In our daily lives, we find that many famous and married women do not reject the ambiguity of other men, and they openly call them besties or friends for various reasons. So this kind of person obviously has a plan, but why don't most people refuse? Even if he didn't express his

In our daily lives, we find that there are not a few famous and married women who do not refuse the ambiguity of other men. They also openly call them besties or friends for various reasons. So this kind of person obviously has a plan, but why don't most people refuse? Even if he didn't express his acceptance or rejection clearly, what on earth do such people think?

There is a kind of woman who is born with a very strong vanity. They want to be seen, especially when a man expresses affection for her. Most people will not refuse and will be happy to accept it, which will make her feel like she is herself. Her vanity is satisfied, and she also has the capital to show off by posting on social media. The more men surround her, the more her vanity is satisfied. This kind of person likes this feeling, this kind of using their youth as a There are not a few people who take bets, which is why there are many women who are willing to be fooled. Such women will not refuse the ambiguous pursuit of men. And this kind of vanity will make them unable to refuse a man's pursuit, but the ending of such women can usually be imagined.

Women are weak. Most women are introverted and shy. When a man pursues a woman, he or she will not agree at first. However, such a woman often cannot withstand a man's insistence. At this time, she often does not know what to do. How to deal with it, she doesn't know how to refuse tactfully. Most women can't bear the sweet words, and they become soft-hearted after talking about themselves. She may not like it very much, but she won't refuse or accept it. Will acquiesce to this ambiguity.

In this era, the pace of life is accelerating, and some people's love has also changed. Two people may be together today and may break up tomorrow. Coupled with various unsatisfactory life, women lose their confidence in love. Many women will look at men arbitrarily, thinking that they are not the only ones with men. Once they have true feelings, and one day a man betrays them, they will be even more hurt. If so, they would rather be happy alone. For this kind of treatment Most female compatriots are also critical of men who don't care about their feelings and are only ambiguous but not serious. What do you think?

This article was originally published by Toutiao user my mother’s youngest son at 19:24 pm on June 29, 2022 (the reason why I did not declare the originality is because I have violated the rules twice and will not declare the originality again until the score is restored) ) Anyone without permission! You are not allowed to copy, move, adapt or copy, otherwise I will pursue it to the end! (The above content is only my personal opinion, please don’t comment if you don’t like it)