Kindness and love can be free, but hope is not cheap. Women with weak personalities are often more loved by men. On the one hand, they can satisfy men's desire for protection. On the other hand, they are gentler and more "feminine", which is more in line with men's role settings

Kindness and love can be free, but hopefully not cheap.

Women with weak personalities are often more loved by men. On the one hand, they can satisfy men's desire for protection. On the other hand, they are gentler and more "feminine", which is more in line with men's role settings for women.

Women with weak personalities often have low self-esteem, are highly dependent, and dare not express their opinions and needs. In such a marriage and love relationship, men often occupy the absolute initiative, men's wishes are unconditionally implemented, men's affairs and interests are ranked first, and men's shortcomings and mistakes are also understood and tolerated by considerate women. In such a relationship, in the short term, the marriage relationship is often harmonious and peaceful. No matter what kind of man he is, he will be satisfied with a sensible and considerate woman and enjoy the feeling of being trusted and relied on.

is gentle and considerate, and is a good woman. Character traits, but once they are passed, in the long run, it is often a disaster for both parties in the relationship, rather than a blessing for either person.

1. Magnify the shortcomings of men.

Men are absolutely comfortable in such a relationship, and absolute comfort will make men feel good about themselves. Such an atmosphere is a man's dream. This may help men relax and gain more confidence to face all kinds of fighting outside. But it also cultivates their blind arrogance and condescension, which does not help them discover shortcomings, improve, self-reflect and grow.

2. Encouraging and catalyzing men’s evil

A woman with a weak personality allows others to experience the pleasure of being a strong person in her, and this pleasure is addictive and poisonous. In this sense, she is already encouraging And catalyze the evil in men.

3. Women with weak personalities are often unhappy in the end.

Weakness prevents them from expressing their opinions and needs, which makes people unable to help but bully her. Tolerance will only bring about short-term peace of mind, but later it will become worse and the inner suffering will be endured. How can Qu bring happiness?

When love was still there, Juanzi was a happy woman and Da Zhuang was a happy man. Women are gentle and kind, men are diligent and motivated, women take care of the house, and men start businesses. Women ensure the harmony and warmth of the family, while men make rapid progress in their careers and ensure family income. The Dazhuang brothers came from average families, and the down payment for buying a house after marriage was donated by Juanzi's parents. In the early days of starting a business, Juanzi's father, who had relatively rich experience and resources, gave Dazhuang full support and help.


Juanzi said that in the past seven years, she had discovered eight cheating partners of Da Zhuang. Juanzi said that in the early days of marriage, Da Zhuang took care of all the housework and threw his dirty socks and underwear everywhere. Juanzi said that Da Zhuang, who was a good cook, had never been in the kitchen again. ...

's derailment caused a huge uproar, and Juanzi's father was so angry that he was admitted to the hospital. The mistress called, calling her sister, calling her affectionate... Juanzi hoped that the man would change his mind amidst the embarrassment of his family.

Yes, Juanzi is a gentle and weak person who only obeys the strong. She never says anything bad, even in the end. Da Zhuang neither corrects nor admits his mistakes. After being served comfortably for so many years, he has already internalized Juanzi as his personal belonging. In his view, Juanzi has no independent personality and does not require much thought. He has long forgotten to treat Juanzi The touch and love I once had.

After a divorce, the house and children belong to Juanzi, and the foreign debts come from relatives who will bear the burden. (The house loan came from Juanzi’s father. Da Zhuang borrowed 50,000 yuan from Juanzi’s cousin. In addition, Da Zhuang had other foreign debts and used a lot of credit cards.)

Da Zhuang remarried quickly after the divorce, but the person he married to Not the once proud mistress. Compared with the outstanding Juanzi, the newlywed partner Xiao Li has an ordinary appearance. Unlike Juanzi, who is simple and weak, Xiao Li has a tough and capable personality. He is married for the second time and is older than Juanzi.

Xiao Li said that Da Zhuang is a good man who understands romance very well. He will give her a necklace when he comes home before going on a business trip and then rush to catch the train. Xiao Li said that Da Zhuang was good at cooking. Xiao Li said that after the child was born, he went home to take care of the baby when he had time.Xiao Li also showed off a refrigerator box full of free-range eggs sent by his mother...

Where did the big and sturdy Yingying Yanyan go? Xiao Li said that there was a woman who always harassed Da Zhuang, so she went directly to the third father-in-law's house and talked about it...

Da Zhuang's clinic business is now getting better and better, and he also has several apprentices, and he is praised for his superb medical skills. .

Which woman is blessed with great strength?

Last time I went back and saw him talking about Juanzi, he was silent for a long time, and then said, don’t get divorced if you can live with it...