If you love someone or not, hormones will tell you

Loving someone is a matter of course, often for no reason, just fall in love like this, just because the person in front of you is you.

The mood of liking someone is uncontrollable, and you can't help blushing and heartbeat, and even when you hear his name, you will suddenly heartbeat. This is the most true expression of liking.

Some people are slow to like, maybe they haven't felt it yet. Others have already discovered their favorite mood.

Regarding love, it's actually a good judgment. Hormones will tell you. Those uncontrollable physiological reactions are enough to prove the feeling of liking.

01. If you love someone, you want to meet each other.

If you like someone from the bottom of your heart, you will have endless thoughts and want to be with each other all the time. Some people raise the corners of their lips as soon as they think about it. It may be difficult to conceal their liking.

When you start to like someone, you will be happy in your heart. You will want to connect with the other person and want to meet each other. It would be better if you hug more.

As the saying goes, "I miss someone’s feelings, I am embarrassed to say it, but my expression and eyes cannot be concealed."

Like a person, there will be physical performance, want to be close to him, want to spend more time with him, these can prove the mood of liking a person.

02, loving someone is shy

No matter how old a woman is, she has a girly heart. As long as she really likes someone, she will be shy like a girl.

When you see someone you like, you can't help blushing and heartbeat, and you feel shy because of the other's gaze. When love comes, you can really change a person's personality.

Shyness is not a patent for young people. As long as you are in love, you can have it. Like is a wonderful mood, and it will also make a person younger.

When you see someone you like, you can't help smiling, thinking about him is happy. It turns out that all long-distance relationships are just because of lack of meeting.

In your relationship, if you can solve the problem by meeting, it is not actually a problem. People live for a lifetime. If you want to meet, go and meet! Don't go to quarrels and cold wars over distance and mobile phones.

03, I want to have a future with him

Like is impulsive, I want to stay together, I want to have a result with each other.

I like it a little bit, I can’t control it. If I want to see each other all the time, I feel very at ease when I see the other person. There is really no maturity at this time.

In front of the people you like, many people are real, so that you can develop a lasting and stable relationship.

Like is a kind of mood, and love will deepen on the basis of like. In this life, you must live happily and don't let yourself regret it.

It is a very lucky thing to like and fall in love with someone. If you are young, make a bold decision! So as not to lose this mood in the future.

Author: Ran Xia Yingzi, a girl who likes words and tea, a freelance writer, I will interpret your emotional story, you can consult, welcome to follow, like, collect, comment and forward!
