The 60-year-old aunt cried out: I have money and a house, so I have two requirements to find a wife, why no man likes me


It is a normal idea to want to reap happiness. As long as people want to have their own happiness, the desire to be with a person cannot be subdued, but you care. Does that person really care about you? We don't know this. Anything can happen in the process of associating with a person. Perhaps the relationship between the two of you is very good today, and tomorrow you will part ways.

So no matter what time you have to learn to become stronger, you have to figure out what your purpose is when you interact with others, whether you want to live a good life or to satisfy some of your wishes, and others Being together is also about the right person. Don't always ask too much of the other half, so that the person who loves you over time will also run away from you.

Self-reporter: Aunt Li

I worked very hard when I was young. I was a civil servant who was promoted after a few years and worked in the same position. In a blink of an eye, I have retired for almost five or six years. Now my monthly pension is 7000. There are not many people at my age who can live a good life like me. It’s just money. No worries.

I am the one who is more unlucky in terms of emotions. My husband and I were originally arranged by our family for a blind date. At the beginning, I thought that he should be a person who can live a life honestly, so I stayed with him. We were together, but life after marriage was not as good as I imagined. He also gradually revealed his true side. He is a lazy person with some delicious food. Not only does he like to smoke and drink, he also doesn't like to go home very much. Go and play with your friends when you have time.

I am under a lot of pressure every day, not only to take care of the children at home, but he never helps me ,Sometimes I just complained to him a few words, and he would beat and scold me at every turn, but for our children, I never said that I wanted to divorce him, and people around me would point me to divorce in the past.

There is nothing wrong with men, but women are unlucky, so I feel that I just don’t see for granted, try not to quarrel with him, so that my life will become safer, and my children are already long in a blink of an eye. When I was old, my life went on like this every day. In the year when I was 50 years old, my wife and son had a car accident because he was drunk and drove.

This also caused him to pass away before going to the hospital. Although it is not very good, but he passed away. It is not sad for me, but I feel relieved. . Besides, my child is also old now, and I don’t need me to take care of it too much, but life hasn’t gotten better because of it. My mother who has been raising me has suddenly found a serious illness and needs someone to take care of her at home. Her legs and feet are inconvenient now. NS.

My parents divorced when I was very young. My mother always took the I grew up with. So now I need someone to take care of her. I can’t help but take care of an old man. The pressure is very high, and my physical condition is not particularly good. I haven't thought about finding a nanny, but if I find a nanny, I won't have any money left in my pension.

After thinking about it, I think I should just find another partner so that it can help me share the burden of my family. I asked a friend around me to help me introduce a partner. Although there is a mother in my family who needs to take care of me, I have my own house, deposits and pensions. There are a lot of money every month, so I should be able to find a good partner. But I didn’t expect that some men and I only met a few times before they stopped contacting me. I really don’t know why. Maybe it’s because they couldn’t meet my requirements.But my request is very simple.

My first request is to let the other person live in my house , I can’t go to their house because I’m used to living in my own house and I’m not used to it. Find a place to live. As for my second requirement of , I hope that men can take care of my mother with me . This is also my biggest requirement, because I take care of my mother by myself. , Some are too tired, just want to find the other half.

After all, my mother is not too young now, and she hasn’t had a few years to take care of her. I only have these two simple requirements, but I don’t know why every time I ask someone else At that time, they would choose to reject me. The pressure in my life is really great now. There is no one who can speak around me. What is the reason?

Editor's summary:

is like the situation of the aunt in the story. Instead of looking for a partner, she wants to find someone who can serve herself and her family. nanny. Of course, many people do not want to be with her anymore. People are selfish and hope to live a comfortable life. Naturally, they will not take the initiative to take care of others, especially if they have no relationship basis with you.

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