When I was browsing Zhihu yesterday, a question popped up: Why do I feel that class reunions are getting more and more boring? A few years ago, when I saw this question, I would reminisce about it, add some sadness, and then ask something like "Once upon a time" Boring questions



When I was browsing Zhihu yesterday, a question jumped out: Why do I feel that class reunions are getting more and more boring?

was released a few years ago. When I saw this question, I would reminisce about it, add a little sadness, and then ask boring questions like "Why are classmates who used to talk about everything now farther and farther away?" But now I won’t do it at all, because I’ve seen it too much and I’m already used to it.

I quickly typed up a few of the answers below. Everyone can think of the basic reasons. As we are far apart, there are fewer common topics, and the circles are different, so people's feelings naturally weaken. Just when I was trying to find a case, a person jumped out of my mind: Runtu .

I don’t know if you still remember Runtu, the young man who caught fish under the moon, the silver ring steel fork, eleven, two and three.

The picture in the textbook has become a standard feature of my hometown. The full moon, the vegetable field, the boy, and the fat pig bring me back to my childhood.

On the banyan tree by the pond, knew that was still calling for summer, but Runtu could not go back. He had changed from a boy to a middle-aged man, and he could no longer be so natural when he saw Brother Xun. That "Master" is not his truest expression, but a protective color after going through hardships.

So back to the original question, why are class reunions becoming more and more boring?

Because we hope to regain our youth, but in fact, youth has nothing to do with us.


Lu Xun's "Hometown" can be seen as a mini version of a class reunion.

Brother Xun and Runtu are two people on the surface, but you can also see them as a group of people.

The memories of the past are all in their hearts, but they can only think of them, but they can never go back. Brother Xun left his hometown early with his family. His family conditions were very good. When he returned to his hometown in middle age, all he thought about was the little beauty of his childhood. So he went home with a "treasure hunting" mentality. For him, his hometown was just a small pastime.

But if you stand from Runtu's perspective, the situation is completely different.

Your childhood friend, people in the village say, has become a high official. It is said that he has a concubine with three bedrooms. When he goes out, he carries a sedan chair with eight carriages, and he is accompanied when he goes to the toilet. And you, with your wife and children, don’t even have enough to eat, and you have to think about the next day’s livelihood every day.

When we read the article, we had a God's perspective. We knew that Brother Xun cared about Runtu very much and was thinking about things in his childhood. He just wanted to "renew the relationship" with Brother Tu. At night, he opened a box of beer and talked about the past. Shells, watermelons and oysters.

But think about it, does Runtu know this? Just like when you meet an old classmate you haven't seen for many years, can you know what they have experienced and what they are thinking about at this moment?

The article opened our eyes, but in life, we may not be able to open our own eyes.

Runtu doesn’t know.

The old classmate in front of him was well-dressed, but he had a sallow face, with wrinkles on his face like knives. Brother Xun felt in his heart that they were still old classmates, but Runtu knew clearly that their conditions and status were different. As for what Brother Xun thought, he didn't even know.

He remembered the big watermelon when he was a teenager and the scene of catching a crocodile under the moon, but he did not dare to mention it again. If you can't even eat, what's the point of talking about your childhood? Chatting with the classmate in front of me, who everyone said has become a Taoist, he is not that stupid yet.

His truest thought is: Brother Xun has despised me a long time ago, and we are no longer the same person.

Maybe he didn't even have this idea. Years of war, famine, exorbitant taxes, and bandits made him suffer like a puppet. He didn't have time to think about face and dignity. He had already tried his best to survive.

This is also a true portrayal of how many people get together again now. The distance is too far, they have not seen each other for many years, and they have no common life scenes and interpersonal circles with each other.

So I could only chat about the past and other classmates I remembered. When I felt like I was running out of words, I asked the other person if they were hungry and if they wanted some more food.

"Do you remember that so-and-so? He got married last year. I didn't expect that he got married so early."

"Do you still remember that so-and-so? He didn't study well before, but he didn't expect to be the big boss now."

" The teacher named Wang, I heard...”


It’s not only you who are embarrassed, but also the other party.

You feel that the other person has changed and is no longer so interesting. He has not talked to you for a few words about the scene when he was a child. The other person also feels that you have changed. He doesn’t know how to talk to you, and is afraid that you will not say anything well. joke.

It's a boring and awkward day, luckily, you've all been through it countless times.


From Brother Xun’s point of view, I used to blame Runtu when I was in school. Coupled with the concept of labeling in the textbook, I felt that Runtu had become too much. How could a good-looking boy become so deformed? It became like that.

When classmates meet, it’s the master who speaks. It’s really spineless.

You moved all the things that others said you didn’t want back to your home. It’s really embarrassing.

So during the exam, I wrote down the word that I kept in mind, which was also the standard answer taught to me by the teacher - insensitive .

Ma, looking back now, this word is quite good, people are indeed numb.

Perhaps this is the charm of classic works. It is one thing to watch it when you are a child, but it is another thing to watch it when you grow up. It's not that Runtu has forgotten the friendship he once had, or that Runtu is so dumb that he can't speak, it's just that he has to do it because of the pressure of life. He called Brother Xun "Master", which was obviously a weighed reaction.

If you lower yourself a little, you can get something back, which is worth it.

Let’s read the original text:

He stood still, with a look of joy and desolation on his face; he moved his lips, but made no sound. His attitude finally became respectful, and he shouted clearly: Master!

(Use that quotation in the original text - just the quotation marks - external quotation) and delete this sentence

When I was a child, the teacher said that Runtu was numb, and I thought that Runtu had become stupid. But if you look further down, you will see that Runtu is not stupid at all and can speak well.

He first greeted Brother Xun’s mother and said that I was very happy to know that you were coming back. He was so excited to know that the master was coming back that he couldn’t sleep all night.

Brother Xun’s mother said why are you so polite? Weren’t you classmates before? Just call him Brother Xun. Runtu said, the old lady is really, that is too unruly. She was a child at that time and was not sensible. Then he greeted his children and brought some souvenirs.

Friends, this is a perfect social master. Whoever says that Brother Tu can’t speak makes me anxious. Is

different from what I learned when I was a child? In fact, Brother Tu knows everything and is clear about everything. Changing his title is really forced by life. If he doesn't even have enough to eat, who would be shameless enough to call his classmates "Master"?

When we read or watch TV, we always unconsciously think of ourselves as the protagonist. In fact, if we take on the supporting role for a little bit, we will see it more clearly.

Fame and wealth come and go, and human emotions are like withered grass in the wind.


Cut back to our own lives. The things that have changed seem to be feelings, but the things that have not changed are actually materials determine consciousness.

Of course, this material is not only economic conditions, but also factors such as life, circle, career, and experience. As these things change, people’s thoughts, feelings between people, and understanding of life will naturally change as well.

Don't blame him for not understanding the style. He might not even have lunch in order to come over to see you.When he called him "Master", his mind was spinning a thousand times. Do you think he wanted to do that? But the fact is that he hopes to get something from you by using that title.

If life doesn’t dictate it, who wants to make money on their knees?

Economic relationship is the most basic relationship between people. If you come back and think about it, many things that you can't understand will become clear. When we were children, we were all carefree, eating melons and catching fish every day. At that time, we had no worries and no worries.

But life is always changing. Later, the environment changed, so we all changed. Some troubles when we meet again are just that we want to use the past feelings to judge the current changes.

There is no going back, the road is still the same, the people are the same, time has changed.

Maybe it’s not the class reunion that is boring, but you, me, and him.