention to this bad boy. He has made me helpless. Maybe before tomorrow morning, he will throw stones at you, or do something bad that you can't even imagine. "

After listening to his father's words, the stepmother walked up to him with a smile, looked at the boy carefully, and then said with a smile: "You are wrong, he is not a bad boy, but one of the best in the county who is smart and creative. boy. However, he has not yet found a place to vent his enthusiasm. "

The boy had no idea that his stepmother would comment and praise him like this. He almost burst into tears. No one had ever praised him for being smart before.

He was very excited, and thus established a deep relationship with his stepmother. When he was 14 years old, his stepmother discovered his talent in writing, bought him a second-hand typewriter , and said to him: "I believe you will become a writer. "

He was once again praised and encouraged by his stepmother. He began to work hard and began to submit articles to a local newspaper.

Finally, with the stepmother's praise and encouragement again and again, the boy really became a successful boy who created 28 gold medals. A man of laws and wrote the book "Human Weakness", which has been regarded as one of the bibles of social skills by the Western world for 70 years.

It was the praise from his stepmother that ignited Carnegie 's passion for life. It inspires infinite wisdom.

A person's progress is inseparable from self-confidence and hard work, and part of the source of self-confidence is praise and encouragement.

One of the good ways for us to impress the other person is to sincerely appreciate the other person and set a goal for him. Praise him sincerely.

03 In-depth and detailed praise method

Praise is not flattery, and there is no need to deliberately modify it.

It should come from life, come from the heart, dig out the less obvious advantages of the other party that are still in their infancy, and reveal the true feelings in depth and detail, which is the praise of success.

Xiao Li works as a salesperson in a company. He has just joined the company and is not very familiar with some sales techniques, so his performance is not very good.

His boss is a woman who is good at discovering the strengths of her subordinates. She found that although Xiao Li's speaking skills were not up to standard, he was very patient and did not give up easily.

One day, she saw that Xiao Li was feeling depressed because he had not sold any products. She walked over and said to Xiao Li: "Actually, you are very suitable to be a salesperson because you have a quality that others don't have, that is, you don't give up. You know how important this quality is to a salesperson."

At this time, Xiao Li's eyes were glowing. He was indeed not a person who gave up easily. Just now, he was still thinking about whether to give him the same price as before. The customer makes a phone call.

Now that his boss said this, his gloomy mood was instantly lifted, his energy was instantly lifted, and he continued to devote himself to knife work enthusiastically.

From then on, Xiao Li worked very hard. If he had any questions that he didn't understand, he would ask other colleagues or superiors for help. He soon became the company's sales team leader.

Praise is not just rhetoric. If the boss does not realize that Xiao Li has the advantage of not giving up easily, he can just say to him: "Your performance just now was already very good" or "You are a very hard-working person in our eyes." Compliments like this may have different effects.

Mark Twain said: "A word of praise can keep me alive for two months." It can be seen how powerful praise is. Therefore, we must praise others generously.

Praise is a lubricant in the relationship between people. If we can praise others just right, then we are likely to become the "sweet queen" in people's minds, adding icing on the cake to our own lives and careers.