In real life, there are a bunch of pretty white-collar women who think about unattractive things all day long. They have no skills, bad tempers, and high spirits. They are either looking for executives from big companies with annual salaries of several million, or they are lookin

In real life, a bunch of pretty white-collar women think about unattractive things all day long. They have no skills, bad tempers, and high spirits. They are either looking for executives from big companies with annual salaries of several million, or they are looking for people with a net worth of over 100 million. boss.

If you want me to say that you should find a man with middle-class potential while you are young, step by step through the deafening, have a child together as soon as possible, manage the family relationship well, and then under the banner of "thinking about him", ignore the male every day, through house replacement, etc. The method is to control the financial power of the family step by step, and control the financial power of tens or millions a year. For most of these men, it is normal for most of these men to have 2,000 yuan of pocket money per month.

After several years of planning, he successfully took control of the family finances and successfully added his name to a multi-million house before marriage, which is the goal of family life.

Young girls must learn to grasp the psychological changes of men and take care of them step by step.

Of course, all strategies have a prerequisite, they must have common children. A family without common children is like a building without a foundation, which will break at a touch.