Introduction: When people get older, the longer they live, the more lonely they become. Because every couple cannot truly grow old together, one of them will pass away first. The old man left behind will be very lonely, and the children around him also have their own families and


As people get older, the longer they live, the more lonely they become. Because every couple cannot truly grow old together, one of them will pass away first. The old man left behind will be very lonely, and the children around him also have their own families and are busy with their own careers. Therefore, after retirement, old people like to find themselves a wife so that they can take care of each other.

However, finding a suitable wife is not that easy. It is said that it is difficult for couples to get along with each other halfway, especially in old age. They have their own families and are tied up with each other. Each has their own ideas. It is difficult for you to know the true nature of the other person. Picture what. A 65-year-old aunt said frankly: It is only in my later years that I understand what men are looking for in their wives. Why did this aunt say this? Let us look down together.

Narrator: Ms. Zhang/65 years old

My name is Zhang Cuiliu. I am 65 years old. I have a monthly pension of 8,000 yuan and a deposit of 1 million yuan. I live in a small villa of more than 300 square meters. I have a son and a daughter, and they are both married and starting a business. My son has settled abroad, and my daughter has graduated with a doctorate and is teaching at a university. It stands to reason that my conditions are good, my children don't need to worry about me, and I should have a happy old age.

However, since my wife passed away, I have not been happy. I feel very lonely. I don’t even have anyone to talk to. My son and daughter are also very busy at work and rarely come home to visit me. I even call them. , but also gave me a few words to hang up, guarding this empty house alone, sometimes I don’t know what to do.

One day, my neighbor said to me that I might as well find a wife to live with. At first, I was a little hesitant, but my neighbors gave me several examples. They all lived very happily. So, I had the idea of ​​remarrying. I asked someone to find me a wife and kept expanding my circle of friends. I have met many old people, but none of them suit me. Maybe I am too demanding. After all, I am in pretty good condition. I always think that the other person is not handsome enough or his family is too complicated, or he has inconsistent views, etc. wait.

I thought what he said was very reasonable, so I didn’t discuss it with my children and asked Lao Li to get the certificate. We didn't hold a wedding, after all, it was our second marriage, and we were so old. I didn’t ask Lao Li for a bride price. Anyway, our financial conditions are good, and the bride price is just a formality. Besides, he doesn’t have any relatives anymore. I’ve always thought so.

Until I met Lao Li, he was three years older than me. He used to work as a project manager on a construction site and lived alone after retirement. Lao Li said that he got divorced when he was in his 30s and his son was taken away by his wife. The reason was that his ex-wife did not support his work. Because Lao Li was stationed at the construction site all year round and had too little time to reunite with his family, his The wife filed for divorce because she couldn't bear it anymore. After that, Lao Li never got married again.

Lao Li quickly said again. He said that this problem does not exist now because he has retired and has a monthly pension of 9,000 yuan. When I heard that Lao Li had no children, he was quite handsome, and his pension was very high. If the two of us lived together, we would definitely be very happy. I looked at the man in front of me carefully and felt more and more that he was suitable to be my wife.

So, when Lao Li suggested that we date each other for a while, I agreed without hesitation. In the days that followed, I felt very happy because Lao Li always gave me surprises, went shopping with me, gave me roses, took me to the beach to watch the sunrise, and cooked me delicious dinners. Those were the happiest days in my life, because my previous wife didn’t understand romance. I always feel that if I live with Lao Li, I will be content for the rest of my life.

Two months later, Lao Li proposed to me. I asked him if it was too fast, and he said that we are already the same age, and if we live longer, we will earn more. If we get together earlier, we can have more time to do the things we like to do.

I thought what he said was very reasonable, so I didn’t discuss it with my children and asked Lao Li to get the certificate.We didn't hold a wedding, after all, it was our second marriage, and we were so old. I didn’t ask Lao Li for a bride price. Anyway, our financial conditions are good, and the bride price is just a formality. Besides, he doesn’t have any relatives anymore. I’ve always thought so.

After I got married, I asked Lao Li to move into my villa. I thought my happy life was about to begin. But who would have thought that after marriage, Lao Li seemed to be a different person. He no longer cooks or does housework. He proposed to ask a nanny to take care of us. The reason is that money is useless if it is not taken with us until life and death. It is better to find someone to take care of us and let us enjoy it. life now.

I disagree. After all, my money did not come from the strong wind. Now I can take care of myself, so there is no need to be extravagant and wasteful. So, we had our first quarrel, and we had a cold war for a week. Only then did I realize that Lao Li was a petty person.

Ten days later, Lao Li suddenly bought me flowers and apologized to me, and also said many nice words. I felt soft and forgave him. But one day later, he borrowed money from me, asking for 20,000 yuan. I asked him why he suddenly wanted so much money, but he hesitated and refused to say. After investigation, I found out that Lao Li owed gambling debts outside. If I didn't help him pay it off, the creditors would come looking for him.

I asked him, has he not saved any money for so many years? He said he had lost everything, and I was furious. In order to prevent creditors from coming, I helped Lao Li pay off the money. I filed for divorce with him, but Lao Li unexpectedly disagreed and said very hurtful words. If I dared to divorce, he would divide half of my property.

Now I am in a dilemma. Everyone says, what should I do?

is written at the end

When people get old, they always hope that they will have a happy old life. However, because the other half has passed away first, a person often feels lonely when he lives alone. So, the old man had the idea of ​​​​looking for a wife, but it is not so easy to find a sincere person. Before getting married, old people must keep their eyes open and see clearly. It is best to get a property notarization to avoid being cheated.

I suggest Aunt Zhang get a divorce. No matter how much it costs, she can no longer be entangled with such a man. Aunt Zhang can find some evidence to prove that Lao Li married her for her money, which will be beneficial to herself. What do you think? What do you think should be done?

I am Bingxue, I like it and pay attention to it.