Samuel Johnson said: "Satisfaction comes from within. Those who know nothing about human nature always try to pursue happiness by changing the external rather than the internal temperament. The result will be in vain, and the pain they want to get rid of will increase day by day.

Samuel Johnson said: "Satisfaction comes from the heart. Those who know nothing about human nature always try to pursue happiness by changing the outer appearance rather than the inner temperament. The result will be in vain, but the pain they originally wanted to get rid of will not be achieved." It increases day by day. "After becoming successful, too many people feel empty. After gaining fame and fortune, they find that they have sacrificed something more precious. Therefore, we must stick to our vision and then move forward bravely and persist to the end, so that our life can be full of meaning.

This is the reason why you start with the end in mind. If you feel that the above language is too literal and cannot be implemented in depth in life, the book also gives a scene. Please put yourself into the scene and carefully feel your own heart. , looking for the ultimate pursuit of self-life.

Suppose you are on your way to the funeral home to attend the funeral of a close relative. When you arrive, you will find that all your friends and family have gathered together to say goodbye to you. Family representatives, friends, colleagues or social partners are about to take the stage to tell the story of your life.

Please think about it, how do you want people to evaluate your life? What achievements and contributions of yours do you hope they will recall? What impact do you hope your life will have on the people around you?

The evaluation you hope to receive when the final decision is made is the success you truly desire in your heart. Find it, and from now on, make it your life's goal, the standard by which you measure everything. Everything you say, do, and do, no matter when it happens, must abide by this standard. This means that everything is determined by the personal expectations or values ​​that matter most, and #start with the end in mind starts from here.

Begin with the end in mind tells us that before doing anything, we must first understand the direction. In this way, you will not only have a clear understanding of the current situation, but also avoid going astray and wasting your efforts in the pursuit of goals.

One of the foundations of the principle of beginning with the end in mind is: "Everything is created twice. Everything we do is first conceived in our minds. This is intellectual creation or the first creation. Then we put it into practice. This is physical creation or second creation.” However, when many people face things, their “first creation” may not be consciously designed. Those who have weak self-awareness or are unwilling to take the initiative to design their own lives end up letting people or things outside their influence circle control them, and then their lives will succumb to pressure from family, colleagues, friends or the environment, and be affected by various external factors. Conditional constraints.

For example, many unmarried people in life, as they grow older, when the pressure from the external environment increases and their self-awareness gradually becomes unbearable, they will listen to the public's words: Find a suitable person to get married. , this is the truth of life!

The truth of life is this: Whether you realize it or not, whether you can control it or not, everything in your life has a first creation. Each of our lives is a second creation, either actively designed by ourselves, or limited by the external environment, their arrangements, or old habits.

Use the unique gifts you were born with - #"self-awareness" #, "imagination", and "human conscience" to examine all the first creations in your life and think about the things you have done in your life so far Are all the important node events planned by you actively or are they driven forward by the situation in the circle of influence? No matter what the outcome is, don't dwell on regrets or be proud or complacent. We have already talked about this principle in Proactive Habit 1. In the face of established facts, we cannot change it, so we must admit it. Only by accepting the facts can we truly understand the truth, carry forward what is right, and correct what is wrong. This is the correct way for us to gain strength from the past.

The second principle foundation of starting with the end in mind is: self-leadership. Leadership is different from management. Leadership must precede management. Leadership is the first creation, while management is the second creation. Management is about climbing up the right ladder, but leadership is about judging whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.

This principle applies equally to every aspect of life. In enterprises of all walks of life, leadership is more important than management, and no matter how good management is, it cannot make up for the failure of leadership.It's like a ladder leaning against the wrong wall. So what if you climb it quickly and well? When parents manage their children, if they only think about rules, learning, efficiency and control, and ignore family affection and direction, there is a high probability that the parent-child relationship will be on edge. Xiao Zhang and I are the most relevant cases. I hope he can develop good habits, so I suppress him everywhere. Xiao Zhang sees no care and love under my discipline, only discipline, so he is always against me.

The most important thing is that in our personal #self-management#, if there is no self-leadership and we are just busy improving efficiency, it will be a very dangerous operation. It happens to everyone once in life. When you are busy rushing, you finally find out You have gone in the wrong direction, and life does not have time for you to go back and start over. At this time, the extreme regret for life will make you unable to get along with yourself. This will be the greatest sorrow of old age when facing life. This is why the article starts with going to a funeral parlor to help you find your ultimate pursuit in life. Use the ultimate pursuit of life to lead yourself, just like the ladder of life leaning against the wall. At this time, go to your second creation and manage yourself to make your ladder of life climb higher and higher.

Begin with the end in mind and play your various life roles with a clear direction and values. It means keeping our values ​​in mind every day. This will allow us to maintain a proactive attitude and use values ​​as the guideline for action. Once life changes, we can decide how to respond based on values ​​and will not be controlled by emotions and external circumstances. How to ensure that you keep your values ​​in mind every day?

The most effective way is to write a personal mission statement , which is a personal philosophy of life or basic beliefs. The declaration mainly describes what kind of person you want to be (morality), what kind of career you want to achieve (contribution and achievement), and the values ​​and principles that need to be established for this.

A personal mission statement may also be called a personal constitution. For us personally, a personal mission statement based on correct principles is also the standard by which we evaluate everything, and becomes the source of strength for us to remain unchanged in response to changes. It underpins both our critical choices and everyday decisions under ever-changing circumstances and emotions.

As long as you hold the unchanging truth in your heart, you can stand firm in a turbulent environment. Because a person's resilience depends on his unchanging belief in his own nature, life purpose, and values.

When formulating our personal mission statement, we must start from the core of our circle of influence. This is our most basic way of thinking, our own "lens" through which we view the world.

We must establish our own vision and values ​​from the basic way of thinking, and use self-awareness to check whether our way of thinking is in line with reality and based on correct principles. Use conscience as compass to examine our unique intelligence and contribution methods, use imagination to formulate the life goals we desire, and determine the direction and purpose of struggle.

This core is also the source of our sense of security, life direction, wisdom and strength. Whether you realize it or not, each of us has a center of life, and there is no doubt that it has a strong influence on all aspects of our lives.

The world is so big, so everyone’s life center is different. Due to our different life centers, our choices are also very different. For example, when "family" is the center of life and "spouse" is the center of life, when faced with temporary overtime work after get off work: Family-oriented people will consider that temporary overtime work will leave me with no one to cook family dinner or no time to clean up the house. Those who pay attention to their spouse will consider that working overtime temporarily will not have time to accompany my spouse, which may make her feel lonely. If money is the center of your life, you may consider whether there is overtime pay for overtime work, etc.

So what kind of living center can last long? ——Putting principles as the center of life can give us a sense of security, direction in life, and continuous development of wisdom and strength. Because whether it is a partner, money, family, or other centers of life can change, only principles remain unchanged and remain new over time.

Principles are profound, real, classic truths and are the common wealth of mankind. Of course, our understanding and understanding of principles are limited by our understanding of the nature of ourselves and the world, and will also be affected by popular philosophies and theories that deviate from the principles. But our limitations will gradually improve with learning. The principles will not change, but our understanding of the principles can change.

With principles as the center of life, our wisdom and life direction come from the correct map, reflecting the real history and current situation. Any principle has inevitable consequences. If you follow the principle, the consequences will be positive. If you violate the principle, the consequences will be negative. By using eternal principles as the center of your life, you can establish an efficient way of thinking, and you can also face up to all other centers of life.

A person's way of thinking determines his attitude. Different life centers lead to different concepts. People who center their lives on principles always have extraordinary insights and unique thoughts and behaviors, because a solid and stable inner core gives them a high degree of security, life direction, wisdom and strength, allowing them to live a positive and fulfilling life. .

If you still lack a principles-based personal mission statement, now is the perfect time to start one.